Topic: Will the Easter Bunny find you at....
PacificStar48's photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:40 PM
His, Her's, or a hotel this year?

jvlgrl09's photo
Sun 02/15/09 04:49 PM
probably sitting infront of my computer. best place to find me. that is if the easter bunny is dumb enough to come through the door!

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:03 PM
at bone daddys

Peccy's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:03 PM
Think I nailed the E Bunny with my car last night, i hit him but it looked curiously like a suicide attempt.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:23 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Sun 02/15/09 05:24 PM
That means you have to buy me Chocolates this year then Peccy

Peccy's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:37 PM
What is this "have to"? I have to pay taxes and die. Not obligated to do anything else!

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:39 PM
Only seems fair if you run over my Easter Bunny! WAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

MickyG's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:40 PM
I will not answer the question. I don't like being stalked by bunnies

Peccy's photo
Sun 02/15/09 05:48 PM

Only seems fair if you run over my Easter Bunny! WAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
He perished quickly, a thump and a roll was all there was.

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:18 PM
he'll be peepin those big round eyes over the side of a stewpot if I got anything to do about it

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:33 PM
Hopefully not at homelaugh

Wait then that dastardly bunny cannot leave me a gift card..

I need to rethink this one.huh

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:35 PM

Peccy's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:40 PM

Pretty much how it looked Joe, eggs, grass, and a basket up his ass...............not pretty

Meg8771's photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:44 PM
oh, crap! poor bunny!!

no photo
Sun 02/15/09 06:53 PM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 02/15/09 06:53 PM

oh, crap! poor bunny!!

MickyG's photo
Sun 02/15/09 07:08 PM

Disclaimer!!! No bunnies were harmed in the making of this pic

freeonthree's photo
Sun 02/15/09 07:18 PM

Pretty much how it looked Joe, eggs, grass, and a basket up his ass...............not pretty

Never keep all your eggs in one basket, or this may happen to you smokin