Topic: sympathy for alec
Autumn_queen's photo
Sun 04/22/07 05:16 PM
As a future parent and someones offspring..
I'm curious to know.....

How does it feel to be rejected by your children?

Not like estranged...or like they truly hate you...I mean like those
phases kids go through where they just really need space from their

Like Ireland ignoring her dad.

lulu24's photo
Sun 04/22/07 05:25 PM
that's a good question, and i'm afraid i'm about to find out.

my eldest never went through those phases...i went all over the place
with her and her friends as she cruised through her teen years with nary
an argument, literally.

my though she's SUCH a mama's girl, i can
see her trying to break that already. she'll be a handful, and will
think she has to break my heart to get her way.

hopefully, she'll skate through those years as her sister did...and
we'll remain close. the younger sisters, i don't predict ever pulling

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 04/22/07 05:30 PM
It feels like crap but you get thru it.sad

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 04/22/07 05:32 PM
oh and if you mean the Ireland I think you do she should learn how not
to act fom both parents.Talk about childish.

Autumn_queen's photo
Sun 04/22/07 05:40 PM
I'm crossing my fingers for you lulu, i wish me and my mom were like
that, but now we get along.

my dad just told me yesterday how he gets through the week just to see
me on saturdays! Now, this would totally make me feel special except for
the fact that he knows that pretty soon I am moving across the country
and after that will be my slow decline into a family life, so its
actually kind of scary....
wait...i already posted this, I know, but after he just said that to me
I think all reality just escaped him!!!
If you dont mind me asking you Lulu (or anybody who went through it) How
was your um.."breaking off your parents" transition like?

(god i hate being a daddys princess, it loses all charm in your
child-bearing years!)

lulu24's photo
Sun 04/22/07 06:21 PM
heh...i was a very difficult child starting at the age of twelve.

by*sighs*...let me state am a
completely changed person. i fought very hard to grow up, and grow up
well, i might add.

i was on crank at twelve, and sneaking out...and drinking and
smoking...and running guns. mom is excellent, and it had nothing to do
with her...i witnessed an act of violence and went a bit nuts for a

by fourteen, i wasn't even recognizably human...had burnt out most of my
emotions (i still find them a bit repressed, and others might tell you i
am a bit cold and calculating, and highly analytical)...the closer my
mother tried to get, the further i pushed her. i missed 67 days of
school that year...i would go, and then leave. or never hit my first

i remember sitting down to dinner with my mother, and staring off into
space...when mom pulled my eyes to her and told me how much she loved
and cared for me. i remember looking back, coldly, and very calmly
telling her that she meant nothing to me, that she was a terrible
mother, and that i would never forgive her. i didn't even flinch when
the tears welled in her eyes...

it wasn't long after that that my brother took me. my life consisted of
school, and six hours of martial arts per day. that was the beginning
of a total over-haul, physically and mentally.

the person i really damaged was myself. my lies, deceit, and
under-handed acts only served to push away anyone that would have been
willing to help me. trust broken...well...takes a very long time to
regain. even after having been clean for thirteen years, there are
STILL people who will judge me based off of things i did when i was
younger. most, however, have seen that i have grown into a highly
ethical person who is VERY strict upon herself.

adj4u's photo
Sun 04/22/07 06:31 PM
all you can do is let them know yer there

even if it bugs them

been thru it

Autumn_queen's photo
Sun 04/22/07 06:36 PM
thanks for sharing lulu.

JaneBond's photo
Mon 04/23/07 04:09 AM
I am adopting, as a single parent. I was matched with a fantastic girl
who lived with me for over a year. She was a special needs child. Her
needs were so severe they had to lift the adoption order and place her
in a facility to receive the immediate and consistent medical attention
she required. In the time she was with me, every waking moment was her,
to give her the life and home she was deserving of. Having severe fetal
alcohol syndrome and mental health issues, she did not have the ability
to process cause and affect and also had deep attachement issues.

It can be heartbreaking, to love a child, want the best for them, and
sometimes no matter how much you do, it doesn't make a difference. She
certainly did go in and out of those "I hate you" phases, then love,
then hate.... but I loved her no matter what. In many ways she was a
typical child and behaving as such, while other times she was all over
the map which is an emotional challenge in itself. I think most kids go
through the testing stages, challenging and seeking their own identity.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 04/23/07 06:53 AM
@ the Op it sucks second time around for me.....

It also feels good .

It is a double edge sword!:heart:

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 04/23/07 01:24 PM
Sympathy for Alec? Why? It seems to me he got caught reprimanding his
daughter. He may have some issues with anger and may need to do
something about it, however as I understand it his daughter was supposed
to be available for scheduled phone calls. If she wasn't in the mood to
talk to him then answer the Damn phone and tell him. As I see it Ireland
his daughter should be sent to his Home for a period of time to learn
respect. No matter what, a child should show this to a parent, and no
excuse is allowed. It seems that Mom is a poor influence, and she should
be held accountable for what occurred. The problem is California laws
are so lenient in this regard that nothing will be done and Alec knows
it. There comes a time when even a calm person gets tired of the BS,
these attornies can literally destroy anything they wish with a
so-called law or precident.

His frustration from this entire fiasco will become more apparent as it
goes on. Kim's attorney is counting on it, divorce in California is
literally war when lots of money is involved.

Sympathy? He should have moved the family from California before anyone
filed for divorce.