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Topic: Do you like it when Kids Scream?
chickayoshi's photo
Fri 02/06/09 12:26 AM
Mercy mercy! You're right on that. Parents are getting soft. And then they feel threatened when another person tells them their child is being a maverick. Kids think they can rule the world...if they can't get what they want...scream for back up. spock

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 12:31 AM

Mercy mercy! You're right on that. Parents are getting soft. And then they feel threatened when another person tells them their child is being a maverick. Kids think they can rule the world...if they can't get what they want...scream for back up. spock

The parents aren't just getting soft... they're simply not paying attention. It's almost like they don't even care about what their little genetic mistakes are doing while they've got their faces shoved in their buffet slop. They'd rather let little idiot stumble around like a floppity trout and risk some REAL danger (like getting hit by a car or worse) than play the real parent and keep better control over the kids.

And it's like I always say- if you aren't emotionally and economically-capable of having the kids, then do the rest of the world a favor and don't unleash your devil progeny upon the rest of us. We shouldn't have to contend with YOUR lack in judgment and contraception.

chickayoshi's photo
Fri 02/06/09 12:37 AM
rofl I guess parents stopped using the kiddie leashes...That should be enforced and re-enforced in public places. "Child must be tied down or attached to you at all times. It's the LAW!" (Not really the law, but should be one.)

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 02/06/09 02:49 AM
I have always wondered why they require pets to be on a leash/controlled but not a child? Kind of makes you wonder where peoples priorities are. No wonder so many children go missing or are abused.

In the military stores you control your child; specificlly hold them, put them in a cart, or hold their hand or they make you leave so shopping in the civilian world was quite a shock.

I have gotten where there are some resturants and stores where I won't shop because I refuse to pay for the waste they make of the inventory and add to my purchases.

If I have to pay for my meal first I will call for a manager and demand a refund or refuse to pay if it goes too far. I'm not going to pay for my meal if they continue to allow a kid/parent to scream his lungs out or change their diaper where I am trying to enjoy my meal.

I can't figure out why anyone in there right mind can't figure out if you let a child scream and throw a tantrum and you give into them they are going to do it anytime they want to control a situation but I see it all the time. And I don't understand why because all you have to do is make a couple of fast trips to the bathroom and even a very young child will know who is in charge. I think parents now days are scared of their kids.

DragonFlyTat's photo
Fri 02/06/09 06:56 AM
Most annoying when at a restaurant

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 09:12 AM

I have always wondered why they require pets to be on a leash/controlled but not a child? Kind of makes you wonder where peoples priorities are. No wonder so many children go missing or are abused.

In the military stores you control your child; specificlly hold them, put them in a cart, or hold their hand or they make you leave so shopping in the civilian world was quite a shock.

I have gotten where there are some resturants and stores where I won't shop because I refuse to pay for the waste they make of the inventory and add to my purchases.

If I have to pay for my meal first I will call for a manager and demand a refund or refuse to pay if it goes too far. I'm not going to pay for my meal if they continue to allow a kid/parent to scream his lungs out or change their diaper where I am trying to enjoy my meal.

I can't figure out why anyone in there right mind can't figure out if you let a child scream and throw a tantrum and you give into them they are going to do it anytime they want to control a situation but I see it all the time. And I don't understand why because all you have to do is make a couple of fast trips to the bathroom and even a very young child will know who is in charge. I think parents now days are scared of their kids.

Ugh. Tell me about it.

I was eating at another restaurant a while back when I noticed a family of half-wits literally changing the baby's diaper RIGHT ON THE DINING TABLE. Right in everybody's view, too. The putrid stench of feral baby excretion was simply horrifying, to boot- it was SO bad, you could dissolve bone with the stuff.

The worst part was the family of complete morons were totally oblivious to the fact that they were doing their business in a place where people ate. They also didn't seem to care that the restaurant had stations in the restrooms where you could do things like change diapers with little in the way of problems (they're called "Koala Kare Centers" at the place).

