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Topic: I Am
feralcatlady's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:28 PM
Bye doll

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 03/02/09 03:55 PM
like totally man....it's my mission to rid the world of hooker....fer sure..no hookers like totally

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:55 AM
We have no more hookers........my job is done

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:58 AM

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 03/03/09 06:59 AM
Judy get out of hooker may rub off like fer sure....Gag me with a spoon..

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:02 AM

Judy get out of hooker may rub off like fer sure....Gag me with a spoon..

Uh ya like WHATEVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVER (said w/totallllly b*tchin' attitude) .. My hooker days are like soooo 80's .. love glasses

fer sure ... stick me with a fork I'm like done .. *rolls eyes and sighs, flips hair over shoulder and saunters away*


beachbum069's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:04 AM
I totally like my 80's style hookers.

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:22 AM
Like oh my god no Sam......like fer sure no hookers

like totally I have better way for you to spend you money like yanno.

beachbum069's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:26 AM
Like totally awesome way to spend blinge on my ladies yanno.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:28 AM

Like totally awesome way to spend blinge on my ladies yanno.

love Radical love

beachbum069's photo
Tue 03/03/09 07:33 AM

Like totally awesome way to spend blinge on my ladies yanno.

love Radical love

I'd spend lots on you babe. You like totally awesome hottie.

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 03/03/09 01:34 PM
Give all the money for hookers to judy instead....

beachbum069's photo
Tue 03/03/09 01:35 PM
that is like totally the master plan

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 03/04/09 10:03 AM
Well I am not diabolical.....but better then giving to women for sex......lol

Tazz42's photo
Sat 03/07/09 08:40 PM
K...like my John, he is pist...like, I totally won't give him my hard earned money....so, he like told me fer sure that I am on my own.......so, help me out.......I am going in for a job interview at Taco bell....like gag me with a pitch fork....but YOU made me a non-hooker!

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 03/07/09 09:08 PM
screw your john...I will like fer sure have my mafia take care of him like fer sure totally and then I will get you a job at walmart it the like makeup dept....with all the other totally like cool ex-hookers....like fer sure sure..

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