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Topic: Obama-Jo-Mamma Grants China Eminant Domane on American Soil.
Fanta46's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:57 PM

Ha! She's trying to get us drunk! laugh

fanta???? I thought ya loved me lol

cosmotopper69's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:45 PM

That language was actually in the Bush stimulus bill.

I and several others posted it at the time.

But then I guess there were some who wouldn't take the time to read anything they perceived as anti-Bush.

Check it out. Get the facts. That China language is in the Paulson/Bush plan. Please note the date!!

Prior to the election even but...yeah Obama did it right? HA HA

From our friends at dailypaul.com
September 29, 2008

US Homeowners Soon To Be Evicted By Chinese Police Under New Law

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Russian economists are expressing shock today over a new United States law that will allow for the first time in that nation’s history the
police forces of a foreign Nation to have law enforcement powers over
their citizens.

These powers are specifically being granted to China’s State Security
Police who operate under the Ministry of State Security for the Peoples
Republic of China by the United States as a precondition for the Chinese Governments continued purchasing of US debt as the Americans continue their desperate actions to avert their total economic collapse.

China had previously ordered its banks to halt all lending to the United
States, an action that would totally cripple the American banking
system, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service:

“Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending
to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the
financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.

The Hong Kong newspaper cited unidentified industry sources as saying the instruction from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) applied to interbank lending of all currencies to U.S. banks but not to banks from other countries.

"The decree appears to be Beijing's first attempt to erect defences
against the deepening U.S. financial meltdown after the mainland's major lenders reported billions of U.S. dollars in exposure to the credit
crisis," the SCMP said.”

Not being understood by the American people is that China is the holder of over $1.4 Trillion of US debt backed by the mortgages on the homes and property of tens of millions these people which, in essence, makes the Chinese one of the largest holders of land in the United States, and which the Chinese government has stated they will protect ‘at all costs’.

In rapid response to China’s demands that they be granted immediate
access to their American properties to protect their ‘investments’, the
United States is enacting a new law titled the Emergency Economic
Stabilization Act of 2008, and which in Section 101, Paragraph 7:3
chillingly states:

“Designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Federal
Government, and such institutions shall perform all such reasonable
duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Federal Government
as may be required.”

The United States Federal Reserve has further notified the China
Development Bank, the second largest bank in Asia and the main holder of US mortgage debt instruments, that they will be designated by the US Secretary of the Treasury as one of the financial institutions protected by this extraordinary new law, and which, according to these reports, will empower Chinese policing authorities the right to act as law enforcement officers in the United States including granting them the right to evict American citizens from homes whose mortgage debt is held by China.

Unfortunately for these American people, their own public officials have
totally abandoned them as the American Center for Responsive Politics
has reported that the staggering amount of $2 Billion has been paid by
the perpetrators of this Global financial crisis to US Lawmakers, of
both political parties, to sell out their fellow countrymen as virtual
economic slaves to the all powerful International corporate cartels who
now rule over them.

Even worse for these people is that the plan instituted and carried out
over these past 40 years to erase their true history leaves virtually
none of them today with the full, and monstrous, century old plan to
destroy their Nation, and which began with almost the exact same
economic crisis they are experiencing today, and was called the Panic of 1907, and of which we can read:

“The Panic of 1907, also known as the 1907 Bankers' Panic, was a
financial crisis which occurred in the United States when the stock
market fell close to 50% from its peak in the previous year. At the time
the economy was in recession and there were numerous runs on banks and trust companies. The panic's primary cause was a retraction of loans by a number of banks in New York City, and the sentiment quickly spread across the nation leading to the closures of both state and local banks and businesses.”

So shocked were the American people by the Panic of 1907 that they
allowed for the first time since their Nations founding, their lawmakers
to begin the process of establishing a Central Banking System, and of
which one of their founding fathers, and writer of the Declaration of
Independence, Thomas Jefferson, warned all future generations of

“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility
existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an
Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If
the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and
corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of
all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the
continent their Fathers conquered.”

