Topic: sad
msskarly's photo
Thu 01/01/09 08:19 AM
I met a guy on here and we have been together almost 8 months! We tried so many times to see each other but we had horrible luck! We talked about marriage and being together after I get out of school. Well now I know I can go see him in 2m for spring break.... but he just left me bc the distance was too hard! Its been constant tears... everything reminds me of him! and he still calls me everyday and he cries bc he says he still loves me (just the distance is too hard) and he feels bad for hurting me! We keep talking about getting together but hes looking to see his options closer to him! I dont want to look for other people, I tried and I know im not ready for that! I just really am wishing that he will decide that im worth waiting for but I know that that may not happen! I just wanna know what I should do in the mean time! Im stuck at home with nothing to do, all my friends are back at school, and all i do is sit around and think about him and cry!

no photo
Thu 01/01/09 08:32 AM
"together almost 8 months" meaning you have known each other that long? no mater what happens your still young, in my option to young to be talking about marriage. JMO But if its worth having it's worth waiting for.flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 01/01/09 08:34 AM
Sorry to hear that, and I can totally identify with this. I did something very similar in 2006 -- three times, in fact. I learned my lesson. No more LDRs for me.

I hope it gets better for you....I don't really have any advice other than to suggest you not rush into anything, just take your time, and be very sure about what you want and what you don't want before you venture out into those waters again.

hellkitten54's photo
Thu 01/01/09 08:49 AM
Have you actually met him in person?

Citizen_Joe's photo
Thu 01/01/09 09:39 AM

waiting for but I know that that may not happen! I just wanna know what I should do in the mean time! Im stuck at home with nothing to do, all my friends are back at school, and all i do is sit around and think about him and cry!

Accept his resignation, mourn the loss and move on, when you're ready to. You're right on time.