Topic: Jesus Was Big
TBRich's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:09 AM

Who was it that said, "Religion is the opiate of the masses?"

Karl Marx

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:10 AM
John Lennon was over rated! I prefer peace but he was WAY too much of a peacenik and he was also an arrogant bastard!

I wonder what his last thought was when he got shot.

I bet it was "I'm supposed to be above this! How can anyone do this to me?" followed by "I don't want to die!"

Peace for the sake of peace is suicide. If you can't fight to protect yourself how can you expect to live in peace in a violent world?

Force everyone to be peaceful?

Keep on dreaming because until the heart of man changes it will all go on like it did before John and after! Saying he was bigger than Jesus Christ was also a very arrogant and out of place statement. Next thing people will say is he was bigger than rolled toilet paper!

No I do not like John Lennon! Ringo has a lot more class than he ever had and he is supposed to be the obscure one except for the umpteen incarnations of Ringo's All Star Band. Also what the hell is up with Yoko Ono? Crazy ***** couldn't move fast enough to try to seize all of the rights to John's involvement in the Beatles. that and she looks like the truck carrying a load of ugly wood hit her, ran over her, and dumped its load of Ugly Wood on her!

Talk about one spun out weirdo that fancied herself an artist! I guess if you can screech at a microphone for a half hour and put it on wax it makes you a singer too! Proof positive you have to bein teh right place at the right time I think. Whatever you alls!

Have fun and hug a tree!

lilith401's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:19 AM
Ahh yes, thank you kind gentlemen.

He was a smart man. Very observant.

prisoner's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:20 AM

Who was it that said, "Religion is the opiate of the masses?"
:heart: Karl it all comes down to Lennon and Marx be seeing you

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:21 AM

Who was it that said, "Religion is the opiate of the masses?"

Karl Marx

You owe me a drink.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:27 AM
If religion was the opiate than music must be like Heroin to Mr. Marx. it sure seems to be like that these days.

prisoner's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:29 AM
:heart: lil will you buy me a drink too or at least write me a testimonial? be seeing you

penlgrif's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:32 AM

If religion was the opiate than music must be like Heroin to Mr. Marx. it sure seems to be like that these days.

Wow, AB....interestingly heavy.......

darkowl1's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:34 AM
nobody expects the spanish inquisition!!!!
do you have a shrubbery? i've got to go back to the knights of NEEEEECCH!!!!!

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:35 AM

nobody expects the spanish inquisition!!!!
do you have a shrubbery? i've got to go back to the knights of NEEEEECCH!!!!!


AndyBgood's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:36 AM
It blows me away that people would look to Musicians and Actors for real world leadership when they live insulated from the real world like the rest of us.

Anyone capable of buying Scientology as a religion should not be leading anyone at anything except making movies because they are living in a fantasy believing that load of tripe!!

Then again look at the mess the Ultra Right has made of things and how the ultra left is making it worst. And here we are "Stuck in the Middle with you!"

People want to hear and see what they want. Music likewise carries a lot of power unto itself. At times it almost seems drug like in its effects...


AndyBgood's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:37 AM

nobody expects the spanish inquisition!!!!
do you have a shrubbery? i've got to go back to the knights of NEEEEECCH!!!!!


Be careful of that rabbit. It is a killer!

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:38 AM
Geez, I wish there was an ignore button on this site.

no photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:39 AM

Yeah bad things happen to people who test the lord! nuff said


prisoner's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:39 AM
:smile: now you've all got me thinking...was Karl Marx one of the Marx Brothers? be seeing you

lilith401's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:39 AM

:heart: lil will you buy me a drink too or at least write me a testimonial? be seeing you

Asking for a testamonial is like asking for the hook up with the look up. The second you ask, it no longer sounds like a good idea....


penlgrif's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:41 AM

It blows me away that people would look to Musicians and Actors for real world leadership when they live insulated from the real world like the rest of us.

<<<Is hoping that most on here, like herself, do not define their world by what Musicians/Actors have to say. They do not live in my world, and hence, do not necessarily reflect my values or opinions.

<<<Is also a big girl, capable of making decisions on her own, without being drugged, coerced, or anything else like that.

darkowl1's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:42 AM

nobody expects the spanish inquisition!!!!
do you have a shrubbery? i've got to go back to the knights of NEEEEECCH!!!!!


hey!, come back here!!! i'll bleed on you!!!laugh laugh laugh

darkowl1's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:45 AM

nobody expects the spanish inquisition!!!!
do you have a shrubbery? i've got to go back to the knights of NEEEEECCH!!!!!


Be careful of that rabbit. It is a killer!

i want to pet the bunny!! the extreeemely luxuriously fuuzzzy buunnny!!! i want to pet him and squeeze him and fuuuzzzyy him sommore and call him sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!!:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: think spock rofl scared ill shades

prisoner's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:48 AM

:heart: lil will you buy me a drink too or at least write me a testimonial? be seeing you

Asking for a testamonial is like asking for the hook up with the look up. The second you ask, it no longer sounds like a good idea....

:smile: sorry lil but can you blame a guy for trying? be seeing you