Topic: World Prophecy, Whats going on?
Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 02/19/09 05:03 PM
World Prophecy. What going on?

I believe many people believe we are at a time period in History like none before it.

That this is the generation that is Prophesied in the Bible and Koran and Iran/Persia has theirs also.

All calling this the time of the return. At anytime most say.

Many on here go over and over about the Biblical g-d that they find evil and point out many things.

I believe most of us has heard the same thing so often that we know what each other believes.

I would hope this would not be a skeet shoot to see how many birds of a feather we can shoot down.

Instead a learning ground using the bible and other sources to see are things that is said in OLD writings really coming true before our eyes?

The Bible believers I believe most do think the Biblical prophecies are pointing to our generation like never before.

I also believe that.

I see the 3rd Horseman who I have written about several times being the Prophecy of forced Democracy of the Middle East and at the same time bringing us into where we are which I believe the 4th horseman who is death has begun riding and world hunger will be upon us in the coming years.

Lets just take the 2 witnesses for instance.

Why are they hated for 3 ½ years and the people rejoice at their killing all over the world because they brought torment to the world.

What Torment?

I believe the torment is written right in the words about their pwers and how they can use them to tell a world about the sins of the people who glory in them and refuse to let go.

Now I can see right here the word sin is going to go off on a bunny trail.

But please relies the believer believes in these sins and that they are against Yahweh’s law.

That does not make them wrong because that is their belief. No different than yours.

So please just because someone uses the word “SIN” in a response it should not take the reasoning of what is going on in the world away.

Let the believer say his peace with out 10 posts attacking how wrong that posters comments were.

This is not the objective.

The world as we see it to day is any ones guess what will happen.

But if we look at the past going back to the early 80’s and take a close look at what we lost from that recession we might have a good clue to what is going to become of the middle class from this one.

Every time one happens we give up rights and that should be important to us.

I will give you a good example to truly ask yourself why.

Congress is considering taking over the banking system untill a unknown date in the future. If you have been following the news a lot of people are calling for this.

So ask yourself this?

Why are they so keen on taking over yours and mine banking system but the Federal reserve who is owned by the richest men in the country they do not even mention?

This does not seem logical to me but I believe the Bible tells us this will happen.

Control of families making 150k a year or less and making them make even less gives more power to the rich.

How many know that when congress and it is not over yet wanted to let the big 3 GM, Chrysler and Ford who said at least 2 million good paying jobs would go down the tubes congress had a fit over 25 Billion.

Yet 800 Billion for the banking system who actually they are suppose to be backed up 10 to 1 by the federal reserve is not really introuble.

The federal Reserve promised those loans.

Yet we hear little about that and when only a handful of the very rich own the federal Reserve that is their money is invested in it.

At the turn of the 1900 JP Morgan was the Federal Reserve in essence because all banks had to go through him as the Govt. dictated with him reaping a hefty reward.

He is still their the Family.

Then A federal Order from a judge was served on the Federal Reserve.

Why 2 Trillion Dollars are unaccounted for.

Suprisingly the media has had few brave enough to tell the public the truth.

Then by quincidence when Congress has a fit about the big 3 asking for 25 billion and saving 2 million jobs this was wrong in their eyes.

Wake up these are good middle class jobs.

So they are still talking about that letting them go under bankrupt would be the best thing that could happen to us.

Well whats going on in the back ground negotiations that the News media basically will not tell us?

Who has said they will step in and buy the big 3 and they have 2 trillion in cash on hand to do it.

Just a side note how much is unaccountable that the Federal Reserve refuses to account for and we have not seen any out cry from Washington to make them.

It is China..

They want to own what has been a big influence in the 20th century middle class worker have a good jobs and Stay at home Moms. That’s another early 80’s watchdog of history that repeats itself. But that’s just a tid bit for now.

So I believe the 3 Horseman has ridden and the 4th Horseman is riding as we speak.

Remember we are told who to look out for.

Evil men in High Places.. What does that mean?

Is this happening.

I truly hope we can talk about our faith and what’s happening in the world no matter where we live. We can all learn from each other and make our own conclusions.

Not with your g-d is hateful and stones children and women mean nothing.

We all have it engrained in our minds now.

Lets lift ourselves above that and all have input to world events and do you see this as being foretold in any religion you may believe in… Blessings of Shalom….Miles

no photo
Thu 02/19/09 05:26 PM
Reminds me of a video called Zeitgeist, which means in English - Time Ghost.

How can we topple the rich from their greed of domination?

The only thing I can think off

is what Mahatma Ghandi did

Influence a whole nation to do nothing

For the rich profit from the poor - the majority

So how can one become such a person that can influence so many people?

and what are the chances. The rich have time and money the poor cannot afford time or the money?

These are hard questions for me to answer.

You are tackling something that requires minds that are greater then the greatest minds that are controlling the people around the world.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 02/19/09 05:36 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Thu 02/19/09 05:37 PM

Reminds me of a video called Zeitgeist, which means in English - Time Ghost.

