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Topic: When it rains it pours?
transientmind's photo
Sun 01/25/09 06:22 AM
Edited by transientmind on Sun 01/25/09 06:23 AM
If it can go wrong... I probably did it.drinker

Edit: Well, not really but close enough.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 01/25/09 06:24 AM

Does it really or do we just notice it more when things seem to go wrong? Do we create more stress, by looking for it when things are going wrong, or does it come all at once?

Seems like as soon as you start to overcome one thing, life throws another barrel at you for you to jump over.

The problem is our heads are slanted, so in fact when it rains it does pour...right onto our clothes, which in turn makes us a wet soppy mess. Do what I do, get an umbrella that covers everything life can throw you (drugs).

betsybubbles's photo
Sun 01/25/09 07:31 AM
I always go by the ( what doen`t kill you makes you stronger) on some realy bad days this works for me.

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