Topic: ~°An Introduction to Rum°~
izzie's photo
Mon 05/14/07 02:59 AM
C R A S H ! ! ! ! !

that was a horrible thing to say n you kno it!!!
yo ucannot i repeat.. canNOT!! cut back our supply of rum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i gurantee... i am only the loveable and pleasent person you see here
becuse of all my cyber rum!!!

Styx's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:00 AM
oh nooooooooooooooooo

hahaha so I will get to drink all of your rum? muahahaha

izzie's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:04 AM
if he cuts back our supply.. can we drink his???

crashhere's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:04 AM
Well maybe I'll talk to the bouncers.Just to make sure everyone has
thier ID's.No ID!! No drinks!!

Now that's a horrible thing to say......

Styx's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:05 AM
how is he gonna cut it back???

that's my thread...DUH!

and if he does yes we are gonna drink his!!!

Styx's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:05 AM
WTF??? crash be nice sad sad

crashhere's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:08 AM
I have to go.You have a nice dayflowerforyou

izzie's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:08 AM
ok.. i have an id... but just as long as we dont check for its
authencetity... and just fyi.. if anyone asks my name is "martha jones"
and i am 47 years old....

stef.. i mean "mildred parker" you are 52 years old....

Styx's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:08 AM
u 2 flowerforyou

izzie's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:10 AM
later crash my sweet!!

smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched
smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched
smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched
smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched smooched

Styx's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:13 AM
mildred parker??? omg that is an ugly name muahahahahaha

izzie's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:14 AM
i kno.. i had to think long n hard on what it should be... hehe

Styx's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:15 AM
sooooooo martha LMAO

hey why is your name cooler?

izzie's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:18 AM
do you wanna be martha??
ill be mildred... hehe

no photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:26 AM
bigsmile --mornin'

hey izzie--it's been awhile-

hey styx--and --- crash--how are ya'll today/

well gotta go for work

have a great day--night--somethin' like that--

bigsmile drinker drinker

izzie's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:28 AM
hey i gotta go to sleep... 3 am here... uuuggg!!!

talk to you guys later!!!
adn steff.... uuummm i mean mildred...

be good for a change!!!!!!!!!!!!

Styx's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:31 AM
nah you can be martha ^^

mildred is so cool :tongue: laugh


Styx's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:31 AM what? noway flowerforyou flowerforyou

izzie's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:32 AM
nite babe!!
be back soon..

GreenEyedHippieChick's photo
Mon 05/14/07 03:33 AM
*pops my head in*

Morning ya'll..... have a fantastic day