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Tue 12/16/08 06:33 AM
Edited by smiless on Tue 12/16/08 06:53 AM
Welcome to the Writer’s Workshop.

Here you can discuss about writing. It doesn’t matter what kind of writing. If it is about poetry, short stories, fiction, nonfiction, attempted or abandoned projects, or freelancing. Come in and enjoy the time with us.

Hopefully with the collaboration of writers we will have interesting topics. I will try my best to keep it alive for you with the word of the day, questions, or sharing short stories. If you have something to share to keep it interesting then don't hesitate to post it.

If you want to share a story or a chapter from your writing please don’t make it longer then a page and include that you have more to offer on the story, but one must email you to receive the pages. Thank you.:smile:

I will start off with common questions that you can answer. Before you answer them, please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about yourself before going directly to the questions. Thank you.:smile:

1. Who are your favorite authors and why do you like reading their books?

2. Why do you enjoy writing?

3. What are your goals concerning writing? Are you planning to write a novel? What kind of novel?

4. What critical advice would you give someone if they asked you about how to start a novel?

5. Do you get writer’s block and if so explain how do you resolve the problem?

6. What websites can you offer to people that can help find more information on writing?

7. What is your favorite word?

8. If you had a chance to learn from a professional writer (author), who would it be?

9. At what time of the day do you get ideas for your writing projects?

10. Do you type on your computer or do you write it out on paper first?

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 11:31 AM

I will start off with common questions that you can answer. Before you answer them, please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about yourself before going directly to the questions. Thank you.:smile:

Well, as you may or may not know, I've had two books published this year -- "Moving Day," in April (a sci-fi novel) and "Moving Parts" in November (a collection of short stories and poems). The third book, "Perfectly Frank," is about half-done and is currently residing on a broken computer that resists all efforts at repair.

I'm planning a total of seven in the series.

1. Who are your favorite authors and why do you like reading their books?

To name a few: Douglas Adams, John Updike, Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, Carl Sagan, Ken Follett, Isaac Asimov, Richard Dawkins, Bill James, Lawrence Block, Clive Cussler, Eric J. Lerner, Elmore Leonard, John Sandford, Jonathan Kellerman, Robin Cook, Tom Wolfe, I could go on and on for sixteen more pages....

2. Why do you enjoy writing?

I have always needed to do something creative -- music, art, whatever. Writing is the best outlet for me because I can do it by myself and it appeals to the internal "storyteller."

3. What are your goals concerning writing? Are you planning to write a novel? What kind of novel?

Been there, done that, have more in the works (hopefully). My goals are to put something out there that people enjoy. Royalties and licensing are good, too.

4. What critical advice would you give someone if they asked you about how to start a novel?

Figure out what it's ABOUT. And define your characters fully before they ever show up on a page.

5. Do you get writer’s block and if so explain how do you resolve the problem?

My process is "it works when it works." I can't force it -- the result is utter crap. I've done as many as 17 pages in a day, and I've gone weeks without writing anything.

6. What websites can you offer to people that can help find more information on writing?

Really never used any.

7. What is your favorite word?

Right now it's "hapax legomenon."

8. If you had a chance to learn from a professional writer (author), who would it be?

Updike. The way he constructs sentences is so beautiful, it's practically painful. When I somehow write something that I consider particularly well-structured, I think of him and wonder how he would evaluate it.

9. At what time of the day do you get ideas for your writing projects?

Any time at all. There is no pattern.

10. Do you type on your computer or do you write it out on paper first?

What normally happens is I write it all on paper for the first draft. Then I make a billion changes (you should see the first draft of "Moving Day" -- it looks like the CIA found it and crossed everything out) and eventually put it in the computer. Although I don't think I'll be using WordPerfect anymore, since it's a real mess to format into a pdf from there.

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:47 PM
I'm Pam. I've been writing poems and short stories since I could write. I've had poems published locally. I've been told I write like Raymond Carver, although I have never read anything by him. I'm in the process of starting a novel. I have 40 typed pages to follow the timeline of the story. I think the hard part is getting started.