Today, and sadly, the World is now witnessing these prophetic words of Thomas Jefferson coming true.

Even worse, these American people, whose ancestors laid the foundation for what was once the greatest and freest Nation on Earth, have now been reduced to what is now commonly referred to as “sheeple”, “a term of disparagement, a portmanteau created by combining the words "sheep" and "people." It is often used to denote persons who acquiesce to authority, and thus undermine their own human individuality. The implication of sheeple is that as a collective, people believe whatever they are told, especially if told so by authority figures, without processing it to be sure that it is an accurate representation of the real world around them.”

It goes without saying, of course, that these Americans do not see
themselves in this most truest of lights as they continue living their
lives in near total ignorance of the greater catastrophes soon to befall
them, all of which they have been, and are continued to be, warned
about. But, they continue to laugh off, and spurn, these warnings as
they continue to believe the lies being fed them by their propaganda
media organs they never seem to realize are nothing but the mouthpieces for the fascist corporate forces delivering them to the slaughterhouses they will come to know all too soon.

Well since Obama-Jo-Mamma is a Bush Clone, just like Bill & Hillaery Cocane Clinton, then yes this would be just the Obama-Jo-Mamma 10% add on to that part of the deal to sink The USA that started way back in 1918... :noway:

::banana:: But these day's things are becoming very personal...

Winx's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:49 PM

I love smart women,,,,,

Winx's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:50 PM

I was lost at the get-go with this comment "Obama-Jo-Mamma and Hillary-Cocane-Clinton". I don't have a clue as to who they are.



bigsmile flowerforyou

Winx's photo
Sat 02/28/09 08:51 PM
Edited by Winx on Sat 02/28/09 08:52 PM

Well since Obama-Jo-Mamma is a Bush Clone, just like Bill & Hillaery Cocane Clinton, then yes this would be just the Obama-Jo-Mamma ....


Lynann's photo
Sat 02/28/09 09:03 PM
That's some seriously funny stuff...


I wish I could respond to the title of this thread.

Unfortunately...a proper response would likely earn me a suspension.

Never mind that as we learned in another thread the truth is...hehe I am skirting a suspension I am sure.

At any rate this thread started out with a patently false accusation that was difficult to read. It progressed to (if you can apply that term to this thread) to this:

"Well since Obama-Jo-Mamma is a Bush Clone, just like Bill & Hillaery Cocane Clinton, then yes this would be just the Obama-Jo-Mamma ...."




Sheeple speak eh?

No wonder the United States of America is experiencing a lowered standard of living.

Winx's photo
Sat 02/28/09 09:37 PM
drinker drinker

no photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:20 AM

I've never been called one.noway

You don't know what your missing then.. grin!

I doubt very much if it feels good. I like to feel good.:tongue:

Just playin Winx :wink:

no photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:30 AM

I will not be calling any one of you ladies that word. It appalls me. It is not an honor to be that. It takes away from the honor of being a woman. A loving kind soul who is in charge of grooming her children to fine adults. Come on now.
What woman really tries to be that? That's an awful lot of work for nothing.


kat i think it's just that different words mean different things to different generations. Of course I know when some one is using the word to insult me, but it doesnt' insult me, it makes me laugh out loud. Now when I was younger it might have caused me to lose my cool, but over time the word really has no affect on me and in fact at times I kinda like it, in the right circles.

I respect your view of it and if I were in your presence I would not use it knowing it bothers you. But with my friends it really is not big deal. Not that we use it all the time and when we do it's always in a playful way, not serious.

I understand you hon. I have many friends in the gay and lesbien circles, it is almost an abomination to Not call someone that. In fact they expect it. But really, if you want someones attention there you almost have to hollar "hey bich..!"


