Topic: ~°An Introduction to Rum°~
no photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:38 PM

Native_Grl39's photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:39 PM
Hey shadow...I see you crawled up from the bottom of the rum

drinker laugh noway bigsmile huh

no photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:40 PM
that's cuz rum is the deodorant--

Sanna's photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:40 PM
Hey Shadow, how are you?
Cheers! drinker

no photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:41 PM
hey sanna--

just got home from work--

Sanna's photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:45 PM
I got home about 2 hours ago! Tired! Worked too hard today! brain is

no photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:47 PM
yeah--work is pretty tirin'--workin' 12 hrs a day this week before the
three day weekend--

Sanna's photo
Mon 05/21/07 05:49 PM
yeah, I know what ya mean. I went in for 7:30am and worked til 7pm. I'm
going on vacation on Friday and am covering for someone who just went
out for a week also! twice as much work to be done!

aredrosebaby's photo
Mon 05/21/07 06:44 PM
hello shadow,smooched bigsmile

aredrosebaby's photo
Mon 05/21/07 09:15 PM
awww did i scare yas awwwBOObigsmile laugh laugh

crashhere's photo
Tue 05/22/07 03:04 PM

crashhere's photo
Tue 05/22/07 04:36 PM
Ok were in the hell is everyone? O..............NO.......Did the crocs
get all for them?Thay did look a little fatter tonight huh

Katertots37's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:36 PM
lol...nope, i knocked them out with my smirnoff bottle and fed them some
of my vicodin's

Styx's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:37 PM
yawn I am still alive ^^

Katertots37's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:38 PM
Hey styx, i don't think crash is

Styx's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:39 PM
uh oh noway

why what happened? huh crocos?

Katertots37's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:40 PM
I've got a feeling, they were looking kinda wierd when i checked on

josehon's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:40 PM
i'm here :wink:

Katertots37's photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:41 PM
hey josehon, don't trust crash if he's still alive, he'll feed you to
his croc's

no photo
Tue 05/22/07 05:47 PM
hey---drinker --whassup---