Topic: Just wondering...
redhead44613's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:32 AM
You love your friends right? Well... have you ever felt that are could be IN love with them..but here is the twist, you are already in love with someone. What do you do?

DragonFlyTat's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:35 AM
This hasn't happened to me

Jungian101's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:37 AM
get em both :banana:

lilith401's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:40 AM
Stop overthinking and just be a good friend.

Nova86's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:41 AM
you are treading dangerous waters with this one.....cheating on the person you are with at the moment to possibly ruin a great friendship???

i would say that if you ARE having feelings such as these then you should definitely think about whether you should still be with the person you are currently with

redhead44613's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:41 AM

Stop overthinking and just be a good friend.
drinker you sure are a smart one! flowerforyou

lilith401's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:42 AM

Stop overthinking and just be a good friend.
drinker you sure are a smart one! flowerforyou

Wait til you get pregnant, all you will see are pregnant folks. When you're in love you see all the forms that love takes and you see it everywhere.

You're a thinker. Me too. It will pass, I promise.

redhead44613's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:43 AM

you are treading dangerous waters with this one.....cheating on the person you are with at the moment to possibly ruin a great friendship???

i would say that if you ARE having feelings such as these then you should definitely think about whether you should still be with the person you are currently with

<<< Not me!!surprised I am not having this issues.. just wondering. just something to talk about tongue2

Nova86's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:43 AM

you are treading dangerous waters with this one.....cheating on the person you are with at the moment to possibly ruin a great friendship???

i would say that if you ARE having feelings such as these then you should definitely think about whether you should still be with the person you are currently with

<<< Not me!!surprised I am not having this issues.. just wondering. just something to talk about tongue2

good to know for that guy in your pic lmao

redhead44613's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:45 AM
:laughing: smitten defiantly found my soul mate. smitten

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:47 AM

You love your friends right? Well... have you ever felt that are could be IN love with them..but here is the twist, you are already in love with someone. What do you do?
flowerforyou That has happened to me.flowerforyou Its best to leave with the one that "brought you to the dance"flowerforyou

redhead44613's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:50 AM

You love your friends right? Well... have you ever felt that are could be IN love with them..but here is the twist, you are already in love with someone. What do you do?
flowerforyou That has happened to me.flowerforyou Its best to leave with the one that "brought you to the dance"flowerforyou

therapy30's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:54 AM

You love your friends right? Well... have you ever felt that are could be IN love with them..but here is the twist, you are already in love with someone. What do you do?

How many friends you have...
keep distance its dangerous for you:laughing: :laughing:

redhead44613's photo
Thu 03/12/09 11:56 AM

You love your friends right? Well... have you ever felt that are could be IN love with them..but here is the twist, you are already in love with someone. What do you do?

How many friends you have...
keep distance its dangerous for you:laughing: :laughing:
huh huh

therapy30's photo
Thu 03/12/09 12:01 PM
Edited by therapy30 on Thu 03/12/09 12:01 PM

You love your friends right? Well... have you ever felt that are could be IN love with them..but here is the twist, you are already in love with someone. What do you do?

How many friends you have...
keep distance its dangerous for you:laughing: :laughing:
huh huh

ok baba don't get angry and..don't make distance from friends either but don't fall in love okie...dokie...drinker

redhead44613's photo
Thu 03/12/09 12:08 PM
did you not read the post? I said this is not a prob of mine.. I was just asking what do you do. gosh!

therapy30's photo
Thu 03/12/09 12:12 PM

did you not read the post? I said this is not a prob of mine.. I was just asking what do you do. gosh!

convey the same to your friend, if this is an imaginary question.
then I would say...the best thing is sit alone and do an introspection...which one is infactuation and which one is love or both are infactuation.