Topic: What Pivotal Change Has Occured
tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/15/07 04:25 AM
kat your makin' me cry quit it.....Prays for all in this post.

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:12 AM
Sorrreeeeee. Not meaning too.

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:05 PM
oooooooooooooo nene so sorry

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:10 PM
You are all very strong women.flowerforyou flowerforyou

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:11 PM

fanta, any pivots?

Fanta46's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:15 PM
Their on a thread some where babe, I try not to dwell on them.
You guys are my hero's.....flowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:16 PM
(((( Fanta ))))) flowerforyou

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:32 PM

hello lamomflowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:35 PM
Hello ((((Tulip))))) flowerforyou

Meeshep's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:41 PM
(((((everyone)))))) I do appreciate everyone sharing their story's. I
know it's not something easily said.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:56 PM

Know what? No matter what has happened.. it did, and I learned.
No, not all the lessons were welcome at the time, lol.
Yet, still got through it... scarred, damaged...but still...

I still say I had a guardian watching me, and helping. So many times I
should have gone in my mind...

And, tell truth? Sometimes I'm just too damned tired to care
It's temporary. As we all are...

Today I am.

Don't be sorry, hon. We all have our tales, yes?

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/15/07 12:59 PM
true nene ty

and mesheep ya ok?

Meeshep's photo
Sun 04/15/07 01:02 PM
Oh I have my good days and bad days just like anyone else....
Just wanted everyone to know I appreciated their story's.
On a brighter side, I have or rather someone has found me here on JSH
and everyday gets brighter and brighter for me.happy

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/15/07 01:04 PM
so glad mesheepflowerforyou

Modius's photo
Sun 04/15/07 01:08 PM
meeting, my daughter's mother, then her death in Feb 2005

slikylisa's photo
Sun 04/15/07 01:10 PM
the murder of my 11 month old grandson and the pain of knowing i could
have prevented it if i had just for once in my life been not too busy to
do what i should have done
since that time i have changed my life for the better i walked away from
an 18 year relationship moved away from my kids and the only life i ever
knew. i hid away from the world and let the darkness overcome me till
one day i was reading the forums at a certain place it was a topic about
angels and i saw so many people from all over the world have a single
bond on one subject it moved me so much i became an active poster in
those forums and found some of the greatest friends i ve ever known most
of them are here now and i thank God we were all able to come to this
place to keep
our light shinning after being outcast from the home where we all
gathered every day. Yall all know who you are i just want to remind you
how you all have helped me laff thru my tears flowerforyou

tantalizingtulip's photo
Sun 04/15/07 01:47 PM
lisa thank you and you deserve the best.

don't settle for less than that.flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :cry:

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 04/15/07 01:50 PM
Lisa, our hearts heal. But the mind, it takes some work, doesn't it?
That is what I feel about being part of forums where I made friends.
They have been more help to me than any one of them will ever know.
Keep your light shining Lisa.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Sun 04/15/07 01:52 PM
while I'm happy you found a place to come to, Lisa...And, I am happy you
found some peace, and love...


God did not bring me here...And, actually has nada to do with it...

That's life. And, man the changes can be hard.

The last time I was afraid. I mean terrified, was when my ex had
visitations after my daughter and I were relocated. I did my part by law
as per courts...
Every weekend, after I met him in a public place so she could go spend
time with him, he made a spectacle, and I had calls from her via cell
phone trapped in his struck. I never knew if she was going to come
back... all the while listening to him screaming with rage at her while
driving, and not being able to get away...

Sometimes the law sucks. And, sometimes there are sneaky loopholes...

I will never go through that, nor allow it to happen again.

Sometimes it is just ourselves we have. No "God", no help. Alone.

Marie55's photo
Sun 04/15/07 02:06 PM
Fanta, I have read your story, and you have been through hell yourself.
You have dealt with a lot in your life too, and are a good person. Take