Topic: a couple of dumb blonde cowboys
slikylisa's photo
Fri 04/27/07 11:17 AM
two blond cowboys Willie and Gus
are sitting in the saloon one day
in walks rancher Dan carring an indian head
he says i will give any one here $100 dollars
for every indian head they bring me
those indians have burnt my crops
raped my wife and stole my children
so Willie and Gus ride out lookin for indians
neither one has a gun so soon as they see
an Indian coming Willie pulls out his sling shot and
knocks the indian off his horse and the indian
falls down into a big ravine
so Willie and gus climb down and Willie takes out his knife
and starts to saw off the indians head
Gus starts hitting willie on the arm saying Willie
you better look at this
willie says hush up Gus iam busy now leave me alone
well gus keeps hitting him so finaly Willie looks up
and all along the ridge of the ravine is indians surounding
them Gus says what do you think now Willie and Willie
says Hot Damn Gus we gonna be millionaireslaugh laugh

ccrzyolfool's photo
Fri 04/27/07 11:38 AM
roflmao too funny

darqfire62's photo
Fri 04/27/07 12:51 PM
laugh that was GREAT!!! laugh