Hi kat,

Sounds like a fun crowd.. grin. I don't have a chance to use the word much so I don't think about it, 99% of my friends are straight, so I was unaware of that. But I can say that gays learned a long time ago how to take the sting out of such words applied to them. When we use them they are not used to insult eachother most of the time... Of course there maybe those few times but most grow out of that one would hope.

I just think the word has lost alot of it's punch, but that's just my not so humble opinion worth 2 cents...

no photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:35 AM

huh u would have to say that to a lesbian to get her attention??

I think she might have been intentionally exaggerating that on a bit. rofl

no photo
Sun 03/01/09 02:41 AM

Alright, I guess this tread has turned now into a support-fest...

See you when you're sober again.

Come on Nogames, you should know how women take that word, some will be fine with it if spoken without malice, others like me don't care one way or the other, I will handle it coming to me either way. That doesn't mean that I will handle every word that way, some words are completely unacceptable to me said in anyway at all. It's just preference and each woman here is saying how she feels about the word. I respect that some don't find any place for that word, and I would certainly be respectful when in their company, as I would hope they would be in mine.

One would expect women to support eachother, too often woman don't support eachother when they should so don't see the harm in that. flowerforyou

cosmotopper69's photo
Sun 03/01/09 05:19 AM
Edited by cosmotopper69 on Sun 03/01/09 05:24 AM

Excuse me??? I very much dislike the reference of "Obama yo momma", it is racist to it's core.
That kinda crap doesn't belong. If you can't play nice and keep that kind of crap to yourself, then you shouldn't post.
I cannot believe you can even say that here.
It offended me...so it surely has offended someone else.


Now about The Race Card, -Jo-Mamma could and has been applied equilly to everyone, be it Mohamed-Jo-Mamma,
Betty-Jo-Mamma, Sahieb-Jo-Mamma,Hop-Sing-Jo-Mamma or even Svenn-Jo-Mamma...

::banana:: Jo-Mamma, is NOT a Race Specivic Slure as it can be applied equilly to all races. colors and creeds...

Next comes you aparent Lack of knowlage in regards to American History, as it pertains to the antics of GHW Bush, The CIA and american Presidents to date...

:noway: I am left to guess that some of you realy were Born the day before yesterday, That's OK, just stay tuned To FOX NEWS for all the truth that you will ever need to know...

Now as to our cringing leader, Barrack Husane Obama, is that really his name ???

I mean dose anyone know for sure ???

I heard his real name is Larry, then there is that thing about him being proud to have been Born in Kenya, I meant is that in Missippi ???

Before he became President of Amerika, He only had a Pakastani Pass Port, issued off his Milasian birth Cert...

OK, so we all may have a semi checkered past, I feel that all this may come into play, when it comes to looking out for and doing what is RIGHT, for those of us who were born in The USA and who families have been here for the past 400 years...

Call it a vested intrest, I know that The BUSH FAMILY Screwed America,and what ever you wish to call Larry, He is going to Screw America as Too...

That is all that I was saying...

You can do what you like on here, But if you don't like what I say than you best not be looking at or reading anything over on jeffrense.com , Good Luck to y'all and have a nice day anyway... :noway:

no photo
Sun 03/01/09 07:49 AM
''just stay tuned To FOX NEWS for all the truth that you will ever need to know...''

Now that is scarey if one thinks you get the truth on Fox news. That settles this thread for me. See ya...

Winx's photo
Sun 03/01/09 09:38 AM

I've never been called one.noway

You don't know what your missing then.. grin!

I doubt very much if it feels good. I like to feel good.:tongue:

Just playin Winx :wink:

I know.laugh :wink:

Winx's photo
Sun 03/01/09 09:39 AM

Excuse me??? I very much dislike the reference of "Obama yo momma", it is racist to it's core.
That kinda crap doesn't belong. If you can't play nice and keep that kind of crap to yourself, then you shouldn't post.
I cannot believe you can even say that here.
It offended me...so it surely has offended someone else.