How can we topple the rich from their greed of domination?

The only thing I can think off

is what Mahatma Ghandi did

Influence a whole nation to do nothing

For the rich profit from the poor - the majority

So how can one become such a person that can influence so many people?

and what are the chances. The rich have time and money the poor cannot afford time or the money?

These are hard questions for me to answer.

You are tackling something that requires minds that are greater then the greatest minds that are controlling the people around the world.

I agree your point is very good.

I believe in numbers. We are not computers who can digest so much information.

But a serious thought from many who all almost have different thoughts about the matter.

Usually all have some very reliable good information even if just a few words that all of a sudden clicks in a nother persons mind that would not of happened if not for that poster.

We all have out of the blue remember something because of something that was said by another.

I have been thinking today about exactly what you were saying about the rich needs us to work.

my conclussion gas can not go up.

If they do not keep gas at where it is or below as all other prices go up people are not like in the 30's and could walk to work. Now most i would guess commute 20 to 30 miles each way.

High gas problems these people are going to find work closer and thier may not be a worker qualified for that job. So the rich can not afford this.

When gas hit 4 a gallon i was hearing that this was happening in St Louis Mo. because thier are alot of people who drive 100 miles one way to work and they said they had to quit they were making no money any way.

I believe what you are saying has alot of merit and I do not see gas going up because for the rich to get richer they want us at work Blessings..Miles

no photo
Fri 02/20/09 11:15 AM
Edited by smiless on Fri 02/20/09 11:19 AM
To beat a specific dominating strategy requires a bigger strategy that begins with a single soul that would have to sacrifice to achieve

this is where courage is asked for

how many have courage alone to make the first step

that is why those who have opposed an idealogy are written in history to be remembered

in otherwords they were remembered as rebels during the situation, but later remembered heroes in history

Jesus - questioned the Torah/ challenged the Romans (he lost in his calling or teachings, but nevertheless remembered in history)

Buddha - opposed any deity belief system - especially Hinduism (grounded a new belief system)

Martin Luther King Jr. - opposed white supremacy rights (lost his life in the process, but the idea remained strong)

Mandela - the same as Martin Luther King Jr.(sacrificed a great many years in a prison to achieve his goal)

Ghandi - opposed English supremacy ( used starving technics and influenced a whole nation to do nothing)

Indian Chiefs - opposed living in reservations (lost in their efforts but the chiefs are remembered for their heroism)

African Chiefs - fought against slavery (lost in their efforts but the chiefs are remembered for their heroism)

The flower power movement - opposed the Vietnam War by not working and actually protesting for months and months at end)

and many many more where seen by the majority as "rebels" "bad guys" "wrong doer's"

yet today they are seen as great people in our history books

Yet what fascinates me is how a individual soul can influence a great many people (not so much on how he or she did it) but on how one mind has the potential to influence millions to follow in the end.

That is a fascinating aspect in life that a idealogy can grow even when the one who started it isn't around anymore.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 02/20/09 11:38 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Fri 02/20/09 11:39 AM

To beat a specific dominating strategy requires a bigger strategy that begins with a single soul that would have to sacrifice to achieve

this is where courage is asked for

how many have courage alone to make the first step

that is why those who have opposed an idealogy are written in history to be remembered

in otherwords they were remembered as rebels during the situation, but later remembered heroes in history

Jesus - questioned the Torah/ challenged the Romans (he lost in his calling or teachings, but nevertheless remembered in history)

Buddha - opposed any deity belief system - especially Hinduism (grounded a new belief system)

Martin Luther King Jr. - opposed white supremacy rights (lost his life in the process, but the idea remained strong)

Mandela - the same as Martin Luther King Jr.(sacrificed a great many years in a prison to achieve his goal)

Ghandi - opposed English supremacy ( used starving technics and influenced a whole nation to do nothing)

Indian Chiefs - opposed living in reservations (lost in their efforts but the chiefs are remembered for their heroism)

African Chiefs - fought against slavery (lost in their efforts but the chiefs are remembered for their heroism)

The flower power movement - opposed the Vietnam War by not working and actually protesting for months and months at end)

and many many more where seen by the majority as "rebels" "bad guys" "wrong doer's"

yet today they are seen as great people in our history books

Yet what fascinates me is how a individual soul can influence a great many people (not so much on how he or she did it) but on how one mind has the potential to influence millions to follow in the end.

That is a fascinating aspect in life that a idealogy can grow even when the one who started it isn't around anymore.

One thing I C in common with all those poeple is Passion. They had a zeal that people could not stop. The part of us that says enough is enough. We will not take it anymore.

Like you said so often they are potrayed as a Rebel. Thier is always a Govt. or Society that will not stand for it and will do thier best to squash that Passion they have. People see this I believe but It does not happen often but gets your blood to flowing when you do see it for the side of Good and always that I can think of is for the poor and aflicted that the Person is fighting for. Blessings of Shalom...Miles

no photo
Fri 02/20/09 11:45 AM
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Mohandas Gandhi

They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me, then they will have my dead body. NOT MY OBEDIENCE!

