Topic: directions and choices.....every day a new one
deepheartwaiting's photo
Sun 01/18/09 07:23 PM
You cannot predict where life will lead
You make the best choices you can
given your
felt answers to prayer
and counsel.

Sometimes those choices prove to be
so exactly right
That your heart feels it will explode
with contentment
even in the rough times.

Sometimes those choices prove to be
so exactly wrong
That your heart feels constricted
beyond bearing
even in the good times.

Sometimes the exactly right choices
seem to be taken much too soon
for our very human spirits
to withstand it...
and see another day.

Sometimes God saves us from the
exactly wrong choices
even when we don't realize
that they are wrong...
and made from empty hearts.

Always He draws us back to
His Awesome Presence
and renews our fragile spirits
giving hope again...
and moving us forward.

To live in the past with either
the right or wrong choices
is to waste the precious present
and to abort the bright future
we do not yet see.

Let us hold fast to hope
walk firm in the Light
cherish blessed memories
and give ear to His Spirit
who calls us daily.

In this we will find Truth
In this we will make a difference
In this we will see Life
In this He will answer our prayers."

flame1cutie's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:21 PM

You cannot predict where life will lead
You make the best choices you can
given your
felt answers to prayer
and counsel.

Sometimes those choices prove to be
so exactly right
That your heart feels it will explode
with contentment
even in the rough times.

Sometimes those choices prove to be
so exactly wrong
That your heart feels constricted
beyond bearing
even in the good times.

Sometimes the exactly right choices
seem to be taken much too soon
for our very human spirits
to withstand it...
and see another day.

Sometimes God saves us from the
exactly wrong choices
even when we don't realize
that they are wrong...
and made from empty hearts.

Always He draws us back to
His Awesome Presence
and renews our fragile spirits
giving hope again...
and moving us forward.

To live in the past with either
the right or wrong choices
is to waste the precious present
and to abort the bright future
we do not yet see.

Let us hold fast to hope
walk firm in the Light
cherish blessed memories
and give ear to His Spirit
who calls us daily.

In this we will find Truth
In this we will make a difference
In this we will see Life
In this He will answer our prayers."

flowers :thumbsup:

deepheartwaiting's photo
Mon 01/19/09 05:03 AM
Thanks Flame! Have a fabulous day!