1. Love John Updike-well, he's John Updike, what can I say. I also like Anne Tyler-her writing shows a great sense of humor. Faulkner, if I'm in a certain mood, but have no desire to write like that.
2. I get great satisfaction from creating something that is unique to me. Probably why I also do interior design-for the creativity of it. Plus, it's very therapeutic.
3. My goal is to get my book published and have it made into a movie.
4. I need advise, can't really give any.
5. I go in streaks. When I'm not having a problem the ideas come at the worst times-like when I'm going down the road driving.
6. I've never used any.
7. I like made up words that only mean anything to me and my friends.
8. I agree with Lex. It would have to be Updike.
9. My best ideas come when I'm suppose to be doing something else. I'm working on coming up with ideas on my lunch hour and trying to discipline myself that way.
10. I write out on paper first and revise and then type the revision out. After the initial idea is typed, I usually revise on the typed version too.

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 06:54 PM

8. I agree with Lex. It would have to be Updike.

There was a line he wrote in one of the Bech stories -- Bech was in Romania at the time -- and the line is something about "bundle-shaped women carrying bundles along the side of the road...." I don't have the book in front of me, but the juxtapositioning of the imagery was so precise -- that's the word I would use for him, "precise" -- it's as if every word is not just hand-crafted, but hand-crafted through some sort of flawless microscope, eliminating any and all imperfections....

To be able to weave words together, that effectively, that smoothly, that fluidly....what a gift that must be....! A thing to dream of, to aspire to....

no photo
Tue 12/16/08 08:22 PM

8. I agree with Lex. It would have to be Updike.

There was a line he wrote in one of the Bech stories -- Bech was in Romania at the time -- and the line is something about "bundle-shaped women carrying bundles along the side of the road...." I don't have the book in front of me, but the juxtapositioning of the imagery was so precise -- that's the word I would use for him, "precise" -- it's as if every word is not just hand-crafted, but hand-crafted through some sort of flawless microscope, eliminating any and all imperfections....

To be able to weave words together, that effectively, that smoothly, that fluidly....what a gift that must be....! A thing to dream of, to aspire to....

Having read so many books I can always go back to him. He so vividly brings the essence of the characters to the story. Even if I haven't read something in the last ten years, I can still bring his characters to if you knew them or they were neighbors next door. I can't say that about many writers.

lilwick86's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:00 AM
Edited by lilwick86 on Wed 12/17/08 12:02 AM
Hi, my name is Veronica Garcia, I also have a pen name, Nica Bane or Sanctuary Rose. I have been published locally in 6 anthologies and two magazines and countless newsletters. I have been a judge in 9 contests locally and I have supported the schools in poetry month. I have currently just finished my first poetry book called, Fervent Dreams and Pathos Exposures followed by the second book as a companion to that entitled The Pathos Collection, a continuation from Pathos Exposures.
I have recently put a trilogy to rest for a time and have begun to finish up a side project novel called, Sanctuary's Shadow of which I have had over 1 million 3 hundred thousand hits on blogger to the character blog written from the point of view of Bob, Skull the Conquerer about Sanctuary Shadow and his experiences living with her as her pet.

1. Who are your favorite authors and why do you like reading their books?

Anne Rice, R.A. Salvatore, Elaine Cunningham, J.R.Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, William Blake, Mike Carson, Natalie Goldberg, Karen Marie Moning, Amanda Ashley, maggie Shayne, Ronda Thompson, Rowenna Cherry, J.R.R. Tolkein, J.K.Rowling, and the list goes on endlessly... They are exciting and raw and edgy. I like to write like that, it is my style.

2. Why do you enjoy writing? It is the best source of relaxation and creativity I know that is an excellent outlet for emotions and thoughts. I find writing to be almost theraputic but not quite. It borders on the edge of all ideas and lets us plunge into endless thoughts and universes. It makes me feel, alive.

3. What are your goals concerning writing? Are you planning to write a novel? What kind of novel?
I am currently working on one novel at a time, allthough I had dived into a trilogy all at once, soon discovering, it burnt me out faster than you can spin your christmas lollipop. LOL The novel I am currently working on is fantasy.

