Topic: If you where a dinosaur ...
purplecat's photo
Mon 04/23/07 07:13 PM
What kind of human would you be ?

La_Esperanza's photo
Mon 04/23/07 07:16 PM
Extinct! lol

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 07:19 PM
A rather reptilian one....

Native_Grl39's photo
Mon 04/23/07 07:21 PM
The kind that doesn't kill dinasaurs!!!!!!!!!!

:tongue: drinker

burgundybry's photo
Mon 04/23/07 07:21 PM
george bush

no photo
Mon 04/23/07 07:21 PM
Kingkong! laugh

tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 04/23/07 07:25 PM
a ballerina of courselaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Marie55's photo
Mon 04/23/07 07:29 PM
Wilma Flintstone most likely, I don't know thought Fred was annoying but
so were the Rubbles, but Pebbles and BamBam were cute.

AlpineRocks's photo
Mon 04/23/07 07:30 PM
huh huh huh