Mohandas Gandhi

Dragoness's photo
Fri 02/20/09 11:57 AM
I take prophecy with a grain of salt for the most part because there is an underlying effect of the prophecy usually. In the bible the men who wrote it and organized it had to have a horrid end to man so that the believers can justify themselves in following the doctrines.

Fear can override logic.

If you are leading people down a path, even if you feel it is a just path, you will have to keep them focused on the end result or you may lose them along the way. May be another way of putting it.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 02/20/09 01:09 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Fri 02/20/09 01:11 PM

I take prophecy with a grain of salt for the most part because there is an underlying effect of the prophecy usually. In the bible the men who wrote it and organized it had to have a horrid end to man so that the believers can justify themselves in following the doctrines.

Fear can override logic.

If you are leading people down a path, even if you feel it is a just path, you will have to keep them focused on the end result or you may lose them along the way. May be another way of putting it.

Yes fear can definately overide logic.

The scriptures even are saying that this fear will. It also says that thier will be those who will understand this fear for what it is.

Thier are many examples I believe that very strongly point to our time period.

They could not of even dreamed of what they were told to write down could happen. Yet just in the last few years through technology is this possible.

All through time before it was not. So is it pointing to us.

Like the 2 witnesses being hated so much that when they are killed they are not put in the grave so the whole world could see.

They knew when they wrote this that Europe was thier, the roman Army and Persia and Egypt. and probally knew of china ect.

How could they of even imagined all these people in a little over 3 days could see thier dead bodies?

Rev 11:7-11

When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. 8 And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Master was Impaled. 9 Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves. 10 And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth.


It is even refering to people sending gifts to one another who dwell on the earth.

Through the Internet this is possible today.

Now what the witnesses were saying was told of by Yahshua that all the Earth will hear the Evangel before his return.

I believe thier message through travel, TV Radio and the Internet will fullfill what Yahshua said.

Matt 24:9-14

9 "Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this Evangel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

This is spoken of about the number of the beast. Who also will require his allegience from the whole world.

Rev 13:15-18
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

The wording small, great, rich and poor will have to worship and have his number or mark.

Again the whole world.

How could this not be talking about any other time but now?

Our information age has made this possibility come true.

How do you or anyone see these prophecies as meaning or is it just now possible for them in our generation? Blessings...Miles

Jess642's photo
Fri 02/20/09 01:17 PM
Eventually, everything must come to an end.


norslyman's photo
Fri 02/20/09 05:37 PM
I have heard people speculate that the Red Horse was communism, and I tend to agree with that. Interesting how Russia is always associated with red and of course we have Red China. Gorbachev even had that red mark on his head! He came to the Twin Cities once and they decked the town out for him. And I remember they planted flowers along highways in the upside down 5-pointed star - Pentagrams!

We are basically at the mercy of China right now. And the NWO is pretty much World Communism - or whatever "ism" you want to call it. China is THE model totalitarian Police State. That is why they are allowed to prosper. We will become like them - yes, complete with the starvation of the 4rth horse.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:17 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Mon 02/23/09 09:18 AM
I believe we are seeing the 4th Horseman has started.

Rev 6:7-8

When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come and see." 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.

I believe this is talking about way more than death in it.

The Pale Horse is the World economy after the forced Democracy of the 3rd Horseman.

The horse is pale as being sick. Yahshua spoke about the things in the world and Isa the way they would be.

The ecnomicic downturn I believe is was worse that in 1873. Which is where the saying The Great Depression came from.

After this is when the leaders wanted to take away the gold standard and make oit legal tender which they did.

Killing has many meanings throughout scripture.

I see this killing and death as a rule of the people. Taking away thier rights in the name of Keeping us safe.

Kinda oppisite of what at 1st it would seem to be.

Everytime a economic downturn of this magnitude happens the middle class get poorer.

The Republicans say trinkle down economics is how we come out of it and the Democrats put more money towards it.

In either case the rich profit.

The horseman talks about a 1/4 of the world this will happen to.

It will be distasturas because we who are used to all the good things of life are going to feel like death. Homelessness, losing all we have,

The scriptures tell us to prepare. Money is useless when inflation sky rockets.

A good way to see what the rich know about whats going on is to look at tangible money. Gold

gold from 2001 to today has went from 250 to 993 dollars and oz. Investers are being told to put thier money thier that we are looking at 3000 dollars and oz by mid 2010.

Gold stays up when inflation go high. So if gold they are saying will triple in 18 months what do you think groceries, ect is going to do?

remember follow the money if you want to see the real picture.

So this 4th horseman I believe is riding not as was or droughts but as a economic crisis to make you and me poorer so when the 5th horse rides then rebell and do not go along with the program and who knows what might happen. A police state run by the elite with you and me telling on each other to stay alive.

Rev 6:9-11

When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying,"How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.
IMO Blessings of Shalom...Miles