Topic: Had a terrible breakup with my girlfriend
Neoloverboy22's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:24 PM
Well, about yesterday (Friday, February 27) my girlfriend and I had a serious fight and we broke up. The reason why the breakup began in the first place happened two days ago, when she was pressuring me to give her some votes ( she is a camgirl from the Philippines and I know what you might be thinking about, but I'm not interested in girls that are prostitutes. However, there are real camgirls who do want to have good relationships and are fully honest about it). She wanted to win a competition that was held in her workplace and I think it had affected her mind so much that she had changed on me.

After I said that I didn't have a card right now to help her out, but I was doing the best I can to help her with her work, she started to get stubborn about it and told me to leave her alone. I asked her if she still loved me even if I didn't have a card, but she never gave me a straight answer. So we broke up because of her attitude and the way she lied to me so many times.

Christine, that's her name BTW, lied and broke our promise that we would never leave each other. I wanted to be with her so much, but because of her lies and deceptions I had to leave her. She had lied about where she lived and how she said she wanted to be with me, but I forgave her because I know for the fact that she was so obsessed with trying to win that competition that it had totally messed up my relationship with her. I loved her, but she didn't love me; it was all a facade so she can get me to vote for her. Why do I keep on finding girls who are liars?? Although this breakup was one of many, I have to move on from this and be with girls who are not fakes and appreciates me for who I am.

So that was why I had to change my profile from in a relationship back to being single on this site. :((

Peccy's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:29 PM
Dude, I feel for you, in fact we all do, but you're never get a girl interested in you that way. Playing the poor me bit and asking why it happened will only make you continue to dwell on it.

If she did that, then she is not worth the worry. So get out here and meet new people and feel good about you.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:30 PM
I am not sure it could even be called a relationship.

Neoloverboy22's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:32 PM

I am not sure it could even be called a relationship.

That's true. She really didn't care about love, only just money. There were a lot of girls that did that.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:35 PM
What am I not getting? Was this a "real life" relationship or an online/webcam relationship?

EarthSprite's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:36 PM
*psssst Peccy.....what is a camgirl??....huh

Seakolony's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:38 PM

What am I not getting? Was this a "real life" relationship or an online/webcam relationship?

That is what I think it was web and cannot be considered any type of relationship. And if you send your money to someone or give it to them in person after only knowing them a short time, then you are a fool.

Neoloverboy22's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:38 PM

What am I not getting? Was this a "real life" relationship or an online/webcam relationship?

It was an online/webcam relationship. I forgot to mention that part. All in all, relationships are relationships regardless of whether or not its real.

ledi180's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:41 PM
It is my opinion Neo, that you need to rethink what you consider a 'relationship' to be. Best of luck to ya flowerforyou

Seakolony's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:42 PM

What am I not getting? Was this a "real life" relationship or an online/webcam relationship?

It was an online/webcam relationship. I forgot to mention that part. All in all, relationships are relationships regardless of whether or not its real.

No they aren't, you were played, con'd, what have you?? And it is your fault you were sucked in over and over like that. And, if its not real, its not a relationship. There is no way you can have an online relationship via the pc and maintain the same emotional involvement level as you would in person.

papersmile's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:44 PM
There is no way you can have an online relationship via the pc and maintain the same emotional involvement level as you would in person.

I beg to differ.

I talked for a few months with my current boyfriend before we were able to meet in real life.

There is no doubt in my mind that I loved him even before I met him in person, and I certainly had just as high an emotional attachment with him as I did with anyone I'd been with in real life.

Neoloverboy22's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:47 PM

What am I not getting? Was this a "real life" relationship or an online/webcam relationship?

It was an online/webcam relationship. I forgot to mention that part. All in all, relationships are relationships regardless of whether or not its real.

No they aren't, you were played, con'd, what have you?? And it is your fault you were sucked in over and over like that. And, if its not real, its not a relationship. There is no way you can have an online relationship via the pc and maintain the same emotional involvement level as you would in person.

Hey, don't judge me on this! I never had good relationships and I wasn't even aware that she was a camgirl at first! I know it was my fault for being sucked in, but I have learned from. If you were in my shoes, then you would feel how I feel now!