Now about The Race Card, -Jo-Mamma could and has been applied equilly to everyone, be it Mohamed-Jo-Mamma,
Betty-Jo-Mamma, Sahieb-Jo-Mamma,Hop-Sing-Jo-Mamma or even Svenn-Jo-Mamma...

::banana:: Jo-Mamma, is NOT a Race Specivic Slure as it can be applied equilly to all races. colors and creeds...

Next comes you aparent Lack of knowlage in regards to American History, as it pertains to the antics of GHW Bush, The CIA and american Presidents to date...

:noway: I am left to guess that some of you realy were Born the day before yesterday, That's OK, just stay tuned To FOX NEWS for all the truth that you will ever need to know...

Now as to our cringing leader, Barrack Husane Obama, is that really his name ???

I mean dose anyone know for sure ???

I heard his real name is Larry, then there is that thing about him being proud to have been Born in Kenya, I meant is that in Missippi ???

Before he became President of Amerika, He only had a Pakastani Pass Port, issued off his Milasian birth Cert...

OK, so we all may have a semi checkered past, I feel that all this may come into play, when it comes to looking out for and doing what is RIGHT, for those of us who were born in The USA and who families have been here for the past 400 years...

Call it a vested intrest, I know that The BUSH FAMILY Screwed America,and what ever you wish to call Larry, He is going to Screw America as Too...

That is all that I was saying...

You can do what you like on here, But if you don't like what I say than you best not be looking at or reading anything over on jeffrense.com , Good Luck to y'all and have a nice day anyway... :noway:

OMG. All this racist talk and Fox news too. I've heard it all now.rofl rofl rofl

cosmotopper69's photo
Sun 03/01/09 03:44 PM
Edited by cosmotopper69 on Sun 03/01/09 03:52 PM

Excuse me??? I very much dislike the reference of "Obama yo momma", it is racist to it's core.
That kinda crap doesn't belong. If you can't play nice and keep that kind of crap to yourself, then you shouldn't post.
I cannot believe you can even say that here.
It offended me...so it surely has offended someone else.


Now about The Race Card, -Jo-Mamma could and has been applied equilly to everyone, be it Mohamed-Jo-Mamma,
Betty-Jo-Mamma, Sahieb-Jo-Mamma,Hop-Sing-Jo-Mamma or even Svenn-Jo-Mamma...

::banana:: Jo-Mamma, is NOT a Race Specivic Slure as it can be applied equilly to all races. colors and creeds...

Next comes you aparent Lack of knowlage in regards to American History, as it pertains to the antics of GHW Bush, The CIA and american Presidents to date...

:noway: I am left to guess that some of you realy were Born the day before yesterday, That's OK, just stay tuned To FOX NEWS for all the truth that you will ever need to know...

Now as to our cringing leader, Barrack Husane Obama, is that really his name ???

I mean dose anyone know for sure ???

I heard his real name is Larry, then there is that thing about him being proud to have been Born in Kenya, I meant is that in Missippi ???

Before he became President of Amerika, He only had a Pakastani Pass Port, issued off his Milasian birth Cert...

OK, so we all may have a semi checkered past, I feel that all this may come into play, when it comes to looking out for and doing what is RIGHT, for those of us who were born in The USA and who families have been here for the past 400 years...

Call it a vested intrest, I know that The BUSH FAMILY Screwed America,and what ever you wish to call Larry, He is going to Screw America as Too...

That is all that I was saying...

You can do what you like on here, But if you don't like what I say than you best not be looking at or reading anything over on jeffrense.com , Good Luck to y'all and have a nice day anyway... :noway:

OMG. All this racist talk and Fox news too. I've heard it all now.rofl rofl rofl

:frustrated: OK, so all of you other posters have a small Race Problem...

There is NO WAY IN Yell, that I am a racist, I will have you know that I have not had a Racing or Speeding ticket in decades... :barf: noway :angel: :banana:

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