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Topic: The real reason for the current economy!
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 02/17/09 03:26 AM
The way I see it we have 2 problems we could easily solve and put an end to all of this.

1. Since 1913 we have had the Federal Reserve Act. This act took our power to mint our own money from Congress and put it into the power of a privately owned bank. You heard right! PRIVATELY OWNED! THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS NO MORE FEDERAL THAN FEDERAL EXPRESS!

Now, every dollar that is printed comes with debt attached because we are paying them to borrow our own money! How can you get out of debt when every dollar printed comes with debt attached?

They knew this, so their answer was the IRS! You heard right again! The IRS is the collection agency of the Federal Reserve, NOT OUR GOVERNMENT! Your Federal taxes don't go to to provide anything to the people! All it does is pay the debt we owe this private bank for the money that has been printed and borrowed by our government. NOT ROADS, SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION, HEALTH CARE, NOTHING! IT JUST PAYS THE DEBT ON THE PRINTED DOLLAR WE BORROWED!

There is no "LAW" that states the average working man and woman has to pay a federal tax for income received for wages! IT DOES NOT EXIST! IT WAS NOT PASSED BY CONGRESS THOUGH THEY TRIED TWICE TO GET IT PASSED! Ask any IRS agent to "show you the law and you will pay".... THEY CAN'T! IT DOESN'T EXIST!



How can a government be "of the people, by the people and FOR the people" when a Central Bank has all the money and power? Republican, Democrate.... IT'S ALL MORE OF THE SAME! They have the power to keep honest government from getting control! That is why an Independant, or Third Party (a candidate of the people) will never win an election! Think of it as trying to win a lawsuit against a BIG corporation.... you can't win, you don't have enough money! THEY CONTROL THE MONEY, THEY HAVE THE POWER! WE HAVE DEBT, RECESSION, UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE CURRENT STATE OF THE ECONOMY, AND THAT IS THE REASON THE RICH GET RICHER!

It like fighting a nuclear war and YOUR side only having spears to fight with!

Fear is their platform AND IT KEEPS US FROM COMMUNICATING AMONGST OURSELVES! Peoples fear of everything! The media they control will tell you what to fear (TV, Radio, Newsprint), how they are going to protect us, and how much it is going to cost! OH, and let's not forget....since we don't have the money (already spent on wars to support corporate interest) we'll have the Federal Reserve print some more!

So there it is! A simple solution to this entire problem!



catwoman96's photo
Tue 02/17/09 03:32 AM
how do u propose we do this?

man r u nutzo or bonkers?
ate candy instead of cereal this am??

if this is the solution why dont the ones that be already know it and fix it?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 02/17/09 03:39 AM
I rest my case.... you have been trained well.

It's called doing your part as a caring citizen of this great country. Write your congressman or woman and demand they work for you!

Better hurry back to your TV.... the news is on!

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 02/17/09 03:49 AM
I must apologize. Sorry.

Your example is what they have paid billion and trillions of dollars for. To make people think it's just how it is.

It's not! We can change it. VOTE!

But first you have to get it on a ballot.

Are you happy with the way things are?

Time to stop "letting them handle it" and asking why. Seems to me the war machine is the only one profiting from "freedom" in the world.

Again, I apologize for my rudeness

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 02/17/09 03:54 AM
Its all true. And the mindlessness by elected politicians is such a coverup. And the rich just got all the rest of our taxed monies as of the presidents signature put it in effect. I wonder if he signed it in blood. Welcome to amarikka.

catwoman96's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:01 AM
now im no fan of paying taxes. and i now the cra on the news is bogus. i dont even watch it and too read the newspaper or online articles is like sorting through poop to find a gold nugget.

again, theres a problem. i agree..
but how do we fix it??

perhaps they higher ups dont want the problem fixed. idk y...but why else the bs???

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:06 AM
They count on us getting our information from TV and other media they control.

Try searching the internet for your news while there is still more than one opinion available here.

There are many sources for truth out there that don't say "this is the truth.... trust me!". They give you documented facts you can research for yourself to formulate your own opinions....does your TV do that?

War is BIG BUSINESS! Ask Cheney, former CEO of Haliburton... we should have asked about conflict of interest on his part the last 8 years..... but did we?

Why can gas be $4-5 one day and $2 the next? Because "people" start to complain..... they can't have that!

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:11 AM
Government officials are going to get what's coming to them. Its already happening. Too bad its all going to be at "We, the peoples" expense. The job losses and unemployment. The lack of funding for public services (Which the government seen coming so they put pork barrel spending max par into their economic disaster that they caused bill). Honest corporations fed up with government and banks are doing intermarket trading to stay alive- I see it everyday. And the inflation and devaluation of their mighty dollar by this horrible bill being signed flooding the market with money with no strength behind the money. I guess these crooked politicians and wall street thugs were not happy with taking half of working americans lives and income- they want it all. Steal all they can before it fails. Its all so sad. We went through this once before- the great depression. Today we should be calling this- the great disappointment. Its sickening. The outright lies.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:18 AM
I am a Vet, a Patriot, I love my country!

