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Topic: what the hell is going on!
vanstone's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:13 PM
Edited by vanstone on Fri 02/06/09 01:14 PM
I am hearing a crap load of automatic gun for and explosions around my house! I mean ALOT of gun fire. And I have no neighbors for a mile...

FallinAngel82's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:14 PM
i would suggest stayin in your house away from windows then and possibly alert the authorities

vanstone's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:15 PM
Edited by vanstone on Fri 02/06/09 01:15 PM
Its probly just the local cops having some fun they do it from time to time. If my house gets hit i will return fire

Jess642's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:17 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Fri 02/06/09 01:17 PM
Quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE hit the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some guy is posting a really BIG drama on an internet forum!!!!!!!!!!! Quick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


vanstone's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:18 PM
i am not ****ting you i am currently calling the cops

plk1966's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:19 PM
I would call just to be on the safe side

Jess642's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:21 PM
How is it that you post this on the net first.... THEN call the cops?

Hmmmm? sounds more like a drama hook to me....huh

Redshirt's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:23 PM
You are sharing this with folks on the internet for what reason? Sorry that just makes no sense to me. Hear gun the authorities don't post it on the internet.

ljcc1964's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:24 PM
Go outside and see what's going on...

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:28 PM

Go outside and see what's going on...

Stay low, duck and run from cover to cover!smokin

EchoJake's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:29 PM
My guess is it's zombies. Realistically it's the only explanation.

Jess642's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:30 PM

My guess is it's zombies. Realistically it's the only explanation.

laugh laugh laugh Or no pot.....and too many horror movies.

Filmfreek's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:31 PM
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome

vanstone's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:31 PM
I called the cops There having a train training exercise.... I just posted it because well i have nothing else to do not for drama but because well its not every day my isolated house becomes a war zone

Jess642's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:35 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Fri 02/06/09 01:36 PM
it still doesn't explain why it is you post first to a heap of people you have NEVER met FIRST... then made the phone calls after.....


no photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:36 PM

How is it that you post this on the net first.... THEN call the cops?

Hmmmm? sounds more like a drama hook to me....huh

Drama on here? No way!

Jess642's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:37 PM

How is it that you post this on the net first.... THEN call the cops?

Hmmmm? sounds more like a drama hook to me....huh

Drama on here? No way!

laugh laugh laugh drinker

FedGuyB16's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:40 PM
Edited by FedGuyB16 on Fri 02/06/09 01:42 PM

it still doesn't explain why it is you post first to a heap of people you have NEVER met FIRST... then made the phone calls after.....


He just wanted to make sure SOMEONE knew what was going on just in case if when he called the police he was put on hold...and while on hold the zombies marched in and took him to their leader. drinker

FedGuyB16's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:43 PM

I called the cops There having a train training exercise.... I just posted it because well i have nothing else to do not for drama but because well its not every day my isolated house becomes a war zone

WOLF!!!! WOLF!!!! WOLF!!!!

Jess642's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:43 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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