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Topic: Growing up was your house like....
lovethelord's photo
Wed 03/18/09 05:52 AM

fights fueds circular triangulation mental physical abusiveness.....yes it made me very protective and blunt

its ok to be blunt.. I think you turned out fine.. You seen really fun and happy!flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 03/18/09 05:59 AM
Edited by TheOnceGreat on Wed 03/18/09 05:59 AM
I grew up in Leave it to Beaver. I never heard my parents even raise their voice to each other, neither ever cursed and they were inseperable till my father died. I've been trying to find that kind of love and marriage for myself. Now 0 for 3. sad2

willing2's photo
Wed 03/18/09 06:00 AM

Hell, if not worse.

I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of my "family" life.

Let me also add that it was a 2-parent household, and I have 4 siblings - and I have no real concept of what family love even is......

Compared to my juvenile experience, you could consider Gitmo a fun house.
I'm here ta' tell ya'. Been a loner and survivor all my life.
At 14, life on the streets felt like freedom.
I value life and will protect with mine the life of the woman in my charge.
With most of my past relations, I learned to keep a distance. Blood is always thicker than water.
That's why I look for a Lady who's kids are independent and we can have a life.

FreeToB's photo
Wed 03/18/09 06:03 AM
We all had it great growing up. Not rich by any means, just good. My folks were both artists, very intelligent and pretty liberal...very honest. I had 3 older sisters and an older brother that gave me a leg up on school...never had to study for anything cause I was always at least a year ahead. It was great.
I left home at 15 and have lived other places most of my life but, looking back, would love to have had a couple of more years at home. Since my folks have died, I havn't hardly seen any of my family...might never see any of em again. Who knows.

no photo
Wed 03/18/09 06:06 AM

Kinda a mixture of both cept my parents used a lotta drugs and my father played in a rock n roll cover band. Oh and we moved around like gypsies. So maybe less leave it to beaver now that I think about it. Seemed normal to me at the time anyway.:smile:

Take out the rock band and add lots of drama due to my Mom being an major control freak... you've got my childhood. frustrated

Has it made an impact on my life... hell yes. I've learned what I don't want in life.

lovethelord's photo
Wed 03/18/09 06:09 AM

We all had it great growing up. Not rich by any means, just good. My folks were both artists, very intelligent and pretty liberal...very honest. I had 3 older sisters and an older brother that gave me a leg up on school...never had to study for anything cause I was always at least a year ahead. It was great.
I left home at 15 and have lived other places most of my life but, looking back, would love to have had a couple of more years at home. Since my folks have died, I havn't hardly seen any of my family...might never see any of em again. Who knows.

sorry to hear that.. Life is short.. You should see them!flowerforyou

FreeToB's photo
Wed 03/18/09 06:39 AM

We all had it great growing up. Not rich by any means, just good. My folks were both artists, very intelligent and pretty liberal...very honest. I had 3 older sisters and an older brother that gave me a leg up on school...never had to study for anything cause I was always at least a year ahead. It was great.
I left home at 15 and have lived other places most of my life but, looking back, would love to have had a couple of more years at home. Since my folks have died, I havn't hardly seen any of my family...might never see any of em again. Who knows.

sorry to hear that.. Life is short.. You should see them!flowerforyou

You ain't even kiddin' life is short. *blink*
Truthfully, I'm prtty sure they all resent me for...making it easily. Effortlessly...they think.

Making it..a whole other subject. In my experience, treat life like a fast river you've fallen into. Don't struggle too much and let it carry you where it will. Makes me happy every day to wake up not worrying or wanting too much from it. Some folks can't take that.

no photo
Wed 03/18/09 09:30 AM

We all had it great growing up. Not rich by any means, just good. My folks were both artists, very intelligent and pretty liberal...very honest. I had 3 older sisters and an older brother that gave me a leg up on school...never had to study for anything cause I was always at least a year ahead. It was great.
I left home at 15 and have lived other places most of my life but, looking back, would love to have had a couple of more years at home. Since my folks have died, I havn't hardly seen any of my family...might never see any of em again. Who knows.

sorry to hear that.. Life is short.. You should see them!flowerforyou

You ain't even kiddin' life is short. *blink*
Truthfully, I'm prtty sure they all resent me for...making it easily. Effortlessly...they think.

