Topic: Kissing.. do you find this disturbing?
no photo
Mon 03/02/09 05:54 AM
My oldest son is 7 and in 1st grade. Friday he came home and told us that this 7th grade girl on his school bus asked him to kiss her. (He told her maybe when he was older. ;) ) She is 14 years old. Because I work, I usually put him on the bus, but my mother gets him off the bus. I've never seen this girl.

I find it disturbing that a 14 yr old girl would want a 7 yr old boy to kiss her. My son's father, and my parents, think its cute... My mom says the girl seems like she could be mentally challenged, but regardless, she is still a teenager, and my son is still a little boy.

Would you find this disturbing? I am going to speak with the bus driver, because I dont want them to sit together...

ledi180's photo
Mon 03/02/09 05:57 AM
I don't find it cute at all.

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 05:59 AM
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this is inappropriate.

ALF98632's photo
Mon 03/02/09 05:59 AM
I think you have good reason to not be ok with this. What if it was a 14 yr old boy kissing a 7 yr old girl? Everyone would be outraged. I would talk to the buss driver and your son's school and calmly and rationally discuss your concerns and the possibility of a solution to making sure it doesn't happen again. But whatever you do, don't go in there puffed up and angry... like you mother said, the girl could have mental issues, so some decorum is in order. :) Good luck!

lilith401's photo
Mon 03/02/09 06:02 AM
Definitely follow up. It could also be your son has a crush on her and she asked him to kiss her on the cheek because she thinks he is darling. Not that this would be okay, but kids are, well, stupid in this sort of situation. Find out the story before you get upset.

But it's not really cute. I do hope it's innocent though.

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 06:06 AM
He says the girl is one of his 'bestest' friends and she wanted him to kiss her on the lips...

He's very embarrassed about it, actually..

I told him it was inappropriate to kiss her. I'll be talking with his school and the bus driver... I'll need to find out more about the situation anyway.. They have a snow day today, so I'll call tomorrow.

I was afraid of situations like this when they combined the elementary and the middle school into one school... teenagers shouldn't be socializing with little kids like that.

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 06:06 AM
It is possible he has a crush on her. He develops them easily.. He's got one on his teacher, too. ;)

lilith401's photo
Mon 03/02/09 06:11 AM

It is possible he has a crush on her. He develops them easily.. He's got one on his teacher, too. ;)

14 is an age for girls, well, you know. We were both 14 too once. But she seems not to get that 7 is not an okay age to do kiss on the lips. Either this girl is wicked immature or she is mentally disabled/handicapped in some way. Make sure her parents know, I'd actually take it to the school guidance counselor.

I remember my son (he is 7) saw some movie where there was kissing. One night he tried to really kiss me, and I freaked out. He brought up the movie, and he said, well, they loved each other. I love you, why isn't that ok? I though that was what you did if you were in love?

Sigh.... long conversation ensued of course.

Ohhh and it might be possible to separate the bus seats in accordance to grades? Ya know, the elementary aged kids in front and the older kids in back?

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 06:32 AM
I agree, it's not cute and the issue definitely needs addressing. And kudos to your son for bringing this up, many kids wouldn't. But, if the girl is mentally disabled in some way, that's something that should be taken into account on how upset you should allow yourself to be. She may be developmentally delayed enough not to understand the wrongness of what she did. But, yes, address with the school and if at all possible, with her parents. Good luck to you flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 06:50 AM
Not cute.
Get in touch with the principal to figure out which young lady did this so they can contact her parents about inappropriate behaviour and the meaning of the word "sexual assualt".

oldsage's photo
Mon 03/02/09 07:56 AM
I think you should talk to the girl's parents.

no photo
Mon 03/02/09 08:25 AM
huh inappropriate:angry:

Aries151's photo
Tue 03/10/09 08:17 PM
Damn, why did that kind of stuff never happen to me? I would have been hailed a hero by my classmates for dating an upperclassmen.

When I was growing up, if a girl liked you she just came up and hit you.