Topic: Perhaps this is the final destination
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Wed 12/31/08 10:20 AM
Edited by smiless on Wed 12/31/08 10:21 AM
Perhaps this is the final destination for we were given chances to believe in something, but now it is to late and it doesn't matter if we believe now either anymore.

We had our chance and blew it.

and perhaps

our punishment is death one way or another. If it is with a accident, or sickness, disease, or old age.

From there like Atheists say, nothing more happens. All of our souls are gone regardless in what we believe in. Buddhism, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Wanka Tanka - Native American Spirit, Leza - Central African God, Ra, Hathor, Wicca, Pagan, Norse, etc. etc. etc.

so like I say perhaps in our previous 100 lives we had a chance to believe but didn't do it and that is it. Game over.

Sounds dark I know, but could be a possibility perhaps.

_karen_'s photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:30 AM
Final destination...good movies!=]

Tj806's photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:31 AM
Or you die and POOF you wake up in the body of a newborn lol

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Wed 12/31/08 10:36 AM

Or you die and POOF you wake up in the body of a newborn lol

Buddhism tends to believe in this:smile:

no photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:36 AM

Final destination...good movies!=]

drinker good idea maybe I should go watch that movie todaydrinker

_karen_'s photo
Wed 12/31/08 10:47 AM
yes!good idea.
number 4 is my favorite.

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Wed 12/31/08 11:29 AM
Any God that didn't realize the contradictions in life that would cause people to question, would have to be one seriously lacking God.

I would prefer to believe in a god that accounted for all such possibilities and didn't play such games with the heads of his so called creation.

I am not worried about my end, only that it not be prolonged in some horrible state.

I don't like complicating my life with so many questions that I forget the here and now.