Topic: lie detectors
MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:08 AM

flowerforyou Why do people that know they are lying even take a lie detector test?I don't understand its only proving that they're lyingflowerforyou
flowerforyou smart criminals don't get caughtflowerforyou
:tongue: Are you a smart criminal?:tongue:

misstina2's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:09 AM
Edited by misstina2 on Thu 03/12/09 08:10 AM


flowerforyou Why do people that know they are lying even take a lie detector test?I don't understand its only proving that they're lyingflowerforyou

:smile: They think they can beat the test:smile:
flowerforyou I wouldn't even risk taking it if I was planning on lyingflowerforyou

mad perhaps you are lying and accusing me because you have a guilty consciousmad this reverse cycology won't work on me mad

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:09 AM

Especially pathological liars can beat them, anyone that believes there own lies can beat them, and anyone that can control their body and remain calm can beat them.

huh If you believe your own lies you can beat it?huh

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:12 AM


The liars lie because they think they can get away with it. They think, ohhh I can beat that test, I'm smarter than the test. It's the same reason why criminals commit crimes. They think, ohh I won't get caught. I'm smarter than the cops.
flowerforyou if they were smarter than the cops they wouldn't even be at the police stationlaugh

Tina, you and I both know that...laugh

:tongue: R U smarter than the cops?:tongue:

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:13 AM

Especially pathological liars can beat them, anyone that believes there own lies can beat them, and anyone that can control their body and remain calm can beat them.
flowerforyou interestingflowerforyou
:tongue: Is it?huh

no photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:16 AM
There is one more reason to consider here.. In most states a lie detector test is inadmissable as evidence... so why not ? take it see if you can beat it and if you do? they tend to believe you . If you don't beat it.. you don't lose , except then they police will try to prove it even more?.

But I would take a lie detector test anytime.. I have nothing to hide.. bigsmile

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:18 AM


flowerforyou Why do people that know they are lying even take a lie detector test?I don't understand its only proving that they're lyingflowerforyou

:smile: They think they can beat the test:smile:
flowerforyou I wouldn't even risk taking it if I was planning on lyingflowerforyou

mad perhaps you are lying and accusing me because you have a guilty consciousmad this reverse cycology won't work on me mad

:tongue: Whut r u lying about?:tongue:

misstina2's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:18 AM

There is one more reason to consider here.. In most states a lie detector test is inadmissable as evidence... so why not ? take it see if you can beat it and if you do? they tend to believe you . If you don't beat it.. you don't lose , except then they police will try to prove it even more?.

But I would take a lie detector test anytime.. I have nothing to hide.. bigsmile
thats trueflowerforyou its my opinion liars should skip the testflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:19 AM

There is one more reason to consider here.. In most states a lie detector test is inadmissable as evidence... so why not ? take it see if you can beat it and if you do? they tend to believe you . If you don't beat it.. you don't lose , except then they police will try to prove it even more?.

But I would take a lie detector test anytime.. I have nothing to hide.. bigsmile

:smile: Yeah, but they hold it against you if you fail it:smile:

misstina2's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:23 AM

There is one more reason to consider here.. In most states a lie detector test is inadmissable as evidence... so why not ? take it see if you can beat it and if you do? they tend to believe you . If you don't beat it.. you don't lose , except then they police will try to prove it even more?.

But I would take a lie detector test anytime.. I have nothing to hide.. bigsmile

:smile: Yeah, but they hold it against you if you fail it:smile:
certainly would make a person the main suspectflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:23 AM

There is one more reason to consider here.. In most states a lie detector test is inadmissable as evidence... so why not ? take it see if you can beat it and if you do? they tend to believe you . If you don't beat it.. you don't lose , except then they police will try to prove it even more?.

But I would take a lie detector test anytime.. I have nothing to hide.. bigsmile
thats trueflowerforyou its my opinion liars should skip the testflowerforyou

:banana: Thats right:banana:

Seakolony's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:24 AM

Especially pathological liars can beat them, anyone that believes there own lies can beat them, and anyone that can control their body and remain calm can beat them.

huh If you believe your own lies you can beat it?huh

Yes because if you believe your lies your pulse makes no changes, due to the fact you yourself believe you tell the truth.

lilith401's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:24 AM


The liars lie because they think they can get away with it. They think, ohhh I can beat that test, I'm smarter than the test. It's the same reason why criminals commit crimes. They think, ohh I won't get caught. I'm smarter than the cops.
flowerforyou if they were smarter than the cops they wouldn't even be at the police stationlaugh

Tina, you and I both know that...laugh

:tongue: R U smarter than the cops?:tongue:

No, I'm smart enough to know the cops are pretty smart!

misstina2's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:24 AM
Edited by misstina2 on Thu 03/12/09 08:35 AM


flowerforyou Why do people that know they are lying even take a lie detector test?I don't understand its only proving that they're lyingflowerforyou

:smile: They think they can beat the test:smile:
flowerforyou I wouldn't even risk taking it if I was planning on lyingflowerforyou

mad perhaps you are lying and accusing me because you have a guilty consciousmad this reverse cycology won't work on me mad

:tongue: Whut r u lying about?:tongue:
I'll take the test alreadymad

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:33 AM

There is one more reason to consider here.. In most states a lie detector test is inadmissable as evidence... so why not ? take it see if you can beat it and if you do? they tend to believe you . If you don't beat it.. you don't lose , except then they police will try to prove it even more?.

But I would take a lie detector test anytime.. I have nothing to hide.. bigsmile

:smile: Yeah, but they hold it against you if you fail it:smile:
certainly would make a person the main suspectflowerforyou
bigsmile yephappy

misstina2's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:36 AM

flowerforyou Why do people that know they are lying even take a lie detector test?I don't understand its only proving that they're lyingflowerforyou
flowerforyou smart criminals don't get caughtflowerforyou
:tongue: Are you a smart criminal?:tongue:
I'm only trying to steal someone's heart:heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:41 AM

Especially pathological liars can beat them, anyone that believes there own lies can beat them, and anyone that can control their body and remain calm can beat them.

huh If you believe your own lies you can beat it?huh

Yes because if you believe your lies your pulse makes no changes, due to the fact you yourself believe you tell the truth.
laugh I can do that.laugh I have been a salesman for over 10 years.laugh

misstina2's photo
Thu 03/12/09 08:43 AM

Especially pathological liars can beat them, anyone that believes there own lies can beat them, and anyone that can control their body and remain calm can beat them.

huh If you believe your own lies you can beat it?huh

Yes because if you believe your lies your pulse makes no changes, due to the fact you yourself believe you tell the truth.
laugh I can do that.laugh I have been a salesman for over 10 years.laugh
quit lyingmad

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 03/12/09 09:30 AM

There is one more reason to consider here.. In most states a lie detector test is inadmissable as evidence... so why not ? take it see if you can beat it and if you do? they tend to believe you . If you don't beat it.. you don't lose , except then they police will try to prove it even more?.

But I would take a lie detector test anytime.. I have nothing to hide.. bigsmile
bigsmile me neitherhappy

lilith401's photo
Thu 03/12/09 09:32 AM
Whose pants are on fire???