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Topic: Loyalty...Extinct or over-rated?
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Sun 12/14/08 01:37 PM
My friends all know that I posses a fierce brand of loyalty...which is sometimes very hard to live with.

How much are you willing to put up with to be "loyal" to a friend?

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:38 PM
I have secrets that I will be taking to the grave

AllenAqua's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:39 PM
I'm loyal also. Sometimes to a fault.

no photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:40 PM
some of us (my firends and I).....would actually....

die for each other........

robert1652's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:41 PM
I have learnt that in life one need to only rely on one's self and extreme of anything is not healthy for anyone. flowerforyou
Loyalty is one of such things. flowers

Jess642's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:46 PM

Or 'Controlling'?

Loyalty does not come with conditions.

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:46 PM

My friends all know that I posses a fierce brand of loyalty...which is sometimes very hard to live with.

How much are you willing to put up with to be "loyal" to a friend?

I have driven all night to help a stranded freind! If I call you freind I am there to back you up no matter what! even if it means going to jail or the hospital or a chance that I might get killed.

AllenAqua's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:48 PM
Well... I wouldn't give my life up for anyone, short of my own children. I have served in the military and so I was at some degree of risk. I served honorably but even then I'm not sure that I'd of jumped on any handgrenades or anything. As far as friends go, I am loyal in so much that they can depend on my confidentiality, but if I feel they aren't respecting themselves or me, I tend to back away.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:52 PM
I'm too freaking nice!frustrated laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:54 PM

I'm too freaking nice!frustrated laugh
laugh something like thatlaugh

Goofball73's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:56 PM

I'm too freaking nice!frustrated laugh
laugh something like thatlaugh

But I can be a smart ass. I am learning from Mirror.laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:57 PM


Or 'Controlling'?

Loyalty does not come with conditions.

What does Loyalty have to do with Control? Sometimes, I feel, you can be too loyal...& when it becomes a detriment to your self-preservation, you may have to let go...

GuardianAngelMan's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:57 PM
The Precious gifts of friendship... knowing the heart of another, sharing one's heart with another. :smile:

tat2dnurse's photo
Sun 12/14/08 01:58 PM

My friends all know that I posses a fierce brand of loyalty...which is sometimes very hard to live with.

How much are you willing to put up with to be "loyal" to a friend?

If I have to "put up" with a friend, then is he or she truly a friend or someone I simply tolerate? When it reaches the point of having to put up with someone, something is seriously wrong with the friendship. My "loyalty" in that aspect, belongs in telling them they're being an azz and to be honest, I don't see it as loyalty but rather, as I mentioned earlier, toleration.

My friends and family though, know that if they need me, regardless of the reason (even if they're being stupid and in a situation they should have avoided), I will be there for them if possible.

The only time I refuse to "help" a friend, is when two friends of mine who don't get along, try to put me in the middle of their issues. They're on their own then, and they know it.

betsybubbles's photo
Sun 12/14/08 02:02 PM

My friends all know that I posses a fierce brand of loyalty...which is sometimes very hard to live with.

How much are you willing to put up with to be "loyal" to a friend?

betsybubbles's photo
Sun 12/14/08 02:10 PM
My best friend of 30 years messed with my ex-husband. My mother took my money.My ex-husband slept around. Loyal to my kids only. Someone would have to realy prove themselves.

scoundrel's photo
Sun 12/14/08 02:37 PM
Let's not confuse loyalty with fidelity, holiness, or other terms. A dog is loyal, but it's just a dog, and guys aren't all that much lower than dogs when nature calls.

I am loyal, and I do not expect a friend to wear a halo and be above human weaknesses. If it were otherwise, then it would be self-deceiving and self-defeating.

artcat's photo
Sun 12/14/08 03:03 PM

My best friend of 30 years messed with my ex-husband. My mother took my money.My ex-husband slept around. Loyal to my kids only. Someone would have to realy prove themselves.

How truly awful! Don't allow her disloyalty to rob you of your own desire to be a loyal friend. You know when someone is deserving of your loyalty. I'm sure your friend was for most of those 30 years or how could you have remained friends for so long? flowerforyou

no photo
Sun 12/14/08 03:41 PM
So...if a friend is out chasing tail & breaks solid plans with that forgivable?

This happened to me over the weekend & I'm torn over how to feel about it. Do I remain "loyal" & forgive this transgression...? I'm feeling very disillusioned about our so-called friendship, now...

jdcolvin's photo
Sun 12/14/08 03:49 PM
before my sons came along I had brothers I would and did place my life in danger for but my sons are the only ones left I would actually die for and sons include the grandson

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