Peccy's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:48 PM

*psssst Peccy.....what is a camgirl??....huh
wouldn't you like to

Seakolony's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:48 PM

There is no way you can have an online relationship via the pc and maintain the same emotional involvement level as you would in person.

I beg to differ.

I talked for a few months with my current boyfriend before we were able to meet in real life.

There is no doubt in my mind that I loved him even before I met him in person, and I certainly had just as high an emotional attachment with him as I did with anyone I'd been with in real life.

So your were just as emotionally involved before you actually met him in person, as after you met in person. Emotionality did not increase after the meeting in person?? I just don't buy it, nor do I believe I could become completely emotional without meeting them.

misstina2's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:50 PM

Dude, I feel for you, in fact we all do, but you're never get a girl interested in you that way. Playing the poor me bit and asking why it happened will only make you continue to dwell on it.

If she did that, then she is not worth the worry. So get out here and meet new people and feel good about you.
drinker agreedrinker

RKISIT's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:54 PM

Well, about yesterday (Friday, February 27) my girlfriend and I had a serious fight and we broke up. The reason why the breakup began in the first place happened two days ago, when she was pressuring me to give her some votes ( she is a camgirl from the Philippines and I know what you might be thinking about, but I'm not interested in girls that are prostitutes. However, there are real camgirls who do want to have good relationships and are fully honest about it). She wanted to win a competition that was held in her workplace and I think it had affected her mind so much that she had changed on me.

After I said that I didn't have a card right now to help her out, but I was doing the best I can to help her with her work, she started to get stubborn about it and told me to leave her alone. I asked her if she still loved me even if I didn't have a card, but she never gave me a straight answer. So we broke up because of her attitude and the way she lied to me so many times.

Christine, that's her name BTW, lied and broke our promise that we would never leave each other. I wanted to be with her so much, but because of her lies and deceptions I had to leave her. She had lied about where she lived and how she said she wanted to be with me, but I forgave her because I know for the fact that she was so obsessed with trying to win that competition that it had totally messed up my relationship with her. I loved her, but she didn't love me; it was all a facade so she can get me to vote for her. Why do I keep on finding girls who are liars?? Although this breakup was one of many, I have to move on from this and be with girls who are not fakes and appreciates me for who I am.

So that was why I had to change my profile from in a relationship back to being single on this site. :((

papersmile's photo
Sat 02/28/09 07:56 PM
So your were just as emotionally involved before you actually met him in person, as after you met in person. Emotionality did not increase after the meeting in person?? I just don't buy it, nor do I believe I could become completely emotional without meeting them.

Every relationship changes and good relationships grow.

Of course the love and emotion were enhanced after meeting and still continue to deepen. However, that doesn't mean that love and emotion were absent prior to knowing each other in real life.

Just because it doesn't work for you, don't dismiss it as something that can't happen to another. We all experience different levels and capacity of love.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:01 PM

So your were just as emotionally involved before you actually met him in person, as after you met in person. Emotionality did not increase after the meeting in person?? I just don't buy it, nor do I believe I could become completely emotional without meeting them.

Every relationship changes and good relationships grow.

Of course the love and emotion were enhanced after meeting and still continue to deepen. However, that doesn't mean that love and emotion were absent prior to knowing each other in real life.

Just because it doesn't work for you, don't dismiss it as something that can't happen to another. We all experience different levels and capacity of love.

I am not dismissing it with you in particular, but him yes. He was having a webcam relationship and had never even met once. Infatuation?? yes, possible Strong like?? yes, possible Admiration?? yes, possible Caring?? Yes, possibly. Head over heels in love?? doubt it

Besides he is young and full of cum laugh

Peccy's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:01 PM
Ok fella, I have to retract my previous statement. No other way to say it other than you were played. But hey, let it go and learn from it and DON'T DO IT AGAIN!

IndnPrncs's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:07 PM

What am I not getting? Was this a "real life" relationship or an online/webcam relationship?

It was an online/webcam relationship. I forgot to mention that part. All in all, relationships are relationships regardless of whether or not its real.

Sorry Neo I disagree... A relationship in physical, in person... Basically she's a webcam prostitute and you pay her or can't be with her.. Is that how that works?