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Topic: I present this poser...
AndyBgood's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:52 AM
What would happen if a terrorist attack like 9-11 took out the UN building?

I bet they would spend the next year debating what happened!

I think the UN is nothing but a pack of overly educated snobby elitist MASDEBATORS!

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:55 AM

What would happen if a terrorist attack like 9-11 took out the UN building?

I bet they would spend the next year debating what happened!

I think the UN is nothing but a pack of overly educated snobby elitist MASDEBATORS!
:smile: It does what its supposed to do.:smile:Its a forum for public debate for the world goverments.:smile:

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:00 AM

What would happen if a terrorist attack like 9-11 took out the UN building?

I bet they would spend the next year debating what happened!

I think the UN is nothing but a pack of overly educated snobby elitist MASDEBATORS!
:smile: It does what its supposed to do.:smile:Its a forum for public debate for the world goverments.:smile:

And as well as that, if the US would stop vetoing and blocking everything, they would even be sufficient.

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:04 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Sun 01/18/09 11:05 AM

What would happen if a terrorist attack like 9-11 took out the UN building?

I bet they would spend the next year debating what happened!

I think the UN is nothing but a pack of overly educated snobby elitist MASDEBATORS!
:smile: It does what its supposed to do.:smile:Its a forum for public debate for the world goverments.:smile:

And as well as that, if the US would stop vetoing and blocking everything, they would even be sufficient.


the US vetoes stuff important to them

Russia vetoes stuff important to them (like Kosovo and Bosnia)

China vetoes stuff important to them (like Tibet and Taiwan)

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:09 AM
Honestly i've felt there is something shadey hiding behind the U.N.'s pretense of peace. They are mostly talk, but why is it whenever they "talk" you see U.S. step in guns-a-blazin? We seem to take action on what they are talking about. This isn't true in every case of course, nothing ever is.

I think many conflicts would be solved by everyone simply minding their own business. Right now it seems that the U.N. is all about making it everyone's business.

They are no doubt a definite push towards having a one world government. Not sure how good of an idea that is...

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:19 AM

What would happen if a terrorist attack like 9-11 took out the UN building?

I bet they would spend the next year debating what happened!

I think the UN is nothing but a pack of overly educated snobby elitist MASDEBATORS!
:smile: It does what its supposed to do.:smile:Its a forum for public debate for the world goverments.:smile:

It was supposed to be about avoiding war! The UN is a waste of effort and resources! If all they do is debate than nothing gets done at all. Everyone *****es about our apparent belligerence toward them, well, if they didn't try to dump all of their responsibility on us we would not have the issues we do with them. Russia and China have their agendas and China's is purely to screw us! If the UN was all of that Tibet would be free, the Taliban would have nowhere to hide, Pakistan and India would not be aiming nukes at each other, Hugo Chavez would to ordered to stop his anti American rhetoric, and Israel would not have to be so ready to haul off and hand some piss ant nation its ass for trying to wipe them out because of religious prejudice.

Instead we have a pack of A**holes from third world nations trying to be important like France!

darkowl1's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:19 AM
you can find them all at the titty bars after work.....i do know this. in fla, they would come to the places i did advertizing for, and they'd spend our tax dollars like you wouldn't believe!!! they admitted this! and invited me to enjoy.......i declinedmad mad mad

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:27 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sun 01/18/09 11:30 AM
The UN has no bite without the US.
The disparities in military superiority and capabilities between the US and the rest of the world are stunning.
The UN wants to make resolutions but when the time comes to implement those resolutions they have no power.
To enforce those resolutions ultimately falls on the backs and lives of our brave soldiers.
We are the UN!

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:29 AM

The UN has no bite without the US.
The disparities in military superiority and capabilities between the US and the rest of the world is stunning.
The UN wants to make resolutions but when the time comes to implement those resolutions they have no power.
To enforce those resolutions ultimately falls on the backs and lives of our brave soldiers.
We are the UN!

I think if the world want's us to spend our defense money to help them all, we should get our defense money from taxing them...:wink:

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:31 AM

The UN has no bite without the US.
The disparities in military superiority and capabilities between the US and the rest of the world is stunning.
The UN wants to make resolutions but when the time comes to implement those resolutions they have no power.
To enforce those resolutions ultimately falls on the backs and lives of our brave soldiers.
We are the UN!

