Topic: Question?
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Tue 02/24/09 09:42 AM
Is A dry heave A good thing?

ljcc1964's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:47 AM
Not even a little bit.

TBRich's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:48 AM
Not as good as a ghost sh1t.

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:48 AM
could be if you're a used car saleman

it's good practice yelling "BUICK!!"

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:49 AM
drink some ginger ale and you will be projectile vomiting in style!!! Go ahead!!! I will wait!!bigsmile

speedbug72's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:49 AM
it depends wat u have. if u have a flu its ok, but u need to drink lots of water and try some light soup. if it is a hairball(flim ball) ,as i call them, just eat some bread and drink some water it should go away.

no photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:16 AM
Can't be any worse than a dry I say: Go for it!

TBRich's photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:18 AM
Why don't you try K-Y?

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:23 AM
I get that when I look at my mutual matches

Mr_Music's photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:28 AM
A dry dump can be rather disappointing.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:29 AM
last time i dry heaved my appendix busted

fullmoonfairy's photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:30 AM
I watched my best friend dry heave at the emergency room for about 2 hours when she had vertigo. Not pretty. The sound is just absolutely dreadful.

Winx's photo
Tue 02/24/09 10:31 AM

Is A dry heave A good thing?

To me it's one of the worst things.

lilith401's photo
Tue 02/24/09 11:22 AM
It depends.... was it just a warning or have you vomited before this?