Topic: JOB - URINE TEST | |
Well I haven't kept up with the welfare laws here in Oregon but used to be that if a person was applying for public housing assistance and had a drug conviction on their record they could not receive assistance also they used to have "food stamps" but people were selling them for drug money so they went to a system that the welfare recipient has a Oregon Trail card like an atm they use it at the grocery stores with a pin number (like a debit card), but I'm sure people have found ways to get around that (like loaning out the card and pin # for x amount of dollars).
I smoke dope I won't quit for anyone I won't work a job that requires a urine test and I don't care who does or does not like it You have that right. However, if I was hiring, I probably would not hire someone who smoked pot. I have nothing against it, except it is illegal. I would also fire a person if they came to work drunk. I won't work at any place that insists on giving employees polygraph tests. They are an insult. All they are is an interrogation based on a con job. There is no such thing as a "lie detector." Read: The Lie behind the lie detector: And learn how to pass any polygraph test. |
SORRY, dan and hg.... Housing and the welfare and the welfare qualifications and mentality that arise from it are in the "AVERAGE JOE" urine testing statement. It is saying that welfare people do not have to be tested, and they qualify without and spend Uncle Sam's dollars and are NOT requalified on the basis of whether or not the family member is a drug abuser. JMHO I know what you mean but there are major abusing going on. I have to scrimp to make ends meet and they are standing in line with steaks, shrimp, large cakes and there food stamps. I am behind them with my peanut butter and jelly. [and that has gone up]. There are people that aren't even US citizens that draw welfare, and now they are going to be able to draw Social Security and they have never paid a dime into it! This is my complaint. OH! Here I go...I have a relative(in-law)who had kids for the sole purpose of getting checks every month. She sits on her ever-lovin' rear end ALL DAY everyday, she does do drugs, doesn't own an alarm clock, drives a car until she wrecks it and then that's that. Welfare required her to go to a program where she could learn a trade, etc (I should be so lucky!) and her response was, "I have to get my kid to school!" eventhough he is 15. I'm so worked up now I forgot what the original topic was...oh, yeh...test her! Then get her a job, pull the checks and food stamps and see if there's anything in the budget to help someone who works everyday but needs temporary help now and then. By the way, if I'm flying somewhere or taking a bus or canoe or trolley I trust that the driver/operator has been cleared{tested} for take off. But we don't test surgeons and we don't test the characters who run this fine country of ours. Bye for now...have to go back to work. |
I just read the 'joe' letter. There is currently a bill in Fl to do just exactly that. As to weather it passes or not - who knows.