Topic: This is truly disturbing
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Fri 04/20/07 10:48 PM




pussywillow's photo
Fri 04/20/07 10:54 PM
no man i dont want you to get mad at me man..i was speaking from my
experience and no more...i was not trying to be right.sry for makin you
feel i was jumpin on you for being wrong.i dont thing anyones opinion is

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:03 PM
Just go back and re-read this thread.

Im a liar.

Im a fool.

Im a fraud.

This government Loves kids.

This government loves children.

people cant raise their children so this government must.

This government is GOD.

This Government knows best, they teach the children, they feed the
children, they watch the children, they protect the children.

They Protect Us....LOL The cops protect

Some of you people "worship" this government and your sick.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:05 PM
And I told you, I'm neither trolling nor harrassing. I'm visiting the
threads in Current Events.... all of them. If one brings up a point I
feel I have a valid opinion of, I post in it. If you hadn't noticed,
that's almost every thread in the last three days (which is when I
discovered these forums).

You don't like my opinions. And you don't like the fact that I'm good
at them. That's your issue. But I'm still not trolling OR harrassing.
Now you really need to stop getting so emotional over this stuff. You're
old enough to know how to take it in the same stride anyone else here

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:08 PM
yes, your an artist.

We all see that.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:09 PM
And to your post that occurs above my other (which I started before
yours entered in)

Just go back and re-read this thread.



Probably just misled

Probably not- but they have no ill will towards them


In some cases, unfortunately, this is true

Any one who claims that is worse than a blasphemer

The do their best. Which isn't always very good. But it's their best.

Really? Haven't met anyone who worshipped this government here. Just
people who don't fear it like it's the devil.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:14 PM
you still owe an appology.

and I still want you to go get artistic off my ass.

you have a problem with comprehension, you dont understand what is

so please do both.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:16 PM
I already gave my apology to the person who deserved it. And did so
before you said I owed one. AND on *this* thread, no less. Now look
who's not reading.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:18 PM
and I know you wont....

Im done with your pathetic asq, I will give her your appology, since
your so artisitc and all.

She, and others are victims of this system and you phoo phoo it.

I feel real sorry for you.....

Please, again for the 5th time, please leave me alone

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:19 PM
Ok, I'll leave *you* alone. But I won't leave this, or any other thread
I see fit to visit and post on. Until such time as I don't feel like
visiting anymore. And/or posts therein.

And if she wants an(other) apology, she needs only to tell me she
deseves it.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:20 PM
Oh, and that includes any and/or all posts in said threads I take an
interest in.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:20 PM
yep, your an artist.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:21 PM
im an artist too, but I have respect.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:22 PM
Thank you. But in this case, I was acting more like a lawyer. If you
want me to leave you alone, why do you keep addressing me about
decisively non-thread-related issues? Which, of course, require a reply,
just out of basic politeness (or, on occasion, my right to defend myself
from slander). I can't do both.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:23 PM
And I've shown respect. And honor. And dignity. I LIVE by those
concepts. You're the one flinging insults and getting upset whenever
someone disagrees with you and provides effective arguments to the
points that hurt yours.

pussywillow's photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:23 PM
"poet-You don't like my opinions. And you don't like the fact that I'm
good at them"
dude you dont need to attack ppl and ruin there thread beacause you
think your right in all things.your the type that loves to see yourself
type...always thinking your "winning".pay some taxes,join the
military,buy a house...then maybe youll have an opinion on the governmet
worth 2 cents...untill then your just spewing what you have been
told.experience and only experience gains you the insight needed to have
an opinion on anything.wanna talk about the you got some deap
insight to that

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:26 PM
Depends? Do you mean World Wrestling Federation? You'd lose that bet.
Unless "don't know, don't care" counts as an opinion.

I don't care about winning. My favorite debates are the ones I lose.
That's where I learn the most. At least as far as debating goes. But my
sence of honor won't let me play with anything less than full ability.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:28 PM
this artist has honor in hurting more victims.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:30 PM
Guys you are right on the edge of rule 1.

which is why I quit posting in this thread.

Post about the thread and pleas quit posting AT each other.

it ruins the debate.

no photo
Fri 04/20/07 11:30 PM
im really glad that this post will keep going so others will see how
this artist loves other victims, esp. people here that had her children
stolen from the "system" that is to bad for her and others.
