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Topic: a little help
no photo
Tue 02/24/09 03:59 PM
I'm writing another english paper and need a little help.
I'm writing on the effect of being uncircumsized. Any ideas or horror stories?

Jill298's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:01 PM
scared scared scared good luck getting a man to post a horror story about his wee wee on a datings / singles site laugh

tanyaann's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:02 PM
Positive or Negative effects?

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:03 PM
either positive or negative

Jill298's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:03 PM

Positive or Negative effects?
offtopic I know I'm off topic but Tanya... did you go on your trip to visit your friend? Just wondering how that went...

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:06 PM
Well I lost 5 pounds off my .....noway smokin

darkowl1's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:06 PM
when i'm out of body, i look for bullies, and tie their wenis to the doorknob with kite string while they're sleeping. wife opens the door, and thanks for the gumball popeye.:banana:

tanyaann's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:06 PM

either positive or negative

Well if you do a google scholar search it will pop up lots of research supporting both sides.

And there is a famous psychology case where two identical males were born and one was circumsized no problem, the other was cut off. And how the family was advised to raise the boy as a girl (horror story for this child's mental well-being) I don't think you want to go into that but it shows a 'horror' story about what went wrong.

tanyaann's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:07 PM

Positive or Negative effects?
offtopic I know I'm off topic but Tanya... did you go on your trip to visit your friend? Just wondering how that went...

NO. frown because I am having problems with my car and I have to spend my refund on my car! ugh! sad

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:09 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Tue 02/24/09 04:13 PM
Hmmm, I dated someone a long time ago that was uncut. The first time we were intimate his 'member' was unattractive and stinky. I won't go there again. My girlfriend dated someone uncut also. She said the hygiene issues never really go away no matter how freshly showered the guy is -- it's a weird smell always because the 'cheese' is always there (from her story). Of the girls I know, none of them will date uncut guys because of varies issues. It's a tricky subject to talk about .... and that can be harmful to a guy's confidence. I feel badly about how I feel but my preference is my preference.

You are going to have to poll a lot of people to get accurate percentages of success vs. horror stories (from men and women).

This is a very sensitive subject as well for men. I know some men that are cut feel robbed somehow of pleasure or the choice of being cut or not. There are a few credible websites to reference in your paper regarding this debate.

You should have plenty of data for your paper!

Good luck to you! smile2

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:10 PM
i'm looking at guys perspective of being "different" or woman's stories of seeing one and saying that it looks like an anteater. I'm looking to make the paper funny.

darkowl1's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:20 PM
cheese? hmmmmm. i'd cut it myself if i had a stinky weeenisss!!!

oooohhh nnoooooo!!!!!! it's sluggo's wenis!!!!! aaaahhhhh WUUUMMMPPP!!!!:angry: huh sad scared ill

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:28 PM
An effect...?....The individual not being given the choice...

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:32 PM
Nightmares in the jr high locker rooms after gym class when the kids are required to shower. Had a step-son that could not live through that but bio-mom made the decision not to. Tragic!

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:32 PM
I had a girlfriend who claims she got an STD from someone who was uncut.

TBRich's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:34 PM
It should be easy to find info on that just keep in mind that modern science states that it is more problematic to have been snipped than not. There is no evidence of build up of schmegma or infections in those who are unsnipped. Unfortunately, I was born at a time when it was just routine to cut off a good three inches, now I am stuck with a raisin.

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:35 PM

It should be easy to find info on that just keep in mind that modern science states that it is more problematic to have been snipped than not. There is no evidence of build up of schmegma or infections in those who are unsnipped. Unfortunately, I was born at a time when it was just routine to cut off a good three inches, now I am stuck with a raisin.


I think it is barbaric nowadays...Give the poor boy a choice...

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:48 PM
who would chose to cut it off when they are old enough to make that decision? i don't want anything sharper than teeth anywhere near my daddy parts.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:48 PM

I'm writing another english paper and need a little help.
I'm writing on the effect of being uncircumsized. Any ideas or horror stories?

scared People trying to give themselves circumcisions or Female circumsionscared

Jill298's photo
Tue 02/24/09 04:51 PM
There was a story... maybe in the 70's or so... where twin boys were born and during circumcision, one of the boys' penis got "cut off" I think they were using a new kind of laser at the time. The doctors then convinced the family to raise the one son as a "daughter". They insisted that gender identity was based on how you were raised. Basically even tho you were born a boy, if I raise you like a girl you will become one...
It turned out disasterous ohwell frown

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