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Topic: Krupa's Love Shack....
MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:34 PM
bigsmile Its 4:20smokin

smokin Time to get stoned and look at some cool Krupa artworksmokin

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:35 PM

Screw it...Give me some disco Ball and boufant hair do's

smokin This reminds me of the last time I took some windowpanesmokin

Holly4459's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:36 PM

toes curled? noway

Dude....If we can't get your Amish lookin @ss laid here...then...I would suggest looking into being a professional eunoch.

Hang out with uncle Eric....trust me.

dare i ask what an eunoch is? :tongue:

It's a house boy without his "gear" Rare!

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:36 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Sat 02/21/09 07:38 PM
Krupa-pookie butt

This is perfect

for you......

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:36 PM

toes curled? noway

Dude....If we can't get your Amish lookin @ss laid here...then...I would suggest looking into being a professional eunoch.

Hang out with uncle Eric....trust me.

dare i ask what an eunoch is? :tongue:

It's a house boy without his "gear" Rare!
really? hmmmm.....

krupa's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:37 PM
Rare....I realize that this is probably gonna get me just straight out f'n banned....

A eunoch is a man who has had his sexual organs removed.....

Whoever educated you needs to have the sh*t slapped out of them.

That, being said....I gotta get your wooly @ss to come hang out with me...I swear that I can convince local chicks that you are part of ZZTOP.....

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:43 PM

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:44 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Sat 02/21/09 07:47 PM
I need a beaufont

krupa's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:46 PM
Edited by krupa on Sat 02/21/09 07:48 PM
See.....If I got classy ones like Jbomb and all the other cool cats and babydolls coming here....You know this place will RAWWKKKK!!!!

...and mirror...I am pretty sure I cannot discuss how cost effecient LSD is compared to Mexican dirt weed.....(Don't want to get suspended...again)

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:49 PM
nice, road trip and hell raising only myself and krupa can do. devil

krupa's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:51 PM

I need a beaufont

Debbie....the B-52's did a GREAT song about you!

"Oooohhh Debbie...Queen of the under ground...carrying her gold guitar..."

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:58 PM
krupa, we should start our own convoy :laughing:

galendgirl's photo
Sat 02/21/09 07:59 PM

Rare! You are lucky #1.....we are gonna get your toes curled bro. Do me a favor and work the door...(only let in every woman who wants to be happy or apprecieated)...

Or loved, baby...and if you manage that right we will absolutely feel happy and appreciated :) Bang, bang, bang on the door is right...

krupa's photo
Sat 02/21/09 08:01 PM

krupa, we should start our own convoy :laughing:

You are far too young to have seen "Smokey and the Bandit"...Trust me...


It is all good. Glad to get to hang out with you bro.

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 02/21/09 08:02 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Sat 02/21/09 08:02 PM

I need a beaufont

Debbie....the B-52's did a GREAT song about you!

"Oooohhh Debbie...Queen of the under ground...carrying her gold guitar..."

And just had my hair done for ya doll.

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 08:02 PM

Rare! You are lucky #1.....we are gonna get your toes curled bro. Do me a favor and work the door...(only let in every woman who wants to be happy or apprecieated)...

Or loved, baby...and if you manage that right we will absolutely feel happy and appreciated :) Bang, bang, bang on the door is right...
thats my intention when im in a relationship :wink:

no photo
Sat 02/21/09 08:03 PM

krupa, we should start our own convoy :laughing:

You are far too young to have seen "Smokey and the Bandit"...Trust me...


It is all good. Glad to get to hang out with you bro.
the same krupa smokin

galendgirl's photo
Sat 02/21/09 08:03 PM

Rare! You are lucky #1.....we are gonna get your toes curled bro. Do me a favor and work the door...(only let in every woman who wants to be happy or apprecieated)...

Or loved, baby...and if you manage that right we will absolutely feel happy and appreciated :) Bang, bang, bang on the door is right...
thats my intention when im in a relationship :wink:

...or in the "love shack" I hope...

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 02/21/09 08:05 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Sat 02/21/09 08:06 PM
I need a photobucket expert this soooooo sucks

krupa's photo
Sat 02/21/09 08:05 PM

Rare! You are lucky #1.....we are gonna get your toes curled bro. Do me a favor and work the door...(only let in every woman who wants to be happy or apprecieated)...

Or loved, baby...and if you manage that right we will absolutely feel happy and appreciated :) Bang, bang, bang on the door is right...

Dammnit Rare! WORK the door!!!!! There is a beautiful woman who wants to come in and smile/laugh and dance....

For the love of God....someone send our furry little hairbear the lyrics so he can get on board...(Yes, the B-52's are really gay...but, they are a great band)

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