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Topic: Met on mingles
jsq's photo
Tue 02/10/09 11:01 PM
ive brought up dating other people and she says for me too but she isn't going to. she just says for me to use a condom, which i think is weird. not sure if she is just seeing if i will or something.

EtherealEmbers's photo
Tue 02/10/09 11:01 PM
Have you confronted her and asked her why she's willing to call you and date you and sleep with you without the label of girlfriend? I would do that if you really want to know.

If she stutters or gets really mad, then she's just playing you. If she stops to think about it and then says something like "maybe you're right... we should cool off a bit" then maybe she's actually interested in getting to know you... unless she just stops calling you

jsq's photo
Tue 02/10/09 11:03 PM
yeah we talked about that and she just says that she is scared to get hurt.

jsq's photo
Tue 02/10/09 11:04 PM
my ex has the kids for valentines. i just don't want to be a sucker and go spend a bunch of money for someone who is just playing me

IndnPrncs's photo
Tue 02/10/09 11:05 PM

Have you confronted her and asked her why she's willing to call you and date you and sleep with you without the label of girlfriend? I would do that if you really want to know.

If she stutters or gets really mad, then she's just playing you. If she stops to think about it and then says something like "maybe you're right... we should cool off a bit" then maybe she's actually interested in getting to know you... unless she just stops calling you

EE I won't call the guy I'm seeing a boyfriend.. I'm not using him nor will I stop and think about it.. I don't want to jump into a serious relationship... I don't date others I just can't take that final step... I'm not afraid of getting hurt.. I'm somewhat afraid of hurting someone though...

jsq's photo
Tue 02/10/09 11:24 PM
Although im still pretty confused thanks for all of your advise. Hopefully it will work out in the end.

Jtevans's photo
Tue 02/10/09 11:29 PM
i say drop her like a used hooker

no photo
Wed 02/11/09 12:20 AM
Forget what I said earlier. It doesn't seem like there's much of anything to work out from either side.

IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 02/11/09 12:24 AM
Yeah I'm thinking if I cared about someone I wouldn't want them sleeping around...

74Drew's photo
Wed 02/11/09 12:47 AM
start dating other people. if she wants you, she'll step up. if not, you'll be dating other people.

michiganman3's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:06 AM
If you like what you are getting, keep doing what you are doing.

galendgirl's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:25 AM

yeah she calls me like 4 times a day. i rarely call her

If she's calling you that often, she's very interested (and needy - sorry!)

What gives with you not initiating calls if you are really interested in her??? Take the initiative...if you can't even call her, then how is she to believe you really want a "relationship?" I can't blame her for being cautious in that regard, but still...calling you that often seems a little excessive, IMO.

Take it slow, show her if you really are interested (that doesn't have to mean you pony up for expensive dinner dates, etc either!) and any potential relationship will either work out or show it's true colors.

Just my opinion from the girlie side of life :wink:

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