Topic: Is being fussy a bad thing?
PATSFAN's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:50 PM
Being too fussy just may keep you single

wiley's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:51 PM

wiley's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:53 PM

galendgirl's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:55 PM

i need a deeper definition of fussy mirror.
:smile: Being bossy or pushy:smile:

Bossy or pushy is probably not very good...
Fussy, if it means you have certain things you won't compromise on, is your own call and probably okay. Just remember that if you are looking for Mr/Mrs PERFECT you are probably past the point of being reasonable, IMO.

johncarl's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:56 PM

I think a good partner should be like spaghetti. You can toss them on the wall and they'll stick.

laugh laugh rofl i think it should be 80 /20 rofl

like only 80% should stick?what
oops i mean 80 my way 20 her way.most girls like to take away little by little tell they have us guys saying yes dear. so i like it 80 % my way because over time we must give in some to the 50 /50 split.laugh

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:57 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 01/05/09 07:59 PM

bigsmile Is being fussy a bad thing when looking for a partner?bigsmile

Fussy just means it takes much longer to find your future ex-spouse. No, I don't think it's wrong. I think everyone needs time to recover from their last mate and why not be fussy?

And for your entertainment care of married bliss...

wiley's photo
Mon 01/05/09 07:57 PM
Edited by wiley on Mon 01/05/09 07:58 PM

johncarl's photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:03 PM

bigsmile Is being fussy a bad thing when looking for a partner?bigsmile

Fussy just means it takes much longer to find your future ex-spouse. No, I don't think it's wrong. I think everyone needs time to recover from their last mate and why not be fussy?

And for your entertainment care of married bliss...
i love itlaugh

johncarl's photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:05 PM
ware are the lady's to give feed backlaugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:10 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:10 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 01/06/09 04:13 AM

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 03/23/09 07:36 PM

madamx7316's photo
Mon 03/23/09 07:41 PM
i had to read that twice first i thought it said fuzzy...hahahaha

being fuzzy.....yes


Mr_Music's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:02 AM
Edited by Mr_Music on Tue 03/24/09 06:03 AM
Absolutely not. There are certain characteristics that I look for, and if they aren't there, then there will be no chance. Compromise only works to a certain extent, and I've been burned way too many times in the past because I compromised. No more.

Being too fussy just may keep you single

I can live with that. I'd rather be single and satisfied than have a partner I'm not satisfied with, and I won't date somebody just for the sake of saying I'm dating someone.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 03/24/09 06:05 AM

Absolutely not. There are certain characteristics that I look for, and if they aren't there, then there will be no chance. Compromise only works to a certain extent, and I've been burned way too many times in the past because I compromised. No more.

Being too fussy just may keep you single

I can live with that. I'd rather be single and satisfied than have a partner I'm not satisfied with, and I won't date somebody just for the sake of saying I'm dating someone.

Agreed .. especially on the date just to date. No thanks. :wink:

TCR's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:07 PM
i support you 100 percent on that. starts trouble

62easygoing's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:15 PM
slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead bigsmile

s1owhand's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:18 PM
being a little discriminating <picky> is natural...
after all everything should be pleasant with your new innamorata

but bossy and pushy...noway that's not pleasant surprised

s1owhand's photo
Tue 03/24/09 12:19 PM
laugh @ wiley