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Topic: Vengeance...?
Jungian101's photo
Thu 03/19/09 12:28 PM

If you seek revenge, you best dig a grave for two.

Resentment is the root of slow death.

Best leaving things to move forward and enjoy all of life's fleeting moments. bigsmile

Well said!!!!! drinks

Thank you bigsmile

It seems you are being heard today, huh? :wink:

"I'm in the yellow pages!, I'm some body !! :banana: (steve martin)

krupa's photo
Thu 03/19/09 04:35 PM
If someone does me wrong...I turn my back on them and walk away...got no use for forgiveness or forgetting.

They do me wrong again.....then they will figure out that there is a price to pay. Karma is nice but, not very reliable....I am the karma that they don't want to have to deal with.

When I am p*ssed....I get down right evil.

I am just glad that I don't anger as quickly as I used to.

talldub's photo
Thu 03/19/09 04:39 PM

Are you the type of person that finds revenge satisfying? pitchfork

I consider myself to be the type of person that would get upset,frustrated let it go ohwell and then see what Karma has to throw back at the offending individual.slaphead
I don't fester on things.

I think some people are so caught up in "getting back" at someone rather than accepting the facts and moving on...ohwell
There was a time that i was such a person but it's a path i didn't really want to go down and it got me into trouble. So i made the choice to just learn to let things go and make better choices instead. And karma does seem to be real.

evilbabe277's photo
Thu 03/19/09 04:40 PM
When someone does me wrong I just give them this evil look and say you just wait you will get whats coming to you... And then just sit back and watch them drive themselves nuts wondering what I'm going to do, I intend to do nothing I let it go and move on...But every time I see them I give them this smart azz look and they still think I'm up to something... That's enough for me bigsmile

penlgrif's photo
Thu 03/19/09 04:42 PM
I pretty much figure what goes around...comes around...and try to live accordingly!

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 03/19/09 04:54 PM
No, I am not like that at all.

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