Geez, go s***e, without the US a lot of these problems wouldn't even exist.indifferent

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:34 AM
We should just quit participating.
Our Congress operates at a faster pace, and we all know how slow they are.laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:37 AM
I believe the world would be better off without the big bully US.

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:37 AM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Sun 01/18/09 11:38 AM

The UN has no bite without the US.
The disparities in military superiority and capabilities between the US and the rest of the world is stunning.
The UN wants to make resolutions but when the time comes to implement those resolutions they have no power.
To enforce those resolutions ultimately falls on the backs and lives of our brave soldiers.
We are the UN!

Geez, go s***e, without the US a lot of these problems wouldn't even exist.indifferent

you're right
there would be more of em and they would be worse

Russia would have turned most of Europe into one big gulag

Most of the Korean penninsula would be in concentration camps

China would belong to a militaristic Japan

there would be no Panama Canal and that area would still be an impoverished Columbia

but if you only look with tunnel vision at a few things you oppose then you prolly won't believe all that

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:37 AM

We should just quit participating.
Our Congress operates at a faster pace, and we all know how slow they are.laugh laugh

I'm with you 100000000000%drinker drinker drinker

I would love to pull out of the U.N. AND NATO. I think we have enough to worry about getting us back on our own feet. And like you said, it's not like congress is full of fast thinkers...

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:40 AM

We should just quit participating.
Our Congress operates at a faster pace, and we all know how slow they are.laugh laugh

I'm with you 100000000000%drinker drinker drinker

I would love to pull out of the U.N. AND NATO. I think we have enough to worry about getting us back on our own feet. And like you said, it's not like congress is full of fast thinkers...

but then we'd have to listen to them begging us to come back.

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:43 AM
this sounds more like a blog post than a forum topic

Fanta46's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:44 AM

The UN has no bite without the US.
The disparities in military superiority and capabilities between the US and the rest of the world is stunning.
The UN wants to make resolutions but when the time comes to implement those resolutions they have no power.
To enforce those resolutions ultimately falls on the backs and lives of our brave soldiers.
We are the UN!

Geez, go s***e, without the US a lot of these problems wouldn't even exist.indifferent

you're right
there would be more of em and they would be worse

Russia would have turned most of Europe into one big gulag

Most of the Korean penninsula would be in concentration camps

China would belong to a militaristic Japan

there would be no Panama Canal and that area would still be an impoverished Columbia

but if you only look with tunnel vision at a few things you oppose then you prolly won't believe all that

drinker drinker

adj4u's photo
Sun 01/18/09 12:01 PM
if it were not for the rest of the world begging for help in ww1 the us would not be a world power

the wolrd would be germany there more than likly would not been a ww2 and very few things would be as they are now cause germany would hAVE BEEN THE NEW ROMAN EMPIRE oops

and how did that work out

and now the u s is working on controlling the abuses of the world but the problem is the us is going the way of the union
there was a time when they were needed but they are on the road the union was on forty years ago and will soon be as bad as those they were put in place to stop the abuses of

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 12:08 PM

The UN has no bite without the US.
The disparities in military superiority and capabilities between the US and the rest of the world is stunning.
The UN wants to make resolutions but when the time comes to implement those resolutions they have no power.
To enforce those resolutions ultimately falls on the backs and lives of our brave soldiers.
We are the UN!

Geez, go s***e, without the US a lot of these problems wouldn't even exist.indifferent

you're right
there would be more of em and they would be worse

Russia would have turned most of Europe into one big gulag

Most of the Korean penninsula would be in concentration camps

China would belong to a militaristic Japan

there would be no Panama Canal and that area would still be an impoverished Columbia

but if you only look with tunnel vision at a few things you oppose then you prolly won't believe all that

Nah, I'm just thinking outside the box, more in the line of humanity than in the line of power like the US does.tongue2

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 01/18/09 12:37 PM

The UN has no bite without the US.
The disparities in military superiority and capabilities between the US and the rest of the world are stunning.
The UN wants to make resolutions but when the time comes to implement those resolutions they have no power.
To enforce those resolutions ultimately falls on the backs and lives of our brave soldiers.
We are the UN!

Peace through superior firepower!

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