Making it..a whole other subject. In my experience, treat life like a fast river you've fallen into. Don't struggle too much and let it carry you where it will. Makes me happy every day to wake up not worrying or wanting too much from it. Some folks can't take that.

I have a personal mantra that kinda' goes with what you're saying, Free...simply put: Don't push the river...

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 03/18/09 09:35 AM
Arguing parents that would drive a person insane. They finally divorced when I was around 12 and my mom got pregnant again at the age of 35 and guess who got to watch the new baby. DING DING DING. She worked midnights and I watched him and went to school. I was glad when my mom and dad split though because the arguing got so bad and made us kids a nervous wreck. There were 5 of us then. Now we stand tall and stong at 6. My little brother who I helped raised is now a Social Studies teacher and working on his masters to become an administrator.

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 03/18/09 09:53 AM

leave it to Beaver or...flowerforyou

Fights and feuds..?pitchfork

Did it effect the way you turned out????

My home was very typical dysfunctional. The wrapping paper was real pretty as long as no one unwrapped the package. There was a rule that as soon as you were out of Highschool you could call your own shots, well I graduated when I was 15, I went into the field of Psychology to figure out what made them tick, still haven't. I always knew I was loved just not liked very much.

I thank each day for my grandparents, they taught me morals, values, and to believe in myself, and not give a damn what someone else thought of me.

lovethelord's photo
Wed 03/18/09 09:55 AM

Arguing parents that would drive a person insane. They finally divorced when I was around 12 and my mom got pregnant again at the age of 35 and guess who got to watch the new baby. DING DING DING. She worked midnights and I watched him and went to school. I was glad when my mom and dad split though because the arguing got so bad and made us kids a nervous wreck. There were 5 of us then. Now we stand tall and stong at 6. My little brother who I helped raised is now a Social Studies teacher and working on his masters to become an administrator.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Wed 03/18/09 09:55 AM
I think my life made me be a better parent. I hug my children and tell them all of the time that I love them. I stand behind the positive things they want to try and try to discourage what I know will only harm them. I am a good mother and I know it.

no photo
Wed 03/18/09 09:55 AM
who said I am grown?

no photo
Wed 03/18/09 11:41 AM
Hmmmmmmmmmm well my dad was always away at work and my mom was depressed and ignored us.....could be why I was always at my friends houses. It was really strange seeing a loving family.

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 03/18/09 12:02 PM
Growing up Irish catholic in the 70's was no joke

Amberdee29045's photo
Wed 03/18/09 07:48 PM

leave it to Beaver or...flowerforyou

Fights and feuds..?pitchfork

Did it effect the way you turned out????

fights, feuds, and booze.....yeah it probably affected the way i turned out.....but there's a thing on my myspace page that says it all.....

"damaged people are dangerous because they know they can survive"

I like that!flowerforyou

thank you, my therapist likes it toobigsmile

MmmmHmmm's photo
Thu 03/19/09 01:01 AM
our household was in between the two. we have ton of good memories. could (and still can) talk to our parents about anything. knowing that they may be disappointed but will still stand by us. we had our share of sibling rivalry as well, but in the end if anyone messed with me, my brothers were right there ready to kick some butt for me. lol. my family is not perfect. but i wouldnt have it any other way.

mark77's photo
Thu 03/19/09 08:28 AM

The Aadam's Family...with a touch of All in the Family thrown in...

rofl rofl rofl
All in the Family for me too.

ianeric's photo
Thu 03/19/09 12:59 PM

Kinda a mixture of both cept my parents used a lotta drugs and my father played in a rock n roll cover band. Oh and we moved around like gypsies. So maybe less leave it to beaver now that I think about it. Seemed normal to me at the time anyway.:smile:

Take out the rock band and add lots of drama due to my Mom being an major control freak... you've got my childhood. frustrated

Has it made an impact on my life... hell yes. I've learned what I don't want in life.

I am so with you on that!

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