I called the waiter and told him he could forget about charging me for my meal after seeing (and more importantly- SMELLING) all that stuff.

Talk about pooping where you eat...

Seakolony's photo
Fri 02/06/09 09:14 AM
If a child screams its for a reason, no matter the reason there is one.

no photo
Fri 02/06/09 10:00 AM
Yup. They'll scream when there's nothing to scream about.

Thank goodness for duct tape.

Stoned43's photo
Fri 02/06/09 01:58 PM
gets on my nerve to hear a kid scream especially in public

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 02/06/09 02:28 PM
Screaming with them always seems to work.smokin

bad_girl's photo
Fri 02/06/09 02:55 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Moof, I love it

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I made a kid do just that while I was at a Chinese buffet joint the other day-

I was returning from the buffet tables to my booth with my food where i found an unruly feral toddler hopping up on my seat to stick his hands in my drink.

I snuck up behind the kid and barked "HEY!!! WHADDYA YA DOING!!!" as loud as I could. The unruly feral toddler snapped his head back, only to find a six-foot eight-inch mass of angry buffet patron staring quite angrily at him. His eyes ballooned out and he skeedaddled out of the booth, screaming and crying for his baby mama the whole time.

Then said feral toddler's baby mama decided to try to yell at me for scaring her little snowflake as bad as I did, to which I replied, "Had you been watching your unruly feral toddler instead of concentrating on the feed bag around your head, none of this would have happened. Instead, you let your ill-bred progeny roam around this eatery like he was in a preschool for ADHD-addled miscreants.

Keep better watch over the future felon you call your child, as he won't get off so lucky the next time".

A nearby waitress witnessed the baby mama's *****-fest and asks her to leave, which results in the baby mama's screaming that her "civil rights" were violated, as well as some other incomprehensible nonsense that only a poorly-educated baby mama could comprehend before finally leaving.

That unruly feral toddler DID scream a rather loud scream, I'll tell you that much.

bad_girl's photo
Fri 02/06/09 02:57 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Yup. They'll scream when there's nothing to scream about.

Thank goodness for duct tape.

krupa's photo
Fri 02/06/09 04:18 PM
I spent four years of my life working at a toy store for God's sakes....tantrums every damned day....and the kids screamed too.

krupa's photo
Fri 02/06/09 04:28 PM
So, I was taking a lunch break at a food court in a mall in Denver and working on a pointalism drawing when a tiny chocolate covered hand slapped down on on my painting. I had just enough time to think "Oh SH!T!" when I looked up and saw a lil Chinese boy (maybe 5 years old)...his mom literally flew to the table and slapped that kid harder than I have ever seen anyone get slapped...picked him up by one arm and wailed the tar out of him. The kid was so stunned he didn't even start crying for like 30 seconds....

She then apologized profusely...I was cool about it and just pitched the painting once they left but, I was really proud of the woman. She knew the right thing to do....I guarantee that kid thought long and hard about just randomly screwing around after that @ss kickin.

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Fri 02/06/09 11:41 PM
Edited by Rockmybobbysocks on Fri 02/06/09 11:42 PM
my favorite is i work in an optometry office... and some parents .. well lets say i'm not a parent for a reason. i'd be that parent ending up on the news while my kids being hauled away by CPS for me smacking the crap outta them in a public bathroom or some such nonsense.

these kids run around, pulling frames from the cases, spilling drink everywhere, leaving messes, screaming, running up and down the back halls, all while mom/dad are trying to decide between the dolce & gabbana frame or the ed hardy frame.

once.. this kid was beating the crap out of another kid in the tiny play area.. and mom tells the kid. "connor.. you're not making good decisions..." in which connor drooled at her being that he was like...2!!


pansy ass parenting pisses me off.

mind you that same sentance was said to a 9 year old who kept screaming down the halls and she straight told her mom "i want to not make good decisions mommy" she then giggled and kept on screaming.

sometimes.. i want to beat other peoples kids.

man... i'm soo glad i have no kids. :p

oh yeah and


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