4. What critical advice would you give someone if they asked you about how to start a novel? Start with an idea, write it down quick, thank have fun, dream, dream, and brainstorm some more. Write down important things like the little details, clothes, language, timeline, ages of characters, make sure you have all your research done before going into the deeper parts of your piece. Make sure all your characters have a whole life history written out, even the insignificant ones can become significant because of this. It definatly helps. When writing historical fiction, make sure your facts are up to date and straight, no one likes mistakes there, it can go bad real fast if you don't get them right. When writing romance, read romance, lots of it. Same goes for anything else.

5. Do you get writer’s block and if so explain how do you resolve the problem? Well, first of all, writers block shouldn't last more than a month, if it does, maybe there is something else going on other than just writers block like maybe a little depression. But lets not go there, yes, I do get writers block, but when I feel good and my physical health is fair, I can sit and write for hours on end. If I need inspiration, I go to another site that has weekly writing challenges and do one of them if I have not submitted yet to them. Like Multiply for instance, there are plenty of creative writing groups there and the atmosphere is pleasant. I have a group there called Creative Realms. I also look at books like Natalie Goldbergs Writing down the bones and Wild Mind. Or the book Fruitflesh for those more intense peices. Reading helps alot, you could even read outside of your norm and get something out of it. Take a walk, look for specific colors, list them when you get home. now write something. Write on a drawing pad. Listen to foriegn music. Dance, sing, act like a fool. Just get happy, get out of your shell, and write.

6. What websites can you offer to people that can help find more information on writing?
hmmm, there are so many, give me time, I will gather some. for now, here is my group on multiply for boosting your creativity in challenges

7. What is your favorite word?
I have too many.

8. If you had a chance to learn from a professional writer (author), who would it be?
J.R. Ward

9. At what time of the day do you get ideas for your writing projects? At all times, doesn't matter.

10. Do you type on your computer or do you write it out on paper first? Both, of course.

lilwick86's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:56 AM
Here is a site I found for critiquing and discussing creative writing.

s1owhand's photo
Wed 12/17/08 10:05 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Wed 12/17/08 10:08 AM

Before you answer them, please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about yourself before going directly to the questions. Thank you.:smile:

Hello, my name is s1owhand, and it has been a few days since my last scribbulational.

1. Who are your favorite authors and why do you like reading their books?

I like Richard Feynman, D ick Francis, Aristotle, Isaac Asimov, Tom Clancy, P. G. Wodehouse, John Mortimer, Larry Niven, Rumi, Victor Hugo, Mark Twain, Jacques Prevert, Moliere, Charles Addams, William Shakespeare, Sidney Harris, Michael Creighton, Jane Austen, Charles D ickens, Wilkie Collins, Marilyn vos Savant, J R R Tolkien, Benjamin Franklin, Cervantes, Martin Gardner, Dave Barry, Tony Hillerman, Theodor Geisel, Francis Bacon, Kay Thompson etc.

2. Why do you enjoy writing?

To have fun and communicate. It is a challenge to express a
finding or an emotion with words. I can be a show-off, also, I am incorrigible.

3. What are your goals concerning writing? Are you planning to write a novel? What kind of novel?

To become immortal. I am not planning a novel. But if I had it might be a kids book, or a documentary, or science fiction, or short stories, or a detective novel, or soft-core porn, a mangle2 profile or a textbook.

4. What critical advice would you give someone if they asked you about how to start a novel?

Just have fun. Don't write historical fiction, Egads. noway Write the TRUTH.

5. Do you get writer’s block and if so explain how do you resolve the problem?

Just write any old garbage for a while. It's OK. Nobody is inspired all the time. Get over it! Have a second, third and fourth job. OK?!

6. What websites can you offer to people that can help find more information on writing?

JustSayHi! laugh

7. What is your favorite word?

调皮 - tiáopí

8. If you had a chance to learn from a professional writer (author), who would it be?

nobody comes to mind - i just don't know

9. At what time of the day do you get ideas for your writing projects?

n e time

10. Do you type on your computer or do you write it out on paper first?

'puter!! longhand? surprised noway

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:29 AM
Here's a random snip I just did and added to my profile for no apparent reason:


The smell of a dozen rats permeates the seedy little Serbian diner next door. There is noise -- not loud noise, but noise nonetheless -- the clanking of silverware, the muffled laughter of incomprehensible dialects straining to fit into a society they never imagined.

