Topic: What dya think of this 13yr old Father?!
IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:20 PM
OMG he does look 8... This is just terribly sad...

izzie's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:24 PM
wow.. that boy doesnt look any older than my 7 yr old son~~~ its just sad..

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:37 PM

Who do you think invitromoms gonna tell her kids when they're old enough who their father is? Taxpayers? The state of california is my daddy!

Burns me so that Kaiser forces elderly policy holders for thirty plus years to stand in line and wait weeks for elective care and then spend huge money to cover this fiasco. I think they should charge that doctor with paternity and make him support those kids.

Pink_lady's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:43 PM
I dunno if anyone read the links, but 2 other lads, 15 & 16 have come forward and said they also slept with her around 9 months ago.

This small lad may not even be the father! His dad has made it clear he is gonna make as much money from this as possible. I dunno wat saddens me more.

Citizen_Joe's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:50 PM
Edited by Citizen_Joe on Sun 02/15/09 11:52 PM

wow.. that boy doesnt look any older than my 7 yr old son~~~ its just sad..

Classic case of idiocracy.

izzie's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:51 PM
i know what saddens me the most!
the fact that her parents gave her permission to have sex in her bed in their house with 3 diferent boys in the same time period!
she is 15 years old for crying out loud!!!!
frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

Pink_lady's photo
Sun 02/15/09 11:55 PM
Edited by Pink_lady on Sun 02/15/09 11:56 PM
The father of the 13-year-old boy dubbed the ‘Babyfather’ yesterday paraded in a devil mask – as he became embroiled in a tawdry battle with his ex-wife to exploit the pitiful case.

The pair are understood to have both struck lucrative media deals, with the boy’s father boasting that he intends to make as much money as possible.

Alfie Patten’s relationship with 15-year-old Chantelle Steadman has prompted a political row about Britain’s moral collapse.

But as controversy raged, his divorced parents Dennis and Nicola had an unseemly row.

At first, Nicola angrily accused Dennis, 45, of selling their son’s story without her knowledge.

But within 24 hours she was said to be negotiating herself.

Last night it was claimed she had secured a five-figure deal.

Alfie was just 12 when he got Chantelle pregnant. Their baby girl, Maisie Roxanne, was born five days ago.

Dennis is said to have told a reporter: ‘I wish this baby had never been born but it has. Alfie is too young but I have to make the most of it. I’m going to make as much money as I can.’

As he spoke on Friday, his son, who looks no older than eight, was curled up in the back of his father’s car and crying audibly.

Dennis said: ‘I’m taking Alfie to London with me. I want to sell his story because I’ve heard people can get us loads of money for Alfie’s story.

izzie's photo
Mon 02/16/09 12:05 AM

wow.. that boy doesnt look any older than my 7 yr old son~~~ its just sad..

Classic case of idiocracy.

im pretty sure that im going to take offence to that.. my kids are intellegent thank you verry much. even if im not!!

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 02/16/09 12:16 AM
Teach safe sex in schools, do away with the religious push of abstinence...these kids are not stupid, nor are they confused. They are curious and in that curiousity are going to try new things, drugs, sex, alcohol. Teach don't preach, resistance is not going to slow this issue nor is demonizing one thing or the other.

We have evolved quite sadly, and because of this we have burdens that we now have to take up for other people. One person has 14 kids, all payed for by social security...two kids have a kid, payed for by social security.

The root is still ignorance.

EZ4Sheezy's photo
Mon 02/16/09 12:42 AM
Wow! If his kids and their kids follow his example, he could live to see his great great great great grandchildren.

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 01:37 AM
Edited by GeniuSxBoY on Mon 02/16/09 01:38 AM

With his gf....

what a pimp! smokin He told that woman twice!!

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 02/16/09 03:07 AM
It isn't a matter of teaching safe sex, it's a matter of teaching common frickin' sense!

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:02 AM

It isn't a matter of teaching safe sex, it's a matter of teaching common frickin' sense!

And who is going to bell that cat? People like us who teach, the parents? When it comes to teaching children common sense in British schools ( lately) we as responsible adults, teachers,carers have to toe the line, jump through hoops, duck under red tape.... In other words "stay with the guide-lines" of the so-called curriculum of the United Kingdom. Far too many rules if you ask me, and who suffers? The children in the long run, children who are rightfull citizens of tomorrow, so it is not a wonder as a nation we are heading down a path of moral degredation!

