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Topic: Polyamory
seahawks's photo
Tue 04/24/07 11:37 PM
what and have 2 woman naggin at ya . no thnx. jk.

resserts's photo
Wed 04/25/07 08:37 AM

I think that you'll find the people who are truly interested in living a
polyamorous lifestyle are extremely secure in themselves, in their
partners, and in the relationships. I don't think you can be successful
and have any serious doubts about your love, their love, the bond of the
relationships, etc. And I think that's probably why it's very rare.
People are too often racked with all sorts of insecurities that it's not
healthy to move beyond the struggle of having a single intimate partner.
In a perfect, idyllic relationship, such love would be possible and
freely given (whether sexual or not). But we live in the real world,
where most people are incapable of such strong intimate emotion and
absence of jealousy.

If you ever find your way into a love triangle as you described, be sure
to let us know how it worked from a first-hand perspective.

izzyva's photo
Wed 04/25/07 11:37 AM
Not all mens want a threesome, In my early 20's while living in
Norfolk, VA and in the military, i shared a apartment with two
wonderfull ladies, we started as friends and end up moving to one room,
it was a great experience, most of the sex was always between two, and i
some ocasions, the 3 of us will participated, It's not a everyday thing,
it was just as a family, They were fights once in a while as a regular
relationship, but they got transfer, we still friends, but we don't talk
about the experience much they are married and have kids.


izzyva's photo
Wed 04/25/07 11:38 AM
Everybody can't handle a relationship like that, and everybody have
diferent believed, so pleased don't judge nobody.


rozey2680's photo
Wed 04/25/07 11:54 AM

Besides I only have room for one in my heart!!!! :wink: bigsmile

Blackbird's photo
Wed 04/25/07 11:58 AM
I've known people that polyamory works very well for and encourage it
for those it works for. It is SAD when someone confuses multiple loves
for multiple sex partners though...

Personally I'm with Adventurebegins and Wildflower I never could make it
work with a singular partner, how could I hope to make it work with
multiple partners?

bamabeecee's photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:15 PM
It can't happen. You can have sex with more than one person, but not an
intimate relationship with more. Intimacy means sharing all of yourself
with aonther, and you can't give your all if there's more than one
you're giving to.

no photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:22 PM
Yes it can. Information isn't "shared"- it's "copied". Just as these
posts can be read by many hundreds of people. Probably won't, but can.
Without them changing anything.

no photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:24 PM
Besides, no human being can share *ALL* of themselves. Work, we do
alone (usually). "Me time" is one of the biggest issues in any
relationship. You can't expect another human being- even your lover- to
be *everything* to you. That's just not healthy. But add in a third
person, and you don't have to depend so heavily on one other person.

bamabeecee's photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:40 PM
I agree, you can't expect another person to be everything to you. That's
why we have friends. But what I'm talking about is an imtimate committed
relationship. When I say sharing all of yourself with another person, I
mean sharing everything about yourself, not being together every waking
minute. If you give all your love to one person, sure, there's more love
to go around, for family and friends, but that's not the same thing. I
think if you're in an intimate sexual relationship with a person, they
and you deserve that that intimacy not be shared with another person.
It's spreading yourself too thin. JMO.

no photo
Wed 04/25/07 03:55 PM
Perhaps some people can't "spread themselves" without thinning out. But
let me ask you this- does the same hold true of children? Does a person
with only two children somehow give them more love than a person with
three? Or is there only a set amount that has to be spread out.

Admittedly, we only have so much *attention* to spread. But love, I've
never even come close to running low on that.

bamabeecee's photo
Wed 04/25/07 04:03 PM
Good for you. I mean that really, if that's what makes you happy, more
power to ya. Think I'll stick with the man who gives all his attention
to me.

no photo
Wed 04/25/07 04:21 PM
Hey, I don't think I'd do well in a polyamorous relationship, either.
I'm just saying that "love" has nothing to do with that. It's
essentially jealousy and insecurity that prevents most people from being
able to handle such an arrangement.

mbcasey's photo
Wed 04/25/07 06:25 PM
I am against polyamory. Especially if children become involved.
Thank you.


mnhiker's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:41 PM
Sounds a lot like polygamy to me.

mnhiker's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:41 PM
Or an orgy.

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 04/26/07 08:43 PM
It's a completely absurd notion, for me.

NomDiPlume's photo
Tue 05/01/07 01:13 PM
Interesting dialogue. I was actually invited into a polyamorous
relationship recently, though I have thus far politely declined. The
guy and the girl are both friends of mine. She's asked me for a
relationship, and he met me privately to give me his ok.

Very weird. Kind of tempting, if only because I'm lonely and she's hot,
but I'd hate to end up in the middle. Still, it's tempting on occasion.

brokenheart74's photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:42 PM
No way- I don't share:tongue:

aredrosebaby's photo
Tue 05/01/07 07:45 PM
sorry i dont share,grumble

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