I fear my Government.... with good cause!

Ever read the Patriot Act?

Has nothing to do with "protecting" anyone! What it does is give government (ON ALL LEVELS) the power to SHUT YOU UP IF THEY DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SAY OR DO

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:28 AM
I'm listening to unbiased news this morning about the hypocrisy of elected democratic congress and senators. A couple months ago they chewed out corporate auto executives looking for government bailout money for being arrogant and flying in on corporate jets and being so wasteful. These same f*cking piece of sh!t democrats that chewed out the auto executives for being arrogant and wasteful are on taxpayer paid vacation junkets right now using military jets and first class commercial to jet set themselves and their families around the world in the ruse of government business. Nancy pulosi went to france for valentines day with her family on our wallet. Its sickeningly alarming with the wastefulness of all the elected hypocrites they named. Solutions? Either we all become elected officials or we impeach them all. We need people with viable solutions. Unfortunately the intellegent people who should be our officials don't want the job.

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:32 AM

I am a Vet, a Patriot, I love my country!

I fear my Government.... with good cause!

Ever read the Patriot Act?

Has nothing to do with "protecting" anyone! What it does is give government (ON ALL LEVELS) the power to SHUT YOU UP IF THEY DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SAY OR DO
...I am a vet and a patriot and love my country and read it and it scared me.

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:40 AM
Senator d!ck durbans in Greece on a junket.

longhairbiker's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:47 AM
Obamas in denver to put a dagger through- oh I mean sign the bigass pork barrel spending bill. Sorry GM- you've had 80 years to build a fuel efficient vehicle. Too bad your union employees ran you out of business. I gave up on you and the crooked oil companies and built my own hydrogen fuel cell on my full size dodge pickup when gas was 4 bucks a gallon. I'm enjoying my 31 mpg running on water. If a redneck like me can do it, we all can do it. They don't want us to have it. It cuts into their profits.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 02/17/09 04:56 AM
Pres Bush, as all presidents do, swore an oath to uphold the constitution. When he didn't like the comments and referrences to it by one reporter, he call it a "200 year old piece of paper"!

He then proceeded to push the Patriot act, written by an alien from an Asian country, on our Congress for approval which did away with our Bill Of Rights in the stroke of their pens.

The original that was first approved was rewritten during the night by the Bush White House, so when voted upon the following day, unproofed, not reread, it passed. It contained hundreds of changes from the original draft, and they simply signed off on it without question!

They then voted to not only reapprove it but make even more changes.

So much for our rights.... they have those now too!

no photo
Tue 02/17/09 05:01 AM
If you to experience first hand how the government can @#&% with your life just come to Ca. and bask in our govenators ego for a day.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 02/17/09 05:08 AM
If the powers that be have their way, we won't have to. They are trying to join Canada, the US and Mexico into one union. Even want to change the currency to the "Amero"... is that the goal here? Ya gotta ask!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 02/17/09 05:43 AM
This is indeed where pretty much all of our economics problems stem from...

You don't need to be a conspiracy theorist to see that if 100% of your money comes with debt, the system cannot be sustained.

I cannot for the life of me understand how one cannot see this. Instead they merely say recessions happen and we always bounce back. Funny thing is there isn't much history to back this up. 1913 wasn't that long ago...

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 02/17/09 05:50 AM
As always, a major war will be the cure. It keeps the people focused on something else, they expect hardship, and give till it hurts.

Then the world has changed because the powers use these acts to pull of their coup of the people, pass their policies and get the changes they desire. A New World Order? One Government? 1984?

2 classes. Those with power, and the sheep!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 02/17/09 05:59 AM
All conspiracies aside, there is usually a shift in power when it comes to government. It always seems to end up in what is called an oligarchy, which is a small group of elitists ruling the people.

The republic has been the form of government most beneficial to the freedoms of men. Problem is, even in Rome, when the republic was first introduced, little by little the government expanded, taking over social programs to "benefit" people, which led to higher taxation. Little by little the powers that be started breeching their constitutions. The combination led to starvation, which led to a mob rule. A mob rule is by definition a democracy. Democracy ends up in either anarchy, or an oligarchy. (Or something like that.)

This is what led to Ceasars' rule of Rome if i'm not mistaken.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 02/17/09 06:14 AM
The sad part is, there is always someone who wants to rule. Usually, those with that ambition have power and money on their side. When you have it all, it's just a game you play it seems.

You set yourself above the masses and care not for their suffering as long as it gets you what you want.

All I know is I refuse to sit on my hands and be happy as long as the bills are paid. It's the future of the children and their children that rests in OUR hands.

If I can't leave a legacy, they'll know I tried at something to make their life better.

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