Topic: New single fathers
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Sat 01/10/09 06:13 PM
HI. I have read a few of the other blogs about single fathers and I wanted to tell my story. I have been on both side of the spectrum. My father left when I was 5. I have never had any contact or child support from him. On the other side of the coin my ex left my daughter and myself almost 8mos ago. She left for a "kid" 11yrs younger than her. I spent the time since then trying to figure out what I did wrong. She would only give me very vague answers. I was/am a good father and I loved my wife very much. I didn't even know anything was wrong until she left me. ( on Fathers Day figures...)
It took me a while but I have adjusted and am trying to move foward with my life. I do it without any financal support from her and little or no parental help from her. I am proud of what I and my daughter have accomplished since then. In many ways I have found that being a single parent has made some things easier and somethings very hard. The biggest key to my success so far has been the help and support of my wonderful daughter. without her I may have cracked.
Anyway that is my story. I hope it will help other parents with their situations. Thank You for reading.

njmom05's photo
Sat 01/10/09 06:16 PM
flowers flowers
Wow, it always amazes me to hear stories like that. My son's father never sees him either. It used to bother me that he could make this child and then just let him go, but it proves what kind of man he is. Now we just refer to him as the "sperm donor". I have been on my own with my son now for a little over 5 years. He pays support when he feels like it, and never calls to see how his child is doing.