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Topic: On the run..bartender
rlynne's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:06 PM

I'm not... I just like listening to the music

I don't drink.....laugh

Seakolony's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:08 PM
Dude its 5 o'clock somewhere

rlynne's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:12 PM
This killing time is killing me
Drinking myself blind
Thinking I won't see
Not if I cross that line
And they bury me
Well, I just might find
I'll be killing time for eternity

okay I'm done now.....

enjoy the music

see ya later!!laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:18 PM
Well, I guess she split...who's got quarters for the juke box?

Seakolony's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:20 PM

Well, I guess she split...who's got quarters for the juke box?

Let me grab my change jar BRB :smile:

rlynne's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:27 PM
cuz that boy's just a walk away joy.. born to be a leaver
tell you from the word go, destined to deceive her
he's the wrong kinda paradise
she's gonna know it in a matter of time

rlynne's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:45 PM
I awoke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off I sat and wondered
Started humming a song from 1962
Ain't it funny how the night moves
When you just don't seem to have as much to lose
Strange how the night moves
With autumn closing in

sssshhhhh incognito.....

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:50 PM

Why don't we get drunk & screw...Jimmy Buffet.
drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

prisoner's photo
Mon 01/26/09 12:57 PM

Why don't we get drunk & screw...Jimmy Buffet.
:smile: anytime love...oh and i like Tequila Sunrise by The Eagles...be seeing you

Oh, you better stop that...people will say we're in love...smitten
[/quote:smile: not love just lust...be seeing you

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