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Topic: addiction withdrawls...
buttons's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:03 AM
im writing this cause im not feeling so well...ive been a addict for way
too long.<32 yrs> ive tried to quit smoking like 4 other
tired of cigarettes controling my life.sick sick sick

have you quit smoking before? and what were your withdrawl symptoms? how
long before you got better? or did you get better?

this is nuts my symptoms: sort of hallucinating!! i saw smoke coming up
from the coffeetable as if there was a burning cigarette sitting in a
ashtray there! and i had a old empty pack of smokes that i threw away
today and i saw a cigarette in it that wasnt light headed as
heck like i remember how a cigarette made me feel when i first started
to smoke... or once in a blue moon there after... and omg my lungs are
hurting like hell!!!they werent hurting yesterday!!i only smoked like
half a pack yesterday im coughing and having issues breating like i
smoked 3 packs!!! i dont know that the one peice of that smoking gum is
doing any good...but gonna go get another peice i had that one last
night.. left it in my mouth all night burns like heck your
feeling emotional too

so anyone have any tips? i can use any help i can get thanks from bottom
of my heart....debflowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:07 AM
Hey girl, there is a drug out there called Chantix, brand new, that the
docs have to prescribe but it is helping people quit. The ones I have
heard about say it is great, no craving and it is working for lots of
people. Maybe give your doctor a call and give it try. Some people who
have used it have tried over and over and never could quit, but did on
this med.

I don't smoke, but type notes on people who do and this drug appears to
be really working.

Hope this helps.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:13 AM
TaKe in slow deep breathes through your mouth and exhale slowly through
your nose...
Keep your self busy doing anything when the urg hits you...
Drink water it does help...

I have quit several times.Never stop quitting...
Good luck buttons-I wish you the best...
Me I was so bit**** growling and grumble at everything and
everyone.:smile: flowerforyou :smile:

just2friends's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:17 AM
im no expert , ive never smoked, but everyone around me does heh.,

anyway , by watching on , the ones i notice who quit and stay quit are
those who went cold turkey.

the people here i see using the gum , patch , pills etc , have all gone
back to the ciggatette.

although the ones who went cold turkey seemed to have same problems as
you , they had a hard time with it at first, but 2 - 4 weeks later,, no

also a funny comedian once said,, "i quit drinking , not cause i was an
alcoholic, but because i wanted to quit smoking"

further on he said

"not having a ciggarette while drinking is like trying not to pee when
you poop"

haha ,

anyway , whatever your decision , i hope it works out for you
wish you the best of luck.

be strong =)

Phoenix0311's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:18 AM
I'm sorry to hear that, can't give you any tips but i know how it

Well Good luckflowerforyou

gardenforge's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:28 AM

When my wife finally quit it was too later for her, she already had
emphysema and COPD, but she used the patch. I went cold turkey. There
is a lot of stuff out there to help you, but bet a checkup from a doctor

Good luck and God Bless

buttons's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:33 AM
thanks all... well marie i dont have insurance just another reason to
quit!!!! well that peice of gum all it did was make me a lil less
dizzy... dont think ill be chewing it all that much!! im thinking its
not the nicotine much that im addicted too... but more something else in
the smoking.. unbeleivable how my lungs hurt like this from not
smoking!!!!!i never could really quit before once for 3 days once for 2
days ant the other 2 times only for a day!!!ita a horrible addiction
and i wish it upon no one.. if u dont smoke dont start!

buttons's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:36 AM
ps i know i cant drink!!! cause thats wht blew it for me the time i quit
for 3 days lollaugh laugh

no photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:40 AM
I smoked for around 15 years BUT a pack would last me 2 -3 days so not a
hard smoker ... For me it was just cold turkey, throw them away, as I
had met the woman I was to marry ... ( she is the EX now and no I did
not go back) ...
just KNOW you can do it .. willpower is so huge ... :)

buttons's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:43 AM
laugh laugh wow is that smoking tto?:wink: :wink: i smoke about 2
packs a day....

buttons's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:43 AM
imean "smoked"

buttons's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:46 AM
congrats on your victory tto!!!

shenadra's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:48 AM
Deb, I can relate...I am also in the process of quitting...Just take it
one craving at a time...Try to go for walks..That should help a bit....

