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Topic: Reality
sensualsweet's photo
Tue 02/03/09 03:33 AM

Are you kidding me? That isn't gone forever.

Only a cynical, grumpypants won't let themselves go with the giddy, giggly....and might I say deliciously euphoric roller coaster ride, which is the beginning of a new romance.

Go ahead and close yourself off, but as for me?......I say throw your hands up and forget about fastening your seatbelt! LET'S RIDE!!!


Can I ride with you on that roller coaster ride?


sensualsweet's photo
Tue 02/03/09 04:10 AM
Edited by sensualsweet on Tue 02/03/09 04:12 AM
I still hold out hope for that ultimate love, the one that has us weak in the knees, head over heels in love. That's my perogative.

But my frustration is that I have been plagued by opportunists looking to scam me. I'm talking about these guys that pop up on my screen to chat and then fire all these qualifying questions at me. My being polite and willing to chat, I answer their questions and next thing you know, I'm being sent an email that is dripping with promises of love, commitment, devotion, a marriage proposal, and a request that I make the same immediate commitment of love, etc.

This is all within the first day or two of any type of contact or correspondence. I'm talking about ONE chat session and ONE email. The last three are from here on M2. Because I believe in finding love again, they seem to blast me with both barrels. I'd paste a section of one of the emails here, but don't want to step on someone's heart or privacy rights.

I'm not sure what drives these guys. I think one of them (widower) is desperately looking for a replacement Mom for his young child so he can regain custody from the grandparents in another country. He offers that fairytale love that we (as little girls) always dreamed about. But he doesn't even know who he is offering it to. Is he searching for the white whale?

I know these guys have their own hidden agendas... but at times it is tempting candy, much like the story of Hansel and Grettel.

Now that I am seeing the pattern, I am less apt to fall into their web of deception and/or desperation. I'm left feeling like I've fallen into quicksand or stepped into a tarpit.

But all these predators don't stop me from being open to the real thing.

I just wish they'd stop wasting my time. I don't have the heart to be abrasive since I don't know if they are a predator or some poor, desperate soul in search of a rescuer. I guess I feel that if I hold an injured bird in my hands, I would rather set it down gently so as not to injure it further. But I'd also like to drop-kick some of them. They all seem to be guys from the UK or some other country, disguising themselves as US citizens working abroad.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:14 AM

For most we don't want to date...Because ?

It's not that I don't want to date --

It's that there isn't anybody datable. Big difference.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:17 AM

For most we don't want to date...Because ?

It's not that I don't want to date --

It's that there isn't anybody datable. Big difference.

I was going to say "You have to lower your standards" then I realized you already have, you're on Mingle2 laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:24 AM

takes a seat

*pulls up next to Dubz*

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:25 AM

Are you kidding me? That isn't gone forever.

Only a cynical, grumpypants won't let themselves go with the giddy, giggly....and might I say deliciously euphoric roller coaster ride, which is the beginning of a new romance.

Go ahead and close yourself off, but as for me?......I say throw your hands up and forget about fastening your seatbelt! LET'S RIDE!!!


oops did someone say cynical? oops

You know girlfriend that's a 4-letter word around these parts now .. slaphead

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 05:29 AM

I was going to say "You have to lower your standards" then I realized you already have, you're on Mingle2 laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Well, I've tried lowering my standards in the past, and all THAT got me was married. Not gonna do that again....

papersmile's photo
Tue 02/03/09 06:01 AM

For most we don't want to date...Because ?
The Economy real sux...so if you men want to take us on a date,then it must to be back to nature i guess...A walk,an Talk,an a Hot chocolate...Maybe a walk in the Mall,for the opinion on things?

We love only once,that is are Young Love,we will honesty never feel that again...Some might think they can,an try?...But just think back...What was the feeling you felt at that time?

I already know that some will slam me...

so go for itfrustrated

actually i find the poor economy leads to opportunities for higher quality, getting-to-know-you dates.

i have always preferred a bike ride, stopping for an ice cream, or a few laps around the ice rink, with a hot chocolate to follow over and above an expensive, dressy, restaurant and/or the theatre.

a hike in the forest, sitting and tossing rocks into the water strikes me as one of the best possible dates i can imagine.

and it's those-type dates that i always look back on fondly as some of the best memories i've had.

moonandstars's photo
Tue 02/03/09 06:03 AM
Edited by moonandstars on Tue 02/03/09 06:04 AM

For most we don't want to date...Because ?
The Economy real sux...so if you men want to take us on a date,then it must to be back to nature i guess...A walk,an Talk,an a Hot chocolate...Maybe a walk in the Mall,for the opinion on things?

If I want to go to a movie theater or a concert or out to dinner ... I can do that myself (or go with friends). I'd prefer not to go alone, but I will. The purpose of a date is to get to know someone, spend some time with them. So what's wrong with a walk and talk? Star-gazing, hot chocolate, day at the park... whatever. (But please, no mall walking... those places bore me.)

We love only once,that is are Young Love,we will honesty never feel that again...Some might think they can,an try?...But just think back...What was the feeling you felt at that time?

I don't want to be young and in love again. I want to be me, today, right now... in love again. I do believe we can love more than once in this lifetime, but the degree and depth of that love changes as we mature.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 06:41 AM
I don't think the economy has anything to do with it..

I was with my ex for 11 years... I was young and stupid and thought I was in love and married him, had babies.. it lasted quite a while. But here I am, starting over and no idea where to start. :)

I believe I'll find real love again, but till I do, I'm going to enjoy life and where it brings me. :D

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