Topic: Women
no photo
Fri 09/29/06 06:39 PM
What do you say to a woman in the supermarket who you think is really
hot a fellow customer.Supermarkets and the malls are where the hottest
women are.Also once you start dating a woman how do you convince her to
be with another woman.

Lori68Hefford's photo
Sat 09/30/06 05:42 PM

There is no such thing as convincing her ( in my opinion) either she is
curious, interested or she isn't. There are alot of women open to such
suggestions but not all women are. Also how do you know if she is
interested or not if you do not ask?

But beware dp.... the tides turn with such a question, would you be
willing to take another man into your bedroom if she wants it that way?

Turn about is fair play so you should be aware that it is the most
obvious return to your suggestion... So I would advise that you think
long and hard about it and come to terms with it whether you would be
willing to participate in her fantasy if she participates in yours.

I would love to be with 2 men but I am not so sure about another woman,
I am cuious but not really hot about the idea.

Hope that helps

SalvationJane's photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:00 AM
I have noticed men checking me out in the stores...but none of them
speak. I have even hung around a bit to see if they may speak - but to
no avail. A real cutie once followed me around and never did speak!!
It was obvious he wanted to but he didn't. I said hello and how are
you...and that's as far as the conversation went. I asked a good friend
of mine who is male about this very topic. He said he thought maybe
they think you are married! I guess that's possible, but guys if you
see me in a store and I'm squeezing the to me!


SalvationJane's photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:04 AM

if you are looking for women for a three way or just kinky sex, the
supermarket or the mall is no place to do that. I think you will find
that most single women, myself included, in these types of settings
wouldn't be interested in picking up a "fuck buddy" with there fruit and


no photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:39 AM

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 05/03/07 03:15 AM

knightless's photo
Thu 05/03/07 11:07 AM
You better think long and hard if you are wanting her to be with another
woman.... How would you feel if she decided that she liked the other
woman alot more than you? You might loose the love of your life by
wanting her to do that...

SilentSkies's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:30 PM
ask her if she knows what dicing really is.

tell her that you're trying to learn to cook and the recipe calls for
diced something or other.

witty comment, nonsense, some banter, witty comment

ask her if she'd like to help you prepare something one day soon because
she's so knowledgeable.

makes for a good first date.

and about the girl/girl thing.. good luck! hahaha even if she says she's
down she'll probably say it "has to be no one she knows" and the hardest
part is picking up someone cold for a 3some unless you use something
shady like craigslist.

anyways hope this helps

jp4023's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:34 PM
squeeze the melons, just dont squeeze the charmin or tomatoes

GreenEyedHippieChick's photo
Thu 05/03/07 06:51 PM
just bump into her with your cart on everyother isle... then bend down
infront of her and pick something from the very bottom shelf....

hahahah thats what guys do to me damn grocery store is a freakin meat
market nowlaugh

mnhiker's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:33 PM
Whaaa? Do you have a lesbian friend?

Those are the only ones I know about that
are interested in being with another

Or a bisexual woman.

Sounds like herding cats or juggling
chainsaws to me.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Thu 05/03/07 07:36 PM
smooched :heart: smooched :heart: smooched :heart: