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Topic: Ok seriously another person leaving because their feeling ar
tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 04/24/07 12:53 PM
That is crap 2 step don't leave because people , dont see everything the
same as you.

Only known you since I arrived........

But don't leave....

All because we may have good and bad days.....

I will miss you if you deactivate your account. Don't let people run you

:cry: :cry: :cry:

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 04/24/07 12:56 PM
whoa! Don't leave 2 step! (I love you man).
It won't be the same with out you...don"t go.
Pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:tongue: flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 12:57 PM
twostep..she is right..come on..u r so cool and a good friend..i've been
where u r b4 and i've come to realize that im not going to let someone
bother me and leave this site cause of it..u have alot more friends,
then one idiot stay..come on..i'll miss your......

Party on's..

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

we :heart: ya

adj4u's photo
Tue 04/24/07 12:58 PM
whoz leaving


noway noway noway noway

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:03 PM
damn..he deativated..i think he'll be back..if someone is bother u on
here..REPORT IT..thats what i've learned to not leavin this site
because of some jerk!!grumble

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:03 PM
wtf? his account is deactivated....
sad sad sad sad sad

devin112's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:11 PM
i am leaving toooooooooooooo.smokin smokin smokin smokin

irishlass's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:11 PM
I don't know what happened, but I like the guy. I thought he seemed very
nice. I hope he changes his mind and activates his account again.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:15 PM
??? why Devinohwell

devin112's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:15 PM
i am leaving toooooooooooooosmokin smokin smokin

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:21 PM
i liked him too..he was funny as helllaugh :wink:

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:22 PM
y u leavin devin?laugh

irishlass's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:26 PM
Devin why leave? I just got here less then a month ago. I am here to
just meet people as friends and I thought that was what you were here
for. I barely know you and you are living, you are not giving the newer
members a chance to know you.

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:29 PM
Guys I will talk to him for you. I have him on MSN.

bikerbobd's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:29 PM
I just talked to Steper on the phone

People here has just screwed up royaly
Steper is the type of person who will give the shirt off his back just
to help others.
He is a Rock-A-Billy,they have a language of their own.When he calls a
woman Sug or call a man Bud,he is only calling you something he can
remember.Women was offended because he called them Sug.
He offered help he all he got was email saying he was out for something
else from women.For those who knows him they can tell you he only shows
respect for all.Man and Woman.

This has happened before,us bikers think we found a place to have fun we
get ran off.Thats fine,it's happen before and i'm sure it will happen
again.So now here we go again.

I have made a few friends here and wish everyone the best in their

Good bye,So long,Farewell

bigpappa4331's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:30 PM

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:30 PM
TY Whisper...:cry:

izzie's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:35 PM
2-stepper, n bob... we love and respect you here.. and would hate to see
you go. i know a bit aboutthe situation you are speaking of, and the
whole thing was a stupid misunderstanding!!! 2stepper.. you were one of
the first ppl to talk to me when i first got here, adn it helped me to
open up... (yes all you can partialy balime 2stepper for me.. hehe)...
please come back!!!! and you too bob... i will miss you both so!!!!

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: :heart:
:heart: :heart:

whispertoascream's photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:36 PM
Guys he is really hurt and up set. How is it that three little letter
such as "sug" can offend somebody? 2 Step is a sweet guy. He has a heart
of gold. All he wants is to make people smile and help when he can. I
see nothing wrong with that. If people get offended by that then why are
they socializing with people in the first place?

no photo
Tue 04/24/07 01:39 PM
I'm a biker guy and no one has even tried to run me off. Come on back
guys and as steper would say "party on"

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