Topic: Are you spontaneous | |
or do u like to have a plan?
I am both. Either one works for me. |
plan not to end up in jail
I am both.
plan not to end up in jail |
or do u like to have a plan? I am both. Either one works for me. |
I am both. |
and never drop the soap
or do u like to have a plan? I am both. Either one works for me. |
and never drop the soap |
I always try to have a plan "B"
I don't plan. When I make plans they never pan out, so I just go on the fly now!
just get in the car and drive kind of girl .... end up where ever I feel like stoppiing. Usually have a general idea in mind at least somewhere warm.
I can do both.
I am subcutaneous....and without a plan.
I just do what the voices tell me
I am spontaneous. Life is too short to plan everything
I am spontaneous. Life is too short to plan everything |
I need to schedule a time to answer your question. How does next Tuesday at 4:15pm sound?
Actually, I am both. My business side is very comme il faut; however, my personal life is whimsical -- very kaze! |