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Topic: ~*♥*~ Nudge Central ~*♥*~
no photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:28 AM
It appears this might be an ongoing theme, so I am amending this OP.

Got somethin to say to someone, say it with a nudge!! Come on in for a little TLC :heart:, or show someone what they mean to you, thank someone, show appreciation, or tease or flirt with someone with a nudge, or just send some random nudges. flowers Names are optional. bigsmile

For every nudge you receive, you have to send out one more.

Come back here and let us know how it went.

Ready, Set...Go! :banana:

BertDCaveman's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:32 AM
Gees I thought you meant grab em bigsmile
But i'll try your way

Sun 03/22/09 08:34 AM

Gees I thought you meant grab em bigsmile
But i'll try your way

I was hoping for a good grope myself!!

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:36 AM

Gees I thought you meant grab em bigsmile
But i'll try your way

Whatever works for ya, Bert!!

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:45 AM
K- I sent 3 out! :banana:

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:55 AM
bigsmile I got a nudge!!

BertDCaveman's photo
Sun 03/22/09 08:58 AM
Im a nudging bigsmile

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:00 AM

Im a nudging bigsmile

Yes you are!! bigsmile

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:01 AM
I need a swirly and a wedgie nudge first... bigsmile

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:03 AM

I need a swirly and a wedgie nudge first... bigsmile

LMAO! Let's start with a hug and build from there!

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:12 AM
Another nudge! bigsmile

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:17 AM
Two more nudges sent!

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:25 AM
Two nudges received!

Come on folks, ya gotta be willing to step out of your comfort zone a bit. It's nudge, not a declaration of love. Ya might make a new friend or two and who doesn't like friends?!! bigsmile

michiganman3's photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:26 AM
I got nudged, so I nudged her back!

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:29 AM

I got nudged, so I nudged her back!


mariposakc's photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:31 AM
I nudged 3x, see what happens!!!

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:34 AM

I nudged 3x, see what happens!!!


mariposakc's photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:42 AM
Didn't get
emailed them this thread address.
Hopefully more nudging will take place.:banana:

no photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:43 AM

Didn't get
emailed them this thread address.
Hopefully more nudging will take place.:banana:


OrangeCat's photo
Sun 03/22/09 09:54 AM
sent out 5 so far

none back at the momentdrinker drinker

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