Sometimes the door opens and a man, dressed in gray, or a woman, dressed in some sort of floral pattern that my grandmother might have used on a couch in one of her more delusional moments, steps out the door and inhales heavily. Too much smoke inside, I'm guessing.

Lou, the owner of the place, steps outside and looks at the snow on the ground, in the parking lot, on the cars and in the trees. He shakes his head. I wonder if it was like this in his homeland. I have no idea where his homeland is/was. Might have been New Jersey. But he has an accent, a sort of un-pin-downable Mediterranean thing that never drifts off into indecipherability.

I've got things to do.

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:37 AM
I will start off with common questions that you can answer. Before you answer them, please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about yourself before going directly to the questions. Thank you. :smile:

I'm invisible, so I just wonder would anyone see me?
If not, there is no point starting to answer all these questions.embarassed

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:40 AM

I will start off with common questions that you can answer. Before you answer them, please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about yourself before going directly to the questions. Thank you. :smile:

I'm invisible, so I just wonder would anyone see me?
If not, there is no point starting to answer all these questions.embarassed

Did you hear that?? Did something talk? hmmm well whatever it was it must be invisible and gone alreadylaugh

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:41 AM

Here's a random snip I just did and added to my profile for no apparent reason:


The smell of a dozen rats permeates the seedy little Serbian diner next door. There is noise -- not loud noise, but noise nonetheless -- the clanking of silverware, the muffled laughter of incomprehensible dialects straining to fit into a society they never imagined.

Sometimes the door opens and a man, dressed in gray, or a woman, dressed in some sort of floral pattern that my grandmother might have used on a couch in one of her more delusional moments, steps out the door and inhales heavily. Too much smoke inside, I'm guessing.

Lou, the owner of the place, steps outside and looks at the snow on the ground, in the parking lot, on the cars and in the trees. He shakes his head. I wonder if it was like this in his homeland. I have no idea where his homeland is/was. Might have been New Jersey. But he has an accent, a sort of un-pin-downable Mediterranean thing that never drifts off into indecipherability.

I've got things to do.

Very nice work Lexdrinker

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:42 AM
Very nice replies on the questions. I hope more will gather in this workshop.

If you have poems, short stories, or even instructions on writing please do not hesitate to share them here with us.

The goal is to get writers together and enjoy good conversation.

joad's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:23 PM
Hi folks,

I'm new here and want to say that I've really enjoyed wandering back through prior posts. I think of myself as more scribbler than writer, but I enjoy it and do have a few things that I've come up with lately. Here is one:

"Beach 1995"

I rise, urinate, splash water on my face, brush my teeth, step out of my little trailer and begin walking barefooted the hundred yards to the 7-11. The gravel is difficult. I'm groggy. The wind is still north-east and smells of sea water and frying fat. I clear the parking lot.

A crowd has gathered across the street on the beach. I know why.

Yesterday the ocean kicked up. A man in his thirties was riding waves on a body board in the shore-break. He lost his board and panicked. His brother saw his struggle and attempted to save him. They both drowned within 10 yards of the beach. Only one of the bodies was recovered; the other has washed up this morning.

I enter the 7-11. I pour coffee into a 20 ounce paper cup. I move to the counter and use tongs to pick up a cylindrical Jimmy Dean sausage. I put the sausage in a stale hot dog bun. The sausage and bun are placed in a small red coffin shaped paper box. I approach the register.

"They found the other brother," I inform the lady at the register.

"Dumb asses," she says, counting change from the cash drawer. "They shouldn't have been swimming with the red flags up."