I have to stay away from smokers right now....I know I will be tempted
if I go near a smoker...

Good luck, if you need a friend to talk to about it, just look me
up....flowerforyou flowerforyou

buttons's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:50 AM
thanks senandra yea i am going to stay away from smokers too

buttons's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:51 AM
oops missed the h sorry

shenadra's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:51 AM
Also, if you keep your hands busy...It will help alot....flowerforyou

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/03/07 08:52 AM
I smoked since I was 12; quit cold turkey September 30, 2003, along with
also quitting a heavy 30-year drinking habit.

I haven't touched a drop or smoked anything since.

I can't really explain how I did it; I was getting to the point that
drinking didn't produce any "good" feelings in me anymore, and I never
smoked unless i was drinking.

Withdrawal was HELL...not psychologically, in the sense I wanted a
cigarette or a drink...I was ready to quit.

But physically? What a shock to my system. I have problems with anxiety
as it is, and the withdrawal induced panic attacks and heart
palpitations, etc.

But I was determined not to smoke or drink again and I refused to take
Xanax, etc., because I'm not going to replace one drug with another.

On top of everything else, started having perimenopause
symptoms..OMG..still suffering through that.

But, in order to cope, I started exercising as much as I could tolerate
it, when I felt like it. Makes a big difference...gets oxygen to your
brain and circulatory system and makes you feel better all the way

I try to eat right and take vitamins...quit drinking colas! Well, I did
for a while..haven't altogether, but don't drink them as much as I used

I was in AZ when I quit and a doctor there told me about
Niacinamide...(a B3 derivitive) It was a godsend, insofar as getting
through the worst of the symptoms.

Smoking depletes a variety of vitamins in your body so getting them back
on track is key to overcoming withdrawal. Take a quality B complex with

Calcium + magnesium supplements will help tremendously too.

I think it took about three months for me to start feeling good
again...and that lasted for about six months or so, then the peri
symptoms hit me full force. Sigh...back to the drawing board.

buttons's photo
Thu 05/03/07 09:02 AM
wow thanks jean... i forgot about vitamin b!! for the nervous system...
think ill get that... and yea i want to get healthier i will also be
exercising dont know that i can breathe now to do it not
much for pop but the coffee geesh think ill cut down i think the caffine
does make me crave a smoke a lil... that was a bad urge i had this
morning !!! all those hallunacations was from right before i wrote this
note... thats insane!!! ive never had those before!!! i guess each time
u quit you are going to have different effects... as far as the moody i
can deal with that... ive had to learn how too due to such hormonal
embalances ive had ..yea drugs didnt help that also one time i tried a
smoking pill from the doc.. dont recall the name of it yrs ago u took it
for 15 days then quit well didnt work for me!!!! i hate drugs... the
less the better!!! think ill stick to the gum maybe a peice or 2 a day
then get off that.... deb

shenadra's photo
Thu 05/03/07 09:04 AM
Thanks, Jean for your words...I will try that...I hope it works for me
too...flowerforyou flowerforyou

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 05/03/07 09:23 AM
You are welcome. And also, in regard to exercise..just do what you feel
like doing..try to do at least a little something every day.

I do a lot of gardening. Some days I feel like doing more than others. I
also have a bad back, so that precludes me from doing very strenuous
stuff..well, I still do, but it's very rough on me.

I think another thing about doing some kind of activity ...such as
gardening, etc., is the fact that you're occupying your mind with
something else besides smoking.

Can't really smoke with your hands digging in dirt, right?

It helps to do activities that take your mind off of smoking. Sex would
be good, but I tend to smoke during sex, even though there's no tobacco
anywhere near me.


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