Topic: No need for condoms – GE corn can do the job
warmachine's photo
Wed 01/14/09 03:33 AM
No need for condoms – GE corn can do the job

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

India — New research from Austria shows that a commercial strain of Monsanto-made GE corn causes mice to have fewer and weaker babies. What is this doing to human fertility?

Regulators around the world said Monsanto’s GE corn was as safe as non-GE strains.

It has been approved in many countries and regions including the US, the EU, Argentina, Japan, Philippines and South Africa.

China approved the GE corn for animal feed back in 2005.

Until this research, under the Austrian Ministries for Agriculture and Health, none of the regulators had seriously questioned the safety of Monsanto’s GE corn.

The biotech industry is playing a game of genetic roulette with our food and with our health.

The GE corn research

Austrian scientists fed mice over a course of 20 weeks a mixture of 33 percent Monsanto GE corn (NK 603 x MON 810) and non-GE corn.

These mice gave birth to less babies and lighter babies in their third and fourth litters. Mice fed on non-GE corn had babies as normal.

These differences are statistically significant.

India and GE food

The GEAC(Genetic Engineering Approval Committee), a government body, has approved large scale field trials for BT corn in three agricultural universities in India. This corn is the same corn that according to a study by the Austrian government leads to infertility in the females of the rats that it was tested upon.

In the light of this latest research, Greenpeace India is urging the government to put the brakes on GE food.

“Genetic Engineering as a technology cannot be taken as safe without adequate safety tests” said Dr. Sujatha Byravan, Molecular biologist and former President of The Council for Responsible Genetics.

GE Brinjal is also in the pipeline, and being considered for approval.

Monsanto’s GE corn hurts mouse reproduction. So what is it doing to human reproduction?Considering the severity of the potential threat, Greenpeace is demanding a recall of genetically-engineered food and crops from the global market.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Wed 01/14/09 03:45 AM
Yup, just another article to solidify my belief that the human race is more about destruction than creation (sigh).

warmachine's photo
Wed 01/14/09 03:50 AM
Oh, there are those who are extremely prone to creation... too bad all they seem to create is the aforementioned destruction.

GMO food is, in my opinion, far more dangerous than any bullet or bomb. With things like the Terminator gene, which causes food crops to produce all sterile seeds, if Dupont and Monsanto (to name a few) aren't stopped we could be facing something far more serious than any manufactured terrorist threat or Nuclear incident.

Dupont and Monsanto in charge of food... the very companies that gave us DDT and Agent Orange and lied about it's effects are buying up as many heirloom seed producers as they can put their hands on. You want to see a threat to our National Security, go study Genetically Modified Food.

LilOlMeFromSD's photo
Wed 01/14/09 03:55 AM
Scary chit, ain't it?

warmachine's photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:12 AM

Scary chit, ain't it?

It's been said that in order to take over, there needs to be control in 2 areas, Monetary and Dietary.

Well, if you take a look at what's going on in the "Global" economy, that ships has sailed. So I personally believe that the GMO is the big last step, the fact that these folks are allowed to patent what they are genetically mutating should give everyone with the ability to think for themselves pause.

Scary chit... appropriate!

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:57 AM
If it wasn't on this earth before man started screwing with it then it is poison. Just look at all the health issues that are around today. They are slowly killing us. Population control has been an agenda for some time, you know...

warmachine's photo
Wed 01/14/09 11:51 AM