LAMom's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:35 PM
1. Who are your favorite authors and why do you like reading their books?
A new fav of my would be Mr Lex Fonteyne

2. Why do you enjoy writing?
It gives me a way of releasing all the loud noises in my head

3. What are your goals concerning writing? Are you planning to write a novel? What kind of novel?
No goals just something I enjoy

4. What critical advice would you give someone if they asked you about how to start a novel?
Ask Lex

5. Do you get writer’s block and if so explain how do you resolve the problem?
I am not a writer,, just one who doodlesssssssss thoughts

6. What websites can you offer to people that can help find more information on writing? a good friend pointed me there

7. What is your favorite word?
Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelyyyyyyyyyyyyy Insane

8. If you had a chance to learn from a professional writer (author), who would it be?
Never really thought of it

9. At what time of the day do you get ideas for your writing projects?
While I am sleeping,,, dreams can be so vivid

10. Do you type on your computer or do you write it out on paper first?


no photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:39 PM

1. Who are your favorite authors and why do you like reading their books?
A new fav of my would be Mr Lex Fonteyne


Well, I never expected to end up on someone's list here....!

Not that I'm complaining....!

Thank you!!

flowers flowers flowers

LAMom's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:41 PM

1. Who are your favorite authors and why do you like reading their books?
A new fav of my would be Mr Lex Fonteyne


Well, I never expected to end up on someone's list here....!

Not that I'm complaining....!

Thank you!!

flowers flowers flowers

flowers flowers flowers

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 01:02 PM
I'm still invisible, but here goes

1.Who are your favorite authors and why do you like reading their books?

Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte, Michael Connelly, Faye Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Maeve Binchy, Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, Liz Ryan, James Patterson, J.R.R. Tolkien, Terry Goodkind, Michael Scott Rohan, and many, many more

2. Why do you enjoy writing?

It’s a way to relax and get rid of feelings

3. What are your goals concerning writing? Are you planning to write a novel? What kind of novel?

I have none, just do it for the sake of it

4. What critical advice would you give someone if they asked you about how to start a novel?

I have no Idea, ask Lex

5. Do you get writer’s block and if so explain how do you resolve the problem?

I simply don’t write

6. What websites can you offer to people that can help find more information on writing?

7. What is your favorite word?

Oh, sh**

8. If you had a chance to learn from a professional writer (author), who would it be?

Faye Kellerman, She has something I wish I had

9. At what time of the day do you get ideas for your writing projects?

Before I fall asleep

10. Do you type on your computer or do you write it out on paper first?

I can’t read my own hand writing, so it has to be the computer, and I will get up for it.

lilwick86's photo
Thu 12/18/08 04:07 AM
Edited by lilwick86 on Thu 12/18/08 04:07 AM
This is my Creative writing and poetry group on multiply, come take a look, if you like, stick around. hugs from Miss Garcia

no photo
Thu 12/18/08 03:38 PM
One of my favorite topics:


And the buttons say
Yes, No, Maybe

And I read the words
(That say almost nothing –
“No game players”
“I’m a laid back girl”
“Shy at first”
“If you want to know more,
You’ll have to ask me”)
Throw a dart
At a word
In a dictionary
And I’ve got a better chance
Of defining you

I know less about you
Than I know about the car
I saw in the parking lot
At the grocery store
Last Thursday night
With the dent in the door
And the hubcap missing
And the bumper sticker
With some guy’s name on it
I never even heard of
Running for City Council
Six years ago
Did he win?
Did he lose?
Yes, No, Maybe?

And I look at the picture
And it sometimes isn’t you
It’s a duck
Or a hat
Or a house on a hill
Or two people
Or three
(With no information
About which one is you –
If any –??)
Is it really you?
Yes, No, Maybe?

Profile says:
“I like to have fun”
How original (yawn)
How much time
Did you put into this?
Four seconds? Five?
Couldn’t be much more
Are you here for a reason?
To meet someone?
Or is it just a reflex,
A facade, an illusion,
“My friend told me about this site
So I set up a profile
And then I went away
And I’ll never look at it again”
Yes, No, Maybe?

Too shy to say
“I’m interested” – ?
Or not even there at all –
A ghost of a shadow
Of a non-existent profile
Of a dot-to-dot picture
Of a non-existent person
This is ectoplasmdating
Nothing mentioned
Nothing gained
Yes, No, Maybe?

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