Topic: World's Strongest Women
Akinyahalo's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:18 PM
There are a lot of women out there who I would classify as the World's Strongest Women. They are the spouses and Girlfriends of Men in the Military. It is the hardest thing in the world to do. Imagine having your loved one taken away from you for 7 months at a time, Yet still being able to function and run your house while still maintaining that relationship. That to me is strength, honour and love shown to the highest extent.

Bumper sticker on back of cars on Camp Lejeune say Marine Wife Hardest Job In The Corps

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Sun 01/04/09 02:26 PM
:heart: My mother was one of the strongest women in the world, may she rest in peace. My dad went to Korea, Japan and Viet Nam. My mother raised six children, went back to college to earn her degree and was a school teacher while "holding down the fort" at home. I am also grateful for all the people who uplifted her and assisted her while she did all of that.

God Bless all military and their families!!! drinker

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Sun 01/04/09 04:12 PM
Being a military wife ain't a bad gig...

Watch the kids...
Sex would be that much more special and intense after 7 months...
Security of knowing they can't really cheat overseas... (to the best of my knowledge)
Feeling like they have a purpose in life to be here for him to get back...

yeh, not a bad gig at all.