On the flip side of the coin ( I am not sure ithis is a case of overt Political Correctness gone wrong) Five years ago three children were taken away from their parents, the school had called in Social Services because one of the children had what appeared to be bruises.

The children were placed into foster care and subsequently adopted. Years later ( 5 to be exact) and much anguish to the parents ( the mother in this case had to go into hiding to have a fourth child on account of the warning that that child too would be taken away from her)the Social Services have declared they made a mistake, one of the children in the family was lactose intolerant hence the "scabs" on the childs body. Social Services claim they could not be sure so they took all three children away ( for their own protection) Now the parents have been told although they have been cleared of any wrong-doing but they will not get their children back because they have been adopted and are " happy where they are" and we ( Social Services) do not want to disrupt heir lives !!!!!! noway noway explode

papersmile's photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:11 AM
Edited by papersmile on Mon 02/16/09 04:16 AM

Is it really such a concept for people to grasp? My God, I wasn't even CONSIDERING having sex when I was 13! Even if I HAD considered it, I knew better than to try and follow through with it! What the f*ck is wrong with people today??
Same here Keith.

I honestly think that the amount of time a parent spends with their children has a direct effect on the activities in which their child will engage.

That isn't to lay blame on the mother, or the father. I realize that most parents need to work, both of them, in order to be able to provide for the family and that they are not always available for supervision.

I'm also aware that not all parents are in a financial position to register their kids in after-school activities so that they are too busy to be fooling around.


Heck if that had happened to me, my parents would have been so ashamed and humiliated (however wrong that attitude might be as well) but you wouldn't ever see my face plastered around like that in a grasp for media attention, and money. They'd hide me away, probably even from family.

You just might witness the next stupid family see the opportunity to make a bit of cash and exploit their children in the same manner.

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:18 AM

Is it really such a concept for people to grasp? My God, I wasn't even CONSIDERING having sex when I was 13! Even if I HAD considered it, I knew better than to try and follow through with it! What the f*ck is wrong with people today??
Same here Keith.

I honestly think that the amount of time a parent spends with their children has a direct effect on the activities in which their child will engage.

That isn't to lay blame on the mother, or the father. I realize that most parents need to work, both of them, in order to be able to provide for the family and that they are not always available for supervision.

I'm also aware that not all parents are in a financial position to register their kids in after-school activities so that they are too busy to be fooling around.


Heck if that had happened to me, my parents would have been so ashamed and humiliated (however wrong that attitude might be as well) but you wouldn't ever see my face plastered around like that in a grasp for media attention, and money. They'd hide me away, probably even from family.

You just might witness the next stupid family see the opportunity to make a bit of cash.

"Chantelle and Maisie were released from hospital yesterday. They are living with Penny, Chantelle’s jobless dad Steve, 43, and her five brothers in a rented council house in Eastbourne. The family live on benefits." In this case the parents could keep an eye on their children, that is, if they could keep their eyes off the television in the corner of the room long enough to notice what their children were up to!.....................

Mr_Music's photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:23 AM
My daughter is 15. Had it been her, I can PROMISE you there would be other things on my mind more important than how much money I could make on the deal.

I can also promise you that SHE would be doing a lot of thinking, too.

7z3r05's photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:26 AM
Edited by 7z3r05 on Mon 02/16/09 04:28 AM
what is a 13 year old having sex for? talk about lost childhood.

thats absolutely awful and it depresses me just thinking about it. and its gonna be another unwanted unloved child because there is no way that the prepubescent "father" could ever understand the gravity of the situation he got himself into. and a pregnancy lasts 9 months, so he was probably -{12}- when he did the deed... wow man. just... wow.

no photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:28 AM
Most of us had sex young but were lucky enough that our stupidity didn't materialize into childbirth, so even if I'm saddened at the result I cannot judge him or her because I did the same thing at their age I was just more lucky.

Sassy10's photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:28 AM
Unfortunately, it's a dire reflection of British society

Robin2007's photo
Mon 02/16/09 04:34 AM

With his gf....

what a pimp! smokin He told that woman twice!!

Very sad & disturbing indeed noway Wth were these two thinking ?