Topic: ~°An Introduction to Rum°~
FallenAngel4U's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:37 PM
Hi shadowflowerforyou

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:38 PM
hiya, styx--whatup

Styx's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:38 PM
I am drinking K I R S C H S C H N A P S

would you like to try it?


no photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:38 PM
hi fallen--what's up

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:40 PM
the schnapp?---lemme get a glass here--

Styx's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:41 PM
it's cherry liquor Shadow ^^

FallenAngel4U's photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:42 PM
Boy I can tell its friday lol

Bud light anyone?flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 05/11/07 04:43 PM
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker
drinker --well gotta go company is here---at least they are bangin' at
the door--

cheersdrinker drinker drinker

crashhere's photo
Fri 05/11/07 05:04 PM
Hay Shadow what up brodrinker drinker drinker drinker

crashhere's photo
Fri 05/11/07 05:29 PM
WERE IS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Styx's photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:15 PM
yawn yawn in bed

crashhere's photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:17 PM
Did you see the big bull in here?bigsmile

Styx's photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:19 PM

thank god N O...

noway noway

are you ok Crash???

crashhere's photo
Fri 05/11/07 06:26 PM
why? what make you think I'm not OK? HUMhuh

Styx's photo
Fri 05/11/07 07:54 PM
dude this is not a Z O O :tongue:

TheShadow's photo
Fri 05/11/07 07:59 PM
Grow some hari styx:tongue:

Styx's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:11 PM
nope...don't need no hair...I am good Mike thanks... :tongue:

TheShadow's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:24 PM
yeah I gueess you got enough for what Id om hmm nm :tongue:

Styx's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:26 PM
huh huh huh huh

TheShadow's photo
Fri 05/11/07 08:27 PM