Topic: Cam Frog
uk1971's photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:19 PM
Has anyone heard of Cam Frog and what is about and entails? huh

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:22 PM

Has anyone heard of Cam Frog and what is about and entails? huh

Nop.Never hear about it noway

Totage's photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:23 PM
Never heard of it. I'm not into web cams and that stuff though.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:24 PM
Not until this very moment.

michiganman3's photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:25 PM
I googled it.
Video/cam chat rooms, Free-unless you want to upgrade to Cam Bot

uk1971's photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:31 PM

I googled it.
Video/cam chat rooms, Free-unless you want to upgrade to Cam Bot

Is it a safe site to use?

TheresaInLove05's photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:40 PM

I googled it.
Video/cam chat rooms, Free-unless you want to upgrade to Cam Bot

Is it a safe site to use?

hmmm it sounds to me like your having someone else do "all" your work....

uk1971's photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:53 PM

I googled it.
Video/cam chat rooms, Free-unless you want to upgrade to Cam Bot

Is it a safe site to use?

hmmm it sounds to me like your having someone else do "all" your work....

Not at all. I'm just wary about it as I'm not all that knowledgeble about such stuff.

jvlgrl09's photo
Wed 03/04/09 02:56 PM
I have camfrog. I like it a lot better than using cam on yahoo and msn. the resolution is faster and the picture is clearer.

luv2roknroll's photo
Wed 03/04/09 03:10 PM
"Kermit" highly reccomends it:thumbsup: ...

so it must be good!laugh