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Topic: "IN YOUR FACE" - part 3
A64WOODY's photo
Fri 01/02/09 05:11 PM
a muf......oh wait! i can't say that one!!!

awolf1010's photo
Fri 01/02/09 06:39 PM
evenin everyone!!!!

krupa's photo
Sat 01/03/09 06:56 AM
Happy Saturday Cats and Dolls! Hope all is groovy wicha...I wonder what is in store for us today?

Oh yeah...later in the show...Wolf will demonstrate proper safety techniques with firearms.

We get a sneak peek at Holly's latest modeling shoot.

Woody goes out to mingle with the people and discuss what is important in society...

and Feral shares some of her Yoga techniques with the studio audience....

Should be a great show!

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 01/03/09 07:52 AM
OMG Krupa you are the best....

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 01/03/09 07:53 AM

awwwwww ponie you are missed a lot doll.....come back to us soon.

Hi All Mingle Friends,
(Popped this note in here since this is the basic thread I have been in since I became a member, and most of my friends are in this thread)

I just wanted to drop by and say "hi and I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!".
I've certainly thought about you all during my time here, I've thought about alot of things over the holidays.
I haven't been up to par over the season (hence me not being around on here) and I'm certainly happy to see it over!
I've been blessed and I've also had trials and tribulations in my life, but my online friends missing me, makes me feel good. Not because you missed me, but because I was missed.

As far as love, I don't believe in it anymore. I've given my heart, and it's been stomped on, so I'm pretty much closed off to that ralm of my life once more.
I Pray you all have good fortune in finding that "Love" you're all seeking.
Not sure if I'll be back or not...but wanted to send one letter and not 14 of them...

May MY Angel Watch Over You and Yours,

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 01/03/09 08:02 AM




examples please

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 01/03/09 11:08 AM
Are we afraid of this question people..

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/03/09 11:15 AM
Confidence is knowing who you are & feeling secure in that.

Arrogance is false confidence translated into thinking your the sh*t which immediately proves you're no such thing.

Unfortunately confidence can be easily misunderstood as arrogance, but if someone knows a person's heart it shouldn't be.:wink:

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/03/09 11:23 AM

Are we afraid of this question people..

Hey! Looks like I'm the only brave soul to answer here ..

Is there a prize for that bigsmile bigsmile What do I win Ms Debbie? OOOH OOOH tell me what I've won ...

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

missy51970's photo
Sat 01/03/09 11:27 AM
i absolutely agree with ^^^^^^^^^^^^

however i think people can claim confidence and in reality and to others around them it comes off as arrogance.. maybe they dont even know theyre doing it because it the norm for them..i ahve an uncle like that.. thinks hes the most confident man in the world... but its all BS... its arrogance to the hilt.. makes me wanna vomit.. came to the point i had to cut him and his crap out of my life for good.. sad really

confidence is a wonderful thing.....

arrogance not so much....

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 01/03/09 11:31 AM
Edited by Fade2Black on Sat 01/03/09 11:36 AM

i absolutely agree with ^^^^^^^^^^^^

however i think people can claim confidence and in reality and to others around them it comes off as arrogance.. maybe they dont even know theyre doing it because it the norm for them..i ahve an uncle like that.. thinks hes the most confident man in the world... but its all BS... its arrogance to the hilt.. makes me wanna vomit.. came to the point i had to cut him and his crap out of my life for good.. sad really

confidence is a wonderful thing.....

arrogance not so much....

frustrated tears frustrated tears

Does this mean I don't get the prize for being the only one to answer sad sad sad sad

*mumbles quietly to self .. since the talk show host seems to have disappeared bigsmile perhaps I'll still get what's behind Door #1. :banana:

awolf1010's photo
Sat 01/03/09 12:58 PM
not sure you really wanted to do that......but its too late now!!!!

Krupa....please show fade what she's WON!!!!:banana:

ooh confidence and arrogance are one in the same....its just a matter of who's looking at it.

no photo
Sat 01/03/09 01:06 PM

ooh confidence and arrogance are one in the same....its just a matter of who's looking at it.

OR who's expressing it...!laugh

awolf1010's photo
Sat 01/03/09 01:11 PM

ooh confidence and arrogance are one in the same....its just a matter of who's looking at it.

OR who's expressing it...!laugh
no its all in how its perceived.....not how its said.

krupa's photo
Sat 01/03/09 03:17 PM
If I get any more confident, I will explode! Thank God that I temper my arrogance with my Godlike sense of Humility!

It ain't easy being this good but, hey...you will love me..nothing I can do about it!

krupa's photo
Sat 01/03/09 03:22 PM
So Fade...I was gonna give you a slippery booty pic of me right out of the shower for your prize...but, I decided to be humble about it...

You get this instead...

Courtesy of In Your Face! Enjoy!

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 01/03/09 03:22 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Sat 01/03/09 03:24 PM

If I get any more confident, I will explode! Thank God that I temper my arrogance with my Godlike sense of Humility!

It ain't easy being this good but, hey...you will love me..nothing I can do about it!

I love to use krupa as an example...why is that? lol

I would say Krupa is confident without arrogance because how he delivered his message....

Now lets change it up a bit

If I get any more confident, pffft I can't. Thank God I am not an arrogant assbite......so to me then this would be arrogance at it's best.....but say like Krupa did made it light funny and almost humble..

It ain't easy being me I am that good......you will love me..nothing I can do about it!

Now again said like I did...arrogant as all get up...but krupa again light and funny which shows a confidence without being an arrogant jerk.

krupa's photo
Sat 01/03/09 03:28 PM
Love me B*tch!

hehehehehe...sorry Baby! I tried to stop myself!

no photo
Sat 01/03/09 03:32 PM
confidence: secure in your own skin
arrogance: being a stupid jackass of sorts

krupa's photo
Sat 01/03/09 03:34 PM
Edited by krupa on Sat 01/03/09 03:38 PM
Seriously....I learned from the Best! My Dad is the most charismatic Pimpin Poon Hound on the planet. I just follow the example set before me.

I try to make my Dad proud. That sh!t ain't gonna happen by pulling up shy!

My old man is pushing 70. Still benches 240. It ain't hard to tell where I got my vanity and ego from. Yet, he is the most humble man I know. I really value his example.

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