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Topic: Would You Correct The Spelling, Grammar, And Punctuation Of
no photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:31 AM
I just realized, I have never heard a parrot talk with a German accent.

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:32 AM
Neither have I, but with a little work, may be possible.

nusalor's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:33 AM
I put an inflection in a parrot's voice once-he spit it out.

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:35 AM
There is just something about the idea of a parrot saying, "Achtung!"
that I find amusing.

nusalor's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:36 AM
That's what it sounded like when he spit it out!

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:38 AM
Hope you ducked when he spit. Parrot spit, ewwww, at least not as bad
or plentiful as llama spit.

Now if you could find me a parrot to write my essay for my final for
class, then my life would be good. Have to get it done today.

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:38 AM
OK, now I understand all of those World War II movies a little better!

Where were the parrots, though?

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:39 AM
Marie, parrots are lousy essayists. They just repeat what someobody
else told them....!

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:41 AM
True Lex, but if I could find someone to tell him what to write, he
could repeat it and I could type it, then I would have it done. I know,
just dreaming. Taking the easy way out.

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:43 AM
That's why they have Encyclopaedia Copyitouttami.

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:46 AM
Wouldn't work, have to use my notes and hand-outs from the class, but
good idea. Have to use my brain, and dang thing hurts, had a migraine
for 3 weeks now.

Actually won't be too bad once I get in the right mood, but haven't
found it yet. Basically go through all the stuff and regurgitate it.

First time I have taken a college course since 1980, has been a good
class but lots of work too. Five credits though. Just need to do it.

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:50 AM
Marie, you'll be fine, you're one of the brightest (and most
consistently pleasant, AND with a sense of humor!) people on here.

You probably could have done this a long time ago, had you not been
sidetracked with people who made better obstacles than human beings! I
know all about that kind!


Marie55's photo
Sun 04/29/07 10:56 AM
Thank you Lex, I feel the same way about you and enjoy our interactions
on here. I also battle ADD and my brain takes all these side trips, and
worrying about all kinds of things during class. Thank God for
hand-outs, I read and re-read the stuff.

Landscape and Democracy. Actually thought I had it half done, then found
out I was headed in the wrong direction, so have to start over. But
will do okay. Also have to do a portfolio, but have a friend coming by
later tonight and we will work on those together. The class is cool,
not graded, pass/fail, not tested, done through dialogue and the essay
and portfolio at the end so I know I can pass it, just panicking now
that it is ending. So need to get off here and start going through my
stuff. Discipline, I lack discipline, that is the problem. Would
rather talk to friends all day than do my work.

Thanks, Lex, you are the best.

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:09 PM
Once saw a great German fan-dub of Tarzan. They even dubbed Cheetah.
Imagine the monkey speaking in an uber-deep male German voice instead of
ooking. Rather amusing.

Anyways, no correcting the typing. If you convince the "Id went sayling
yeterdey" folks to type proper English you just take away one more thing
we can learn from their profile. Strategy, my friend, strategy!

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 03:27 PM
Nom, you have a good point. I have seen a few profiles where the need
for ESL was so huge that I couldn't even imagine trying to communicate
with them!

Although I see even more of that sort of thing from my beloved
pseudo-Russians trying to get me to send them money for plane tickets
and that expensive Romainian toilet paper....

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 03:30 PM
Sometimes I'm very conscious of grammar and spelling as english is my
second language and I always think that somebody that has grown up with
English should be better able to write it than I am.

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 03:32 PM
Invisible -- I agree totally -- but oddly enough, that is often so not
the case!

Marie55's photo
Tue 05/01/07 05:08 PM
Lex - got the draft of the paper done, think it is good, but will see
what the teacher has to say. Only the draft is due tonight, now have to
get the portfolio done by Thursday.

Dang parrot didn't help at all, only spit cracker crumbs at me.

no photo
Tue 05/01/07 06:32 PM
Yeah, unless your paper is about "Activia" or "bloated" or "regular,